89. a and b are intergers, is a/b terminated decimal? 1) a =5^r r is integer 2)b = 2^s s is integer answer: B [讨论] 条件1:不能确定分母是不是个能整除的数。所以,不可以 条件2:分母是2^s,2是个可以整除的数。所以,可以。 90. n represents integers from 1 to 60, what is the probability that n(n+1)(n+2) is divisiable by 6? A) 1/2 B) 1/3 ......... E) 1/6 answer: 100% (题目好像有问题) [讨论] 将6分解成2*3,n(n+1)(n+2) 任意三个连续整数的乘积都可以被3整除。所以,这道题就看一下n(n+1)(n+2) 能不能被2整除就可以。n(n+1)(n+2) 肯定可以被2整除。所以,n取任意数都无所谓。答案是1。 91. what is the remainder of 3^24/5? answer: 1 [讨论] 3^n的尾数循环式3,9,7,1。24可以被4整除,说明3^24位数是1,so,3^24/5的余数是1。