难191. Guardianshipover women in medieval Flanders TW: guardianship over women 1.kw1: introductionàavoid reflectionof patriarchy with guardianship over women focus on social and legal position 有分歧的点: the greatest contention systems or conditions-example(对比)JB patriarchy system-defining<->BH economic factors-equally important 达成一致的点: a: assumption-women’s status was inferiorto that of men b: female inferiority most expressed in the guardianship c: guardianship looms large in most studies of secularwomen d: in patriarchal society, constrains exemplify guardianship 然而,避免条件反射地把父权和对妇女的监护等同起来。 2.kw2: N’s studies的内容-the existence of guardianship over women women had legal personalities only through male guardians a: single women-father, brother, uncle b: married women-husband c: married women (males of the conjugal family were dead orincompetent)-fathers, brothers 3.kw3: N’s work flawed-omit referenceto works aw- a: lack citation-no bibliography, notlook very far beyond the holdings of the city archives b: 对比: overview<->absenceof works of Flemish c: neglect of work of important historians 4.kw4: N’s work flawed-refer to IT(but does not confirm his claims) aw- a: focus of IT’s work关注地点 b: evidence of IT证据时间 c: focus only on unmarried women研究群体(范围) d: conclusion contrary结论矛盾 南方单身女性监护权的发生率事实上是临时的 5.kw5: reasons for N’s difficultyin finding documentation (kw3 omit) a: Roman law had negligible impact b: on item or provision c: guardianship finds no expression in lawcodes, deducted from practice (practice far from uniform) aw+: GàN-somesort of guardianship over women was in place 他概括的情况和与和罗马法主要相关的情况相呼应。只有一条暗示了女性软弱,引申开来,可能被用来是监护权必要。G欣然承认了这些情况,但他也像N一样,假设一系列对于女性的监护权的系统是存在的,但他也警告事实的做法远远不一致。 6.kw6:简介评价N& G怎么得出结论-neither scholar spendsa great deal of time proving its existence N: since Flemish society was patriarchal+ occasionswhen men act with women simply serve to confirm G: one or two examples to reflect guardianshipànot bearon his conclusion aw- 7.kw7 (CS): 结论patriarchy didn’t imply guardianship support论点: the lack of legal textsàpatriarchydidn’t imply guardianship guardianship not uniformàinstanceswere ad hoc in nature aw+ IT, aw-N(反驳了N的观点) examinationàmen didnot act for women in any systematic fashion-economically and in public in the documents: not guardianship, but corporatebody Flanders was hardly feudal exception: requirements of land tenureàcover allstances aw- 8.kw8: focus on secular women 研究范围(secular women):urban areas the reason for leaving religious women out ofthe picture: under distinct legal and social conditions exception: neither fish nor fowl àmake essay too long+ many studies already focus on them 主要但不完全集中在城镇 总结:父权≠>监护权(监护权不一定存在)。观点à举反例,指错误,错误存在合理性,概述评价反例推理à观点,研究范围。(否定反例支撑结论)