17. 工业革命女权P1 :工业革命让女性的经济能力下降<-- 有例外 <-- 例外有限制 <-- P. Aw- + P.Aw+
P.:industrial revolution --> eco changes --> (-) female eco power <-- dependence on male
But: T. factory --> women new opportunities
but :confine to a few region+traditional cottage industry could not complete production
Aw-:displacement (home work --> workplace)
divison --> relegated women to the margins of eco activity
Aw+ :domestic life improve <-- home private sphere
P2:正统历史学家反对P.的观点<-- P. 反驳他们
Vs. P : industrial revolution --> new job opportunities
but : P effect : complex + further research
e.g.: regional differences.
Main point: Different views on effects of industrialisation on women
Pinchbeck's opinion
- economic change during IR reduced women economic power, more dependence on men
- Exceptions, ex. textile factories offered labour opportunities (+)
- opportunity limited to a few region (-)
- could not compete with mechanized production (-)
- downgraded to the margin of economic activities (-)
- domestic life improved - refers to social status? (+)
Orthodox historian's opinion (opposite view)
- More jobs opportunities were created for women (+)
- However, believes the effect of industrialization on women is more complex (author's view)
- ex. require more studies can demonstrate
后面有个yet she also believe……,这里出现了yet即转折。意味着家庭里不再有带薪的巩固走虽然不好,但是……(有好的地方)。好处就是当家里不再生产销售商品时,家庭生活会得到提升。
1. D
2. A