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楼主: sinoversion
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[梦之队日记] 2006年11月队备考交流基地

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-5 22:30:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用期待蔚蓝在2006-10-5 22:14:00的发言:


发表于 2006-10-5 22:35:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用sinoversion在2006-10-5 22:30:00的发言:


 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-5 22:45:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用期待蔚蓝在2006-10-5 22:35:00的发言:





发表于 2006-10-6 10:41:00 | 只看该作者



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-6 11:11:12编辑过]
发表于 2006-10-6 11:08:00 | 只看该作者


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-6 11:10:13编辑过]
发表于 2006-10-6 13:06:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lysluo在2006-10-6 10:41:00的发言:










发表于 2006-10-6 13:46:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lysluo在2006-10-6 10:41:00的发言:






发表于 2006-10-6 14:08:00 | 只看该作者

我在点兵里面报名了不过现在名单里还没有我...我是新来的。 ..虽然晚了点,但是希望和大家一起好好复习!!!~~~~




发表于 2006-10-7 19:04:00 | 只看该作者

今天做了TTGWD-4 非常烂 让我郁闷了一路 阅读和逻辑加在一起也没对几个 唉 和我半个多月没碰逻辑有关 看来可真不敢停啊

今天晚上 把ttgwd-4好好总结总结




关于阅读 就不明白了 向og上的长文章 大概7题左右 大家都多长时间完成 我是15-17min 虽然错的不多 可是一做GWD露馅 时间也不够了 也作不对了

发表于 2006-10-7 19:48:00 | 只看该作者


1. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep from being stolen by invaders.

(A)              to keep from

(B)              to keep it from

(C)             to avoid

(D)             in order that it would avoid

(E)              in order to keep from


In choice A, the phrase from
                being stolen lacks the necessary noun or pronoun that specifies what it is that might be stolen. Choice B is best because it provides the pronoun it, which refers to chalice. Like choice A, choices C and E lack the pronoun. D is wordy and awkward in its use of the passive voice. Moreover, avoid is used imprecisely in C and D because it illogically suggests that the chalice is acting to prevent its own theft.

大全解释:1)to keep it from可理解为in order to keep it from, 这样to keep的逻辑主语可与主句的主语不一致。

D is wordy and awkward in its use of the passive voice. the passive voice
是指在in order that it would avoid这种结构中的being stolen, 区别与A,B,C,E结构中的being stolen

3) avoid being done大多可认为错, og所说可能产生错误意思。

例:The school’s charter cannot be modified in order to avoid its being violated.(大全CR)

这里补出了its, 避免了歧义。这里avoid的主语不被认为是charter而是隐含的如:

The school’s charter cannot be modified (by sb.)in order to (sb.) avoid its being violated.

如果省去itsavoid doingdoing的逻辑主语要和avoid的主语一致,这样就会被认为是charter avoid being violated造成歧义。本题同理。

疑问:in order to to的区别,还有in order to 后面的动词是主语发出的,to后面的应该也是,为什么“to keep it from可理解为in order to keep it from, 这样to keep的逻辑主语可与主句的主语不一致

                        If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, it increases the likelihood that the impact of a single crop disease or pest will be disastrous.

(A) If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, it

(B) If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, as is fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, it

(C) A practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, a single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area

(D) A single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,E

(E) The use of single strain of plant for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,

Choice A is faulty because the pronoun it and the appositive a practice each lack a noun referent. Nor are there logical referents in choice B for as is and it. Choice C entails a false appositive: the sentence now says that the single strain of plant is itself a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, not that the use of a single strain is such a practice. Choice D reverses the order of the constructions, but the appositive remains illogical. Choice E is correct: use is the proper subject for the verb increases and a logical governing noun for the appositive practice. This question is of middle difficulty.

B选项中说as指代错误,我查字典说asthe fact that,我想问一下as的代词的用法,一直很迷惑,谢谢

34.   To read of Abigail Adams’ lengthy separation from her family, her difficult travels, and her constant battles with illness is to feel intensely how harsh life was even for the so-called aristocracy of Revolutionary times.

(A) To read of

(B) Reading about

(C) Having read about

(D) Once one reads ofA

(E) To have read of

Choice A is correct because the sentence must begin with a verb form that completes the construction To… is to feel. Each of the other choices breaks the parallelism in some way, and B and C substitute about for of, the preferred preposition here. E begins with To, but have read creates a disjunction of tenses by placing the action of reading in the past while to feel is still in the present. The question is of middle difficulty.

请教一下,read of read about之间的区别,在我的词典者两个意思是一样的。

1.      A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian work force.

 (A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase

(B) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five percent

(C) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirty-five percent

(D) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percentD

(E) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirty-five percent increase

OG给的解释是:Because a count of women employed outside the home at any given time will be expressed by a single number, the use of the plural noun numbers in choices A, B, and C is illogical.

我想问的是在朗文中numbers的解释是:plural]how many people there are, especially people attending an event or doing an activity together我觉得用在这里也没有问题啊。请大家指点或者共同讨论一下

2.      According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.

(A) like that of earlier generations

(B) as that for earlier generations

(C) just as earlier generations did

(D) as have earlier generationsE

(E) as it was of earlier generations

请问,it 在同一句话中不是应该指代相同的成分吗?


3.      Although it was expected that workers under forty would show hostility to the plan, the research report indicates that both younger and the older people approve of governmental appropriations for Social Security.

(A) younger and the older people

(B) younger people and the older

(C) the younger and the older people

(D) younger and older peopleD

(E) people who are younger and those who are older

the: used before two comparative adjectives or adverbs to show that eg: the degree of one event or situation is related to the degree of another one

eg: The more he eats the fatter he gets. 'When do you want it?' 'The sooner the better.'

The有一种用法是在两者之间做比较是表示一方比另一方怎么样时用于比较级的,我觉得这道题很应该用the Younger and the older people,后面的the 不修饰people ,修饰older.


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