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揽瓜阁训练营 第149天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-6-13 07:17:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
前大家对揽瓜阁精读的反馈很好,就想着自己的时间开始把一些精读的文章根据JJ出题目~ 然后focus上线,IR需求 大家也大。就想着 把揽瓜阁的阅读 逻辑 IR 都放在这贴里打卡


IR题源: 往届鸡精改编



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1.留学+考试 最新消息 关注妥妥妥了 (小红书号:323014154)
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A species of tropical rainforest frogs typically lay their eggs in temporary pools. However, due to deforestation, these frogs now have to lay their eggs in man-made permanent grassland pools. Researchers have found that despite the persistence of grassland pools, the survival rate of frog eggs is still higher in tropical rainforest pools than in grassland pools. Which of the following, if true, best explains this phenomenon?
(A) The number of predators in grassland pools is usually higher than in tropical rainforest pools because grassland pools exist for a longer time.
(B) The water temperature and pH levels in tropical rainforest pools are more conducive to the development of frog eggs, while the water quality conditions in grassland pools are less stable.
(C) Frogs instinctively prefer the temporary pool environments frequently used by their ancestors when choosing spawning sites.
(D) Grassland pools have fewer algae and plankton, leading to a shortage of food sources for frog larvae and a decrease in survival rates.
(E) Compared to temporary pools, frogs laying eggs in permanent pools are more likely to encounter competition and interference from other species.

The local government is planning to impose a substantial tax on the soft drink industry. Opponents argue that once the tax is levied, the soft drink industry will collapse because local soft drink manufacturers are mostly small-scale factories with low profitability. The government contends that the tax will help reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and improve public health.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the opponents' argument?
(A) The soft drink industry is already subject to significant taxation, and additional taxes would further strain its profitability.
(B) The demand for soft drinks is highly price-sensitive, and even a small increase in prices could lead to a sharp decline in sales.
(C) The majority of the local soft drink factories have been in operation for more than two decades and have established loyal customer bases.
(D) The government has not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the proposed tax will effectively reduce the consumption of sugary drinks.
(E) The soft drink industry has been actively investing in the development of healthier beverage options to cater to the growing health-conscious market.


2.Excavations have revealed that Göbekli Tepe was constructed in two stages. The oldest structures belong to what archaeologists call the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic A period, which ended around 9000 B.C. Strangely enough, the later remains, which date to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period, or about 8000 B.C., are less elaborate. The earliest levels contain most of the T-shaped pillars and animal sculptures.

Archaeologist Klaus Schmidt downplays extravagant spiritual interpretations of Göbekli Tepe, such as the idea, made popular in the press, that the site is the inspiration for the Biblical Garden of Eden. But he does agree that it was a sanctuary of profound significance in the Neolithic world. He sees it as a key site in understanding the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture, and from tribal to regional religion.

Schmidt and his colleagues estimate that at least 500 people were required to hew the 10- to 50-ton stone pillars from local quarries, move them from as far as a quarter-mile away, and erect them. How did Stone Age people achieve the level of organization necessary to do this? Hauptmann speculates that an elite class of religious leaders supervised the work and later controlled the rituals that took place at the site. If so, this would be the oldest known evidence for a priestly caste--much earlier than when social distinctions became evident at other Near Eastern sites.

Before the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, archaeologists believed that societies in the early Neolithic were organized into small bands of hunter-gatherers and that the first complex religious practices were developed by groups that had already mastered agriculture. Scholars thought that the earliest monumental architecture was possible only after agriculture provided Neolithic people with food surpluses, freeing them from a constant focus on day-to-day survival. A site of unbelievable artistry and intricate detail, Göbekli Tepe has turned this theory on its head.

Schmidt believes the people who created these massive and enigmatic structures came from great distances. It seems certain that once pilgrims reached Göbekli Tepe, they made animal sacrifices. Schmidt and his team have found the bones of wild animals, including gazelles, red deer, boars, goats, sheep, and oxen, plus a dozen different bird species, such as vultures and ducks, scattered around the site. Most of these animals are depicted in the sculptures and reliefs at the site.

1. The passage suggests that the discovery of Göbekli Tepe has had which of the following effects on the understanding of early Neolithic societies?
(A) It has confirmed the previously held belief that complex religious practices were developed only after the advent of agriculture and the establishment of permanent settlements.
(B) It has called into question the idea that the organization and coordination necessary for the construction of monumental architecture were dependent on the existence of food surpluses and a hierarchical social structure.
(C) It has provided evidence that the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture was a gradual process that occurred over several millennia, rather than a relatively rapid shift as previously thought.
(D) It has challenged the notion that early Neolithic societies were egalitarian and lacked social stratification, suggesting instead that they may have had a priestly caste that supervised large-scale construction projects and controlled religious rituals.
(E) It has undermined the theory that the development of agriculture was the primary driving force behind the emergence of complex religious practices and monumental architecture in the early Neolithic period, indicating that these cultural developments may have preceded the adoption of farming.

2. Based on the information presented in the passage, which of the following hypotheses about the purpose and function of Göbekli Tepe is best supported by archaeological evidence?
(A) The site served primarily as a burial ground for elite members of early Neolithic society, and the monumental architecture and elaborate animal sculptures were created to honor and commemorate the deceased.
(B) The complex was used as an astronomical observatory, with the stone pillars and circular structures aligned to track the movements of celestial bodies and mark important seasonal changes.
(C) Göbekli Tepe was a center of trade and commerce, where people from different regions gathered to exchange goods, share knowledge, and participate in religious ceremonies.
(D) The site functioned as a sanctuary of great spiritual significance, where pilgrims from distant lands congregated to engage in religious rituals, offer animal sacrifices, and venerate a pantheon of deities represented by the animal sculptures and reliefs.
(E) Göbekli Tepe was a fortified settlement that served as a military stronghold and a symbol of political power, with the monumental architecture designed to intimidate rivals and assert control over the surrounding region.

3. The passage indicates that the animal bones discovered at Göbekli Tepe were primarily the remains of:
(A) Domesticated livestock that were raised and slaughtered by the people who occupied the site, suggesting that animal husbandry and agriculture were already well-established in the region during the early Neolithic period.
(B) Extinct species that once inhabited the area but were driven to extinction by overhunting and habitat destruction, providing insight into the environmental impact of early human settlements.
(C) Wild game that were hunted and consumed by the people who built and used the site, including a wide variety of species such as gazelles, red deer, boars, goats, sheep, oxen, and birds.
(D) Animals that were revered as sacred by the early Neolithic people and were carefully selected for ritual sacrifices based on their spiritual significance and symbolic associations.
(E) Migratory species that were hunted seasonally by the people who gathered at Göbekli Tepe, indicating that the site was used as a temporary hunting camp rather than a permanent settlement.

4. According to the passage, the discovery of Göbekli Tepe has challenged which of the following assumptions about the relationship between agriculture and the development of complex societies in the early Neolithic period?
(A) That the adoption of agriculture was a necessary precondition for the emergence of social stratification and the rise of elite classes such as religious leaders and rulers.
(B) That the development of agriculture led to a decline in the importance of hunting and gathering as a means of subsistence, and that this shift had a profound impact on social organization and religious practices.
(C) That the surplus food generated by agriculture was the primary source of wealth and power in early Neolithic societies, and that this surplus was controlled and redistributed by elite members of society.
(D) That the construction of monumental architecture and the development of complex religious practices were only possible in societies that had achieved a certain level of agricultural productivity and food security.
(E) That the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture was a universal and inevitable process that followed a similar trajectory in all early Neolithic societies, regardless of their specific environmental, cultural, and social contexts.

5. The author's description of the two stages of construction at Göbekli Tepe serves primarily to:
(A) Emphasize the remarkable continuity in architectural style and religious practices at the site over a period of more than a thousand years, despite significant changes in the surrounding social and cultural landscape.
(B) Highlight the evolutionary nature of the site's development, with the earlier structures representing a more primitive and rudimentary phase of construction, and the later structures showcasing more advanced techniques and sophisticated designs.
(C) Suggest that the site's function and significance may have shifted over time, with the earlier structures serving a primarily religious or ceremonial purpose, and the later structures being adapted for more practical or utilitarian uses.
(D) Indicate that the construction of the site was likely carried out by different groups of people with distinct cultural traditions and architectural styles, rather than by a single, cohesive community with a shared vision and purpose.
(E) Raise questions about the chronology and dating of the site, implying that the two stages of construction may not have been as clearly separated in time as previously thought, and that the site's history may be more complex and multifaceted than currently understood

6. Based on the passage, which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the animal sculptures and reliefs found at Göbekli Tepe and the faunal remains discovered at the site?
(A) The sculptures and reliefs were probably created as purely decorative or artistic elements, bearing no direct relation to the animals that were actually hunted and consumed by the people who used the site.
(B) The depicted animals were likely chosen for their symbolic or mythological significance, representing deities, spirits, or other supernatural beings that were worshipped or venerated by the early Neolithic people.
(C) The sculptures and reliefs may have served as a sort of "hunting magic," intended to ensure success in the hunt and abundance of game animals, as evidenced by the close correspondence between the depicted species and the actual faunal remains.
(D) The presence of certain species in the artwork, such as vultures and other birds of prey, suggests that the people who created the sculptures and reliefs had a sophisticated understanding of the ecological relationships between different animals and their roles in the natural world.
(E) The co-occurrence of the sculptures and reliefs with the faunal remains supports the interpretation of Göbekli Tepe as a site where animal sacrifices were performed as part of religious rituals, with the artwork serving to commemorate or honor the sacrificed animals.

7. The passage suggests that the discovery of Göbekli Tepe has had important implications for our understanding of the development of religion in the early Neolithic period. Which of the following pieces of evidence from the passage best supports this claim?
(A) The fact that the site was constructed in two distinct stages, with the earlier structures being more elaborate and ornate than the later ones, indicating a possible shift in religious practices or beliefs over time.
(B) The presence of a wide variety of animal bones at the site, including both wild game and birds, which suggests that the people who used the site had a diverse and complex set of subsistence practices that may have been influenced by their religious beliefs.
(C) The suggestion by archaeologist Klaus Schmidt that the site may have been a sanctuary of great spiritual significance, where people from distant lands gathered to participate in religious rituals and ceremonies.
(D) The speculation by some researchers that the site may have been built and controlled by an elite class of religious leaders, indicating the emergence of a hierarchical social structure based on religious authority.
(E) The fact that the site predates the advent of agriculture and settled village life in the region, challenging the notion that complex religious practices and beliefs only emerged after the development of these key Neolithic innovations.

8. The author's discussion of the theories and interpretations surrounding Göbekli Tepe serves which of the following functions in the passage as a whole?
(A) It provides a detailed and comprehensive account of the current state of scientific knowledge about the site, highlighting the areas of consensus and disagreement among researchers and the key questions that remain unanswered.
(B) It emphasizes the revolutionary and paradigm-shifting nature of the discovery, arguing that Göbekli Tepe fundamentally alters our understanding of the early Neolithic period and the origins of human civilization.
(C) It offers a cautionary tale about the limitations and pitfalls of archaeological interpretation, illustrating how the same evidence can be used to support vastly different and even contradictory hypotheses about the past.
(D) It situates the discovery of Göbekli Tepe within the broader context of the history of archaeology, showing how the site challenges long-held assumptions and biases within the field and forces researchers to reconsider established theories and narratives.
(E) It highlights the ongoing nature of archaeological research and the need for further investigation and analysis, suggesting that much remains to be learned about Göbekli Tepe and its place in the larger story of human cultural evolution.
答案: (E)
分析: 文章提到,Göbekli Tepe的发现动摇了考古学家之前的理论,即认为只有在农业发展后才出现复杂的宗教实践和纪念碑建筑。这表明,这些文化发展可能先于农业的出现。
答案: (D)
分析: 文章提到,考古证据表明Göbekli Tepe可能是一个具有重大精神意义的圣殿,朝圣者从远方来到这里参加宗教仪式,献祭动物,并崇拜由动物雕塑和浮雕所代表的神灵。
答案: (C)
分析: 文章指出,在Göbekli Tepe发现的动物骨骼主要是野生动物的遗骸,包括各种物种如瞪羚、赤鹿、野猪、山羊、绵羊、牛和鸟类。
答案: (D)
分析: 文章表明,Göbekli Tepe的发现挑战了这样一种假设,即纪念碑建筑的建造和复杂宗教实践的发展只有在社会达到一定水平的农业生产力和粮食安全后才有可能实现。
答案: (C)
分析: 作者描述Göbekli Tepe的两个建造阶段,主要是为了表明该遗址的功能和重要性可能随时间而改变,早期结构主要用于宗教或仪式目的,而后期结构则被改造用于更实际或功能性的用途。
答案: (E)
分析: 文章表明,在Göbekli Tepe发现的雕塑、浮雕与动物遗骸共同出现,支持了这样一种解释,即Göbekli Tepe是一个进行动物祭祀的宗教仪式场所,艺术品用来纪念或崇拜被祭祀的动物。
答案: (E)
分析: 文章提到,Göbekli Tepe的发现表明,复杂的宗教实践和信仰可能在农业和定居村庄生活出现之前就已经存在,这挑战了人们的既定观念,即复杂的宗教实践和信仰只有在这些新石器时代的重大创新发展之后才出现。
答案: (D)
分析: 作者讨论围绕Göbekli Tepe的理论和解释,将这一发现置于考古学历史的更广泛背景中,表明该遗址如何挑战该领域长期以来的假设和偏见,并迫使研究人员重新考虑已有的理论和叙述。

EA Sports, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, is a world-renowned developer and publisher of sports-themed video games. With a portfolio spanning multiple popular franchises such as FIFA, Madden NFL, NBA Live, and NHL, the company has consistently delivered immersive and realistic gaming experiences to millions of players worldwide.

In an effort to maintain its competitive edge and expand its offerings, EA Sports has announced a major recruitment drive aimed at bolstering its workforce across two critical divisions: game design and software engineering. The company seeks to onboard a total of 120 new employees, with an equal split between the two roles. Candidates are required to select and apply for only one of the two positions.

The requirements for the game designer position are as follows:
- A minimum of five years' experience as a software engineer within EA Sports, with a proven track record of contributing to the successful launch of at least three high-profile game titles.
- A comprehensive portfolio showcasing expertise in game mechanics, level design, and user experience optimization, with a particular emphasis on sports-related projects.
- A bachelor's degree in game design, computer science, or a closely related field from a top-tier university, with a strong preference for candidates who have pursued additional specializations or certifications in game development.
- Proficiency in industry-standard game engines such as Unreal Engine and Unity, as well as a deep understanding of scripting languages like Lua and Python.
- Exceptional creativity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively within cross-functional teams.

The requirements for the software engineer position are as follows:
- A master's degree or higher in computer science, software engineering, or a related technical field from a prestigious institution.
- A minimum of six years' experience in game development, with at least four years spent in a senior or leadership role overseeing the implementation of complex game features and systems.
- Mastery of multiple programming languages, including C++, C#, and Java, coupled with a strong foundation in software architecture, design patterns, and optimization techniques.
- Familiarity with advanced game development concepts such as multiplayer networking, physics simulations, and artificial intelligence.
- A track record of mentoring and guiding junior developers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the team.
- Candidates who have previously applied for any position at EA Sports within the last 18 months are ineligible for consideration.

To assess the suitability of candidates, EA Sports conducted a rigorous evaluation process. A total of 600 applications were received, out of which 35% were found to not meet the minimum criteria outlined for each role. The remaining candidates were then subjected to a comprehensive technical assessment, tailored specifically to their chosen position.

For the game designer role, the assessment included a series of design challenges, where candidates were required to conceptualize and prototype innovative gameplay mechanics and levels based on a given set of parameters. The software engineer assessment, on the other hand, focused on evaluating the candidates' coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with EA Sports' proprietary game engines and development tools.

Upon completion of the technical assessments, it was determined that for every game designer vacancy, there were five qualified candidates, while for each software engineer vacancy, there were four qualified candidates.

The next stage of the selection process involved a panel interview, conducted by a committee of nine senior executives and industry experts from various departments within EA Sports. To be considered for the final selection, each candidate had to secure the endorsement of at least seven panel members, ensuring that only the most exceptional talent would be chosen to join the company's ranks.

After an exhaustive interview process, the final merit list was compiled, revealing that all 120 vacancies had been successfully filled, with an equal number of game designers and software engineers making the cut. Among the notable hires were Sophia, a game designer with an impressive portfolio of award-winning sports game titles, and Liam, a software engineer renowned for his groundbreaking work in developing advanced AI algorithms for player behavior simulation.

1. Based on the information provided, approximately how many candidates were shortlisted for the technical assessment phase?
(A) 210
(B) 300
(C) 390
(D) 420

2. If 30% of the selected game designers possessed experience working on virtual reality (VR) sports games, how many game designers were hired who did not have this experience?
(A) 28
(B) 35
(C) 42
(D) 49

3. What is the ratio of the number of qualified candidates per vacancy for game designers to that of software engineers?
(A) 4:5
(B) 5:4
(C) 6:5
(D) 5:6

4. Suppose that during the interview process, it was discovered that 25% of the shortlisted game designer candidates and 20% of the shortlisted software engineer candidates had been involved in the development of sports-themed mobile games. How many candidates in total had this specific experience?
(A) 66
(B) 78
(C) 90
(D) 102

5. If the average years of experience for the selected software engineers is 8 years, and the most experienced hire has 12 years of experience, what is the minimum possible years of experience for a selected software engineer, assuming a whole number of years?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7

6. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the given information?
(A) All selected game designers had previously worked on EA Sports' FIFA franchise.
(B) The number of qualified game designer candidates was greater than the number of qualified software engineer candidates.
(C) Some candidates who met the initial criteria were not selected after the interview process.
(D) The technical assessment for game designers had a higher pass rate than that for software engineers.

7. If EA Sports decides to increase the number of game designer vacancies by 20% and decrease the number of software engineer vacancies by 10%, how many total vacancies would the company have?
(A) 120
(B) 126
(C) 132
(D) 138

8. Suppose that in addition to the existing requirements, EA Sports introduces a new criterion for software engineers: they must have contributed to the development of at least one esports title. If this requirement had been in place during the initial selection process, and 30% of the selected software engineers would not have met this criterion, how many software engineers would have been hired?
(A) 35
(B) 38
(C) 42
(D) 45

9. If the panel interview had required unanimous approval from all nine members for a candidate to be selected, and 40% of the game designer finalists and 35% of the software engineer finalists would have been rejected under this condition, how many total vacancies would have remained unfilled?
(A) 18
(B) 24
(C) 30
(D) 36

10. Among the selected game designers, 25% had experience working on racing games, 30% on sports simulation games, and the remaining on fantasy sports games. What is the difference between the number of designers with racing game experience and those with fantasy sports game experience?
(A) 3
(B) 6
(C) 9
(D) 12

(C) 390
解释:根据题干,共有600份申请,其中35%的申请人不满足最低要求。因此,满足要求并进入技术评估阶段的候选人数量为600 × (1 - 0.35) = 390人。
(C) 42
解释:根据题干,游戏设计师和软件工程师的职位数量相等,每个类别都有60个职位。如果30%的入选游戏设计师拥有虚拟现实(VR)体育游戏的经验,那么没有这种经验的游戏设计师人数为60 × (1 - 0.3) = 42人。
(B) 5:4
游戏设计师:60个职位 * 每个职位5名候选人 = 300名候选人
软件工程师:60个职位 * 每个职位4名候选人 = 240名候选人

游戏设计师:300名候选人 * 25% = 75名候选人
软件工程师:240名候选人 * 20% = 48名候选人

总数:75名候选人 + 48名候选人 = 123名候选

(C) 6
(12 + x + 58 × 8) ÷ 60 = 8
解方程可得x = 6,因此最低可能的经验年数为6年。
(C) 有些满足初始条件的候选人在面试过程后没有入选。
(C) 132
解释:游戏设计师职位增加20%,软件工程师职位减少10%。原本每个类别有60个职位,现在游戏设计师职位变为60 × 1.2 = 72个,软件工程师职位变为60 × 0.9 = 54个,总职位数为72 + 54 = 126个。
(C) 42
解释:如果30%的入选软件工程师不满足新增标准,那么满足所有标准的软件工程师人数为60 × (1 - 0.3) = 42人。
(D) 36
解释:如果需要所有九名成员一致同意才能入选,40%的游戏设计师候选人和35%的软件工程师候选人会被拒绝。原本每个类别有60个职位,现在入选的游戏设计师人数为60 × (1 - 0.4) = 36人,入选的软件工程师人数为60 × (1 - 0.35) = 39人。因此,总共会有60 - 36 + 60 - 39 = 45个职位空缺。
(D) 12
解释:在入选的游戏设计师中,25%有赛车游戏经验,30%有体育模拟游戏经验,其余45%有梦幻体育游戏经验。入选游戏设计师总数为60人,因此有赛车游戏经验的设计师人数为60 × 0.25 = 15人,有梦幻体育游戏经验的设计师人数为60 × 0.45 = 27人,两者之差为27 - 15 = 12人。

收藏收藏 收藏收藏
发表于 2024-6-13 09:18:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-13 09:43:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-13 12:45:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-6-13 13:20:28 | 只看该作者
Day149 CR


Day149 RC
1. E,第二段和倒数第二段,GT has turned this theory on its head.
2. D
3. C,最后一段
4. A,答案D,倒数第三段。
5. B,答案C,第一段
6. E
7. C,答案E
8. B,答案D

Day149 DI
1. C
2. C
3. B
4.答案错了, Interview 之前 Designer应该有300(=5*60),Eng应该有240(=4*60),最后得到123(=300*0.25+240*0.2)
5. A,答案C,这道题很棒,知道平均数和最大数,求可能的最小数。
6. C
7. B,答案C
8. C
9. 不懂,讲的是Panel review 需要9member通过,但是基数应该是300240.
10. A,答案D,答案错了,题目是25%30%
发表于 2024-6-13 15:34:36 | 只看该作者
正确答案:B (D说的是frog larvae,和frog egg是不同主体)


文章主旨:Klaus Schmidt有关哥贝克力石阵的新发现,主要结论是宗教文化的发展在农业形成之前,挑战了老观点认为只有农业发展使食物富足后才能发展宗教和文化。
定位第四段:Scholars thought that the earliest monumental architecture was possible only after agriculture provided Neolithic people with food surpluses, freeing them from a constant focus on day-to-day survival. A site of unbelievable artistry and intricate detail, Göbekli Tepe has turned this theory on its head.

发表于 2024-6-13 16:12:25 | 只看该作者
CR: 1A❌ B    2B
1在A和B之间纠结,更倾向于A,虽然A需要再做个假设(捕食者的数量多少影响蛙卵的存活率),但是感觉A”捕食者“从内容上要比B“水质能影响 development of frog eggs”更能解释为什么结论 survival rate of frog eggs is still higher in tropical rainforest ❌   B->选择假设最少的选项

B更好,B通过提到另一个负面影响decline in sales,加强结论soft drink industry will collapse ,相比A的加强就比较弱,只是在重复前提
发表于 2024-6-13 17:48:15 | 只看该作者
前提:grassland pool是永久的
结论:grassland pool的frog eggs存活率更低
B 水质,grassland pool水质不稳定
C 无关
D 食物
E 竞争

前提:small scale+low profitability—>结论:soft drink industry collapse
A 重复前提
B 补充gap;demand减少
C 方向相反,loyal customer不会导致industry collapse
D 反对政府的观点,指出政策达不到政府目的并不能加强opponents的结论
E 无关


C: 60*0.7
C 420*5/9*0.25+420*4/9*0.2 算不出来 C是最接近的
A 不懂 最小值可以很小吧
B 60*1.2+60*0.9
D 60*0.4+60*0.35 算不出来
发表于 2024-6-13 18:38:26 | 只看该作者
前提:grassland pool是永久的
结论:grassland pool的frog eggs存活率更低
A 错误 正确答案是B
B 水质,grassland pool水质不稳定
C 无关
D 食物
E 竞争

前提:small scale+low profitability—>结论:soft drink industry collapse
A 重复前提
B 补充gap;demand减少
C 方向相反,loyal customer不会导致industry collapse
D 反对政府的观点,指出政策达不到政府目的并不能加强opponents的结论
E 无关

turned this theory on its head颠覆理论
pilgrims 朝圣
enigmatic 难以理解的

第一段 GT的建造有两个阶段,都是新石器时代,第一阶段更elaborate
第三段 GT的建造需要搬运很多大石头,在新石器时代有宗教领袖的精英阶级监督了这份工作,如果这个猜想正确,这是最早证明阶级的证据
第四段 GT之前认为必须进入农业时代之后才会有复杂的宗教活动,GT颠覆了这个理论
第五段 建造GT的人来自远方,朝圣者来GT会献祭动物,GT遗址有很多动物残骸,大部分动物在GT有雕塑或者浮雕
1. D 错误 答案E
B called into question应该是颠覆了这个理论

2. D
A 未提及
B 未提及
D 宗教符合
E 未提及

3. D 错误 答案C

4. D
5. E 错误 答案C
6. E
7. E
B 错误 答案D


1. C:600*0.65
2. C: 60*0.7
3. B
4. C 420*5/9*0.25+420*4/9*0.2 算不出来 C是最接近的
5. A 不懂 最小值可以很小吧
6. B
7. B 60*1.2+60*0.9
8. C
9. D 60*0.4+60*0.35 算不出来
10. D
发表于 2024-6-13 19:07:00 | 只看该作者
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