以下是引用zhaoyak7在2006-8-6 12:21:00的发言:(四)评价题 1、有evidence和conclusion,答案是已经存在的evidence的扩大化或缩小化等评价性描述 偶对这点理解可能和楼主有所不同。从这句总结来看,感觉楼主描述的扩大化或缩小化是一种量的状态,而评价题是一种质的评价,对选项的肯定或否定回答将对原文起到加强或削弱的作用,即双向的,如果回答是,则“加强”,如果回答“否”,则削弱。比如“公共牧场和私人牧场”那道题,评价的基础就是“两种地的初始状态是否一致”,回答“是”,表示初始状态一致,题目据此得出的结论有效,即现在的肥沃程度可比;回答“否”,说明初始状态不一致,无法据此进行正确的比较。 请指正。 这里的扩大化或缩小化是一种量的状态,而这种量实际是一个结论的前提的有效性的判断,我们都知道任何真命题,都会有一个范围限定,这个范围限定的大小、多少,这种变化往往就是评价的一个前提。 比如说牧场这道题,它的evidence,即前提是一个调查的结果,是一个前提,那么评价的方法就是判断这个调查是否具有科学性,是否合理,毫无疑问,他们的初始状态是这个调查的一个范围的限定。同样的,我还可以说,是不是调查的样本能代表当地情况?是不是调查的方法得当?这些范围都是影响调查那个前提的正确性与否的东西。 当然,评价题的答案的两面性,一定会对结论有加强或削弱的作用,但这样需要每个答案都判断一遍,不够简洁。 更好的方法是,直接寻找提干的evidence,然后确定它的可能限定范围,然后去答案里找吻合这个范围的答案,会快一些。 以这道题为例说明 Q40: GWD-4-20 Community activist: If Morganville wants to keep its central shopping district healthy, it should prevent the opening of a huge SaveAll discount department store on the outskirts of Morganville. Records from other small towns show that whenever SaveAll has opened a store outside the central shopping district of a small town, within five years the town has experienced the bankruptcies of more than a quarter of the stores in the shopping district.
The answer to which of the following would be most useful for evaluating the community activist’s reasoning?
- Have community activists in other towns successfully campaigned against the opening of a SaveAll store on the outskirts of their towns?
- Do a large percentage of the residents of Morganville currently do almost all of their shopping at stores in Morganville?
- In towns with healthy central shopping districts, what proportion of the stores in those districts suffer bankruptcy during a typical five-year period?
- What proportion of the employees at the SaveAll store on the outskirts of Morganville will be drawn from Morganville?
- Do newly opened SaveAll stores ever lose money during their first five years of operation?
这道题的evidence是根据记录,5年来一个街区的商店大都倒闭了。这是一份调查,答案就可以直接去寻找和这个调查有关联,并且确保这个调查无误的答案。A,和调查无关,排除,B,讲居民,和调查无关,C,讲其他地区商店倒闭的情况,间接和调查总结的原因进行对比,完善了调查的可靠性,D,讲雇员,和调查无关,E,讲利润,和调查无关。所以选C |