Main point: The passage highlighted that vit D not only can prevent rickets but also can prevent cancer and affect vulnerability to infections
Paragraph 1:
- For years, doctors believed vit D can prevent rickets
- Milk + vit D -> rickets disappear -> no more vit D deficiency
- H: Rickets is just tip of vit D deficiency iceberg
Paragraph 2:
- Recent study: activing circulating form of vit D -> prostate cells can regulate their own growth and prevent cancers
- H: Active form of vit D controls up to 200 different genes
Paragraph 3:
- Vit D's cancer-prevention qualities was validated
- L's experiment: Women who took calcium + vit D had a 60% lower risk of developing cancers; the calcium-only group didn't have a significant change
Paragraph 4:
- Vit D affects vulnerability to infections
- Example 1: African Americans need more sun exposure to make sufficient vit D. They also have a higher risk of T disease
- Example 2: Immune system converts vit D to its active form -> produces a peptide -> destroys bacillus
中文回忆:宣扬维生素D的重要性。多年来大家一直都知道维生素D对身体的好处,尤其是可以防止儿童bone soft。自从牛奶中添加了维生素D,r基本消失了,所以看起来维生素D缺乏的问题得到了解决。其实,r可能只是维生素D缺乏的冰山一角。有研究证实D可以阻止癌变,这一理论得到了验证。还有研究发现维生素D可以加强对某些感染的免疫,也在实验中得到了证实。由此可以推断在其他感染中也有保护作用,比如流感病毒。Main Idea: Emphasize the importance of VD / alert the deficiency of VD (出题:main idea)
P1: "Iceberg"
Attitude: rickets - the tip of vd deficiency (出题:什么意思?VD很重要,VD还是不够)
P2: V can prevent cancer
By activating the circulating form of vitamin, prostate cells could regulate growth and prevent cancer. Directly or indirectly, ... (出题:V怎么和癌症联系起来的?)
P3: Verify cancer-prevention
Introduct an experiment ... (出题:细节题)
P4: Also affect vulnerability to infections
African American vs Caucasians ...疑似
A possible link ... mechanism ...如果VD高,一个receptor刺激VD活跃循环然后可以毁了病毒,低就不行,大概这意思吧。。。(出题:细节题)
A similar scenario ..., maybe even .... (出题:最后一句话作用?VD的强大)