jojo, 重听你的录音。觉得你的delivery很流畅, 语速也快,内容翔实,衔接联贯。 In short, delivery is fluent,comfortable and coherent. 语法和词汇也准确也有深度。这点奠定了20+的基础。 关于clear, 请听第一句;" I think the best way for students to relax is to have some exerercise, as such as play basketball, play football, play tennis and so on so forth. And reasons are ... 元音要要咬准,如 e ei,关于语调,我是从划线部分听出粤语的节奏的,以前常和香港同事一起做项目,所以对他们的英语较熟悉。hehe, 表介意。 我想可能北美和国内的评分略有差异,摘录我的口语评价供参考:For most part, your speech is clear and easy to understand. However, some problems with pronunciation and intonation may occasionally cause difficult for the listener. 很奇怪吧,我的美国朋友经常说我的accent在foreigner中very slight,我们交流没什么障碍呀。 我查了几个学校的口语要求,duke and virginia both require 22, pennesylvanis 23. 真受不了,真想从听力和阅读上拉3分,看来真得重考了。 所以,我想,你的reading, listening, writing绝对超强,奠定了N分的基础,口语用不着太高,只要有22-23就行了,你没问题,pass了! |