24. Rapid Eye Movement
[Main Idea]
Interpret the similarities and differences among REM sleep, slow-wave sleep, and wakefulness, and then present the studies to prove that PGO spikes and EMPs are general alerting responses which can occur during all three states.
P1: 3 similarities between REM sleep & wakefulness:
1. Display high-frequency and low-amplitude waves. (slow-wave sleep: low-frequency and high-amplitude)
2. Neurological activity in various subunits of the brain. (slow-wave sleep: irregular activity of the hippocampus)
3. Brain temperature raises. (slow-wave sleep: brain temperature decreases)
P2: PGO spikes occur neither spontaneusly nor uniquely to REM sleep, but seem to be general alerting responses occuring in several slow sleep phases.
Study of cat's sleep: sounds & touch could produce PGO spikes.
P3: PGO spikes and EMPs are genneral alerting responses, which can be stimulated during REM sleep. slow-wave sleep, and wakefulness.
- 通过手段EEG:general electrical activity证明醒着的状态和REM确实像,但和slow-wave不像
- REM和Waking state第二个相似的地方:neurological activity in various subunits of the brain
- REM和Waking state第三个相似的地方: brain temperature
P2: 【对PGO的意外发现及后续研究推翻了之前关于PGO的错误认识】
引出新概念PGO:最近的一项研究 augment (扩大提高NOT支持),我们第一段的理解
1. REM only
2. 自发的(不需要外界出发条件)
通过偶然的发现(工作人员不小心撞到cage)以及后续的研究得出以上两个想法都是错的,得出结论:Far from being spontaneous and unique to REM slecp
PGO spikes 实际是:
1. in either REM or slow-wave sleep
2. seem to be gengral alerting responses
P3: 【和P2结构一样还是先提出之前的看法,通过实验证明是错的,提出关于EMPs新的结论】
depend on 光线
发现味道和声音都可以触发EMPs identical to PG spikes
1. PGO和EMPs都是 a general alerting response
2. can be stimulated during REM sleep, slow-wave sleep, and wakefulness
Main Idea: introduce an accidental finding towards PGO and REM sleepP1: Characteristics of REM sleep
Definition: a sleep phase during which intense dreams occur in humans
Characteristics: close relationship with waking state, high-frequency, low-amplitude waves all but identical(几乎一样) to those of weakness. neurological activity essentially similar in both REM and awakened state; cerebral cortex same in REM and wakefulness - in contrast with irregular activity of the hippocampus ... brain temperature
P2: further understanding
Thought to be: occur uniquely and spontaneously
However, instantly, general alerting
P3: reevaluation of EMP
EMP occur in the waking state, EMPs depend on environmental levels of light
In EEG, EMP identical to PGO. 有证据支持
Alerting response can be stimulated during REM sleep, slow-wave sleep and wakefulness.