Where did you find in LZ's post "in order to go to US school. Consequently, this student got offer after graduation.."? Or you think you can do as a supplemental to LZ's post? If nobody has mentioned the interesting experience after his graduation from CKGSB, I will believe that his final degree is CKGSB MBA. Why he wanted to gain another degree exactly shows that current degree is not enough for top ibank. You know it is Columbia university, in LZ's post, even such a reputable school is not being mentioned. Do you think it is not misleading? what is your logic? 祝贺长江MBA2004级同学加入美林纽约总部 最新消息:长江MBA2004级同学Summer在正式毕业半年内,成功加入美林(Merrill Lynch)纽约总部,从事固定收益领域工作。 长江MBA在仅有两届毕业生的较短时间(2003年创办至今不过四年时间)内,毕业生即实现在国际性投资银行总部工作的阶段性成果,可喜可贺! 作为长江MBA的校友,我衷心希望今后有更多的长江学子在职业发展上获得历史性的突破。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 14:45:00编辑过] |