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[阅读小分队] 【揽瓜阁 外刊精读7.0】Day2 2021.04.13【人文科学-社交、文学】

发表于 2021-4-12 22:16:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Day2 2021.04.13

【人文科学-社交】Whatever you tweet may be used against you
(经济学人-752字 短精读)

Things were looking rosy for Alexi McCammond. Black, female and 27, she was named editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue after a successful stint as a political correspondent for Axios, a Washington-insider news outfit. Teen Vogue had become an unlikely voice of resistance in the Donald Trump era, combining makeup tips with arguments for universal child care. Ms McCammond was to lead the magazine into the Biden years.

But a newsroom rebellion ended her tenure before it began. A group of employees wrote a letter protesting against her appointment because of several tweets she had written ten years earlier, when she was herself a teen. In them Ms McCammond reported Googling how to avoid waking up with “swollen, Asian eyes”. She complained about the lack of an explanation for a poor mark in chemistry: “thanks a lot stupid Asian T.A. [teaching assistant]”. She had apologised for these comments in the past, but a killing in Georgia on March 16th, in which six of the eight victims were Asian women, made them look even worse. Two days later Ms McCammond took to Twitter again—to say that she had agreed to renounce the Teen Vogue job.

Hers is hardly the first career to be capsized by old tweets. Neera Tanden was supposed to become Joe Biden’s head of the Office of Management and Budget. But as boss of a centre-left think-tank she had written tweets calling Republican senators “the worst”, a “fraud”, “Voldemort” and suchlike. She too was denied her new position. James Gunn, director of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” superhero films, was fired (then rehired) for tasteless jokes he had made—also a decade and more ago—about paedophilia and the 9/11 attacks. This is to say nothing of the less prominent folk shamed in their communities for offensive tweets.

Why do tweets keep undoing people? The answer may lie in their hybrid nature. In form, the language of social media is written—but in style, it is far more like speech. Twitter’s character limit encourages short bursts that resemble talking, and are then threaded together in quasi-conversations. People write them as they speak, using sentence fragments, slang, non-standard spellings (to reflect pronunciation) and so on. Dialectologists use Twitter to study shifts in vocabulary, grammar and usage; research shows that the language of tweets closely mimics oral chatter. Finally, Twitter rewards the same qualities that are prized in speech: spontaneity, personality and wit.

In aiming for these, people often miss the mark, one reason the platform hosts so much recklessness, attention-seeking and off-target humour. Yet though tweets may be appraised like speech, they are punished like writing. Posts may seem to disappear in an endlessly flowing river, but unless they are deleted they live on indefinitely. A public figure’s stupid tweets are more likely than most to be screen-captured by others, so that even deletion won’t help (and may suggest a guilty conscience). In the days after Ms McCammond’s contrite withdrawal, several of her critics at Teen Vogue made their Twitter accounts private. One turned out to have used a racial epithet to jovially address a (white) friend in 2009.

How will society adjust to this new speech-text hybrid? One theory is that only the most conformist or risk-averse will succeed in a sort of woke dystopia; the rest will be vulnerable to the discovery of an embarrassing tweet in an ever-growing back catalogue. A second possible outcome is safety in numbers. So many people (including path-breaking members of minority groups) will be deemed to have transgressed that skeletons in closets come to be regarded as inevitable. In this scenario, society accepts that more or less everyone has said regrettable things, and that, at least in some cases, tweeting them was merely a dangerous category mistake.

Alas, that consensus seems a long way off. Hence the third possibility: that people will learn to keep their risky jokes offline, understanding that even if they feel like colloquial remarks, offensive comments written in black and white can be recalled and judged that way. This would make Twitter a lot duller. Spontaneity is its appeal. But the more careers that are derailed, the more parents will urge children to mind their language online, just as they have long warned them to be careful with strangers.

Human speech has been around for at least tens of thousands of years, writing for about five millennia. Twitter had its 15th birthday on March 21st. It may be wisest to err on the side of boring until norms settle down.

( WSY -341 字 短精读)

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发表于 2021-4-13 10:49:04 | 只看该作者

【人文科学-社交】Whatever you tweet may be used against you
(经济学人-752字 短精读)
1、背景引入:Ms McCammond的大好前程被十年前仇视亚裔的推特言论所葬送。+这不仅仅第一种行业出现这种情况:政治领域的Neera Tanden、导演James Gunn
2、Why? → hybrid nature: 形式上,推特是一种主观的口头表达,因此没有背景支撑其言论,从而显得鲁莽;而这些鲁莽的言论即使删除也会变成日后攻击的证据
3、咋办? → 乖乖谨言慎行、“罚不责众”、这些话线下说说就好

This is to say nothing of the less prominent folk shamed in their communities for offensive tweets.
【This is to say nothing of Noun+Ved】更不要说那些因为攻击性推特而被羞辱的不知名人士了
【to say nothing of】更不要说:Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems. 失业会让人觉得自己一无是处,更何况还会带来经济问题。

#        单词        音标        解释
1        alas        英:/ə'læs/ 美:/ə'læs/        int. 唉(表悲伤、遗憾、恐惧、关切等等)
2        attention-seeking                寻求关注
3        averse        英:/ə'vɜːs/ 美:/ə'vɝs/        adj. 不愿意的;反对的
4        capsize        英:/kæp'saɪz/ 美:/'kæpsaɪz/        1. vt. 倾覆(特指船);翻覆;弄翻 2. vi. 翻覆;倾覆;翻
5        chatter        英:/'tʃætə/ 美:/'tʃætɚ/        1. vi. 唠叨;喋喋不休;(动物等)吱吱叫 2. vt. 喋喋不休地说;使卡嗒卡嗒作声
6        colloquial        英:/kə'ləʊkwɪəl/ 美:/kə'lokwɪəl/        adj. 口语的, 会话的
7        derail        英:/dɪ'reɪl/ 美:/dɪ'rel/        1. vt. 使出轨 2. vi. 出轨
8        off-target                脱离目标的
9        paedophilia        /ˌpi:də'filiə/        恋童癖
10        quasi-        英:/'kweizai/ 美:/ˈkweˌzaɪ/        准
11        recklessness        英:/'reklisnis/ 美:/ˈr ɛklɪsnɪs/        鲁莽
12        renounce        英:/rɪ'naʊns/ 美:/rɪ'naʊns/        1. vt. 宣布放弃;与…断绝关系;垫牌 2. vi. [律]放弃权利;垫牌
13        risk-averse                不愿承担风险
14        rosy        英:/'rəʊzɪ/ 美:/'rozi/        adj. 蔷薇色的,玫瑰红色的;美好的;涨红脸的;乐观的
15        spontaneity        英:/ˌspɒntə'neɪɪtɪ/ 美:/ˌspɑntə'neəti/        自发性
16        stint        英:/stɪnt/ 美:/stɪnt/        工作期限;限量提供;吝惜;节省
17        think-tank                智囊团
18        undo        英:/ʌn'duː/ 美:/ʌn'du/        1. vt. 解开;取消;破坏;扰乱 2. vi. 撤消
19        undoing        英:/ʌn'duːɪŋ/ 美:/ʌn'duɪŋ/        1. n. 毁灭;取消;毁灭的原因 2. vt. 解开;取消(undo的ing形式)


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发表于 2021-4-13 11:06:38 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-4-13 11:21:11 | 只看该作者
Whatever you tweet may be used against you
   Old tweets can be captured by others and can hardly be deleted online. More and more people lost their jobs because of their stupid tweets posted even decades ago. Tweet is a written style of speech, but it is judged as writing messages. So, people will urge themselves and their child to remind the language online in the future, to avoid harming their careers because of tweets.  
P1: Example: AM, who may have a good career opportunity.

P2: However, AM must renounce the job because the tweets she written ten years earlier.

P3: There are other examples of people who lost their jobs because of their old tweets.

P4: Discuss the reason that tweet can undoing people. Tweet is a written style of speech.

P5: Tweet is punished like writing.

P6+P7: Discuss the three ways that society to adjust tweets.
1st : Consider that only very small part people can avoid making embarrassing tweets.
2nd : Consider that everyone had said regrettable things.
3rd : People need to learn to keep risky joke offline

P7+P8: More and more are losing jobs because of tweets. This cases will remind people to stay alert while tweeting online.
   This is to say nothing of the less prominent folk shamed in their communities for offensive tweets.

   So many people (including path-breaking members of minority groups) will be deemed to have transgressed that skeletons in closets come to be regarded as inevitable.
   It may be wisest to err on the side of boring until norms settle down.

   Rosy adj. 蔷薇色的,玫瑰红色的;美好的;乐观的;涨红脸的
   Stint n. 节约;定额,定量;从事某项工作的时间;有限供给,有限的努力;滨鹬;一段时间
            v. 节省;限制;节约,吝啬;限量给;紧缩,节省
   Rebellion n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从
   Swollen adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的;浮夸的;激动兴奋的
                 v. 膨胀;隆起(swell的过去分词)
   Capsize vt. 倾覆(特指船);翻覆;弄翻
                 vi. 翻;倾覆;翻覆
   Centre-left think-tank 左翼智库
   Paedophilia n. 恋童癖
   Prominent adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的
   Thread n. 线;螺纹;思路;衣服;线状物;玻璃纤维;路线
               vt. 穿过;穿线于;使交织
               vi. 通过;穿透过
   Wit n. 智慧;才智;智力
   Contrite adj. 悔悟了的;后悔的;悔罪的
   Epithet n. 绰号;浑名
   Jovially adv. 高兴地;愉快地;快活地
   Conformist n. 循规蹈矩的人;信奉英国国教者
                      adj. (人或活动)遵奉习俗的
   Dystopia n. 糟透的社会;地狱般的处境;非理想化的地方
   Transgress vt. 违反;侵犯;犯罪
                  vi. 违反;违法;越界
   Colloquial adj. 白话的;通俗的;口语体的

5.阅读时间: 6min
   总结时间: 20min
   总时间: 26min

Gothic Novels
   The author does not agree with the opinion that the Gothic novel was happened because of the French revolution. The author thinks that the Gothic novel was an attempt of the high end of literately market. The Gothic was happened as contemporary with the French revolution.

Why did Gothic happen?
Opinion 1: Novelists used extreme imaginary violence to show their fighting with the horrible reality. Gothic was happened because of/ after the French revolution.

Opinion 2: Novelists expressed the extreme kind of romance by using a terrorist system of writing, they attempted to get to the high end of literately market. Gothic was happened at the same time with the French revolution.

The author also remind that the Gothic is not a terrorist form as some critics claimed, on the contrary, it is not dangerous at all.
  The Gothic explosion was collateral damage from the French Revolution.

   The bloody horrors of the revolution pushed novelists to new extreme of imaginary violence, as they strove to compete with the shocking reality.

   Collateral n. 抵押品,担保品;旁系亲属
                    adj. 附属的;旁系的;并行的
   Tremor n. [医] 震颤;颤动
   Smearing n. 污点,拖尾效应;弄脏的;蹭脏
   Pun n. 双关语,俏皮话
           v. 说双关语,说俏皮话;把(泥土,碎石等)击打成团
   Sublime adj. 庄严的;令人崇敬的;极端的;超群的
                 n. 崇高;顶点
                 vt. 使…纯化;使…升华;使…变高尚
   Incendiary adj. 纵火的;煽动性的;能引起燃烧的;非常辣的
                     n. 燃烧弹;纵火者;煽动者;易燃物
   Sansculotte n. 激进派革命家;下层阶级;无裤党
   Risible adj. 可笑的;爱笑的;引人笑的
   Hobgoblin n. 妖怪
   Palpably adv. 易觉察地;可触知地

5.阅读时间: 4min (读完仿佛没读)
   总结时间: 40min
   总时间: 44min
发表于 2021-4-13 12:07:30 | 只看该作者
七 Day2  今天的文章也觉得好难 上两期会轻松一点~


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发表于 2021-4-13 13:06:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-4-13 13:58:32 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-4-13 14:00:58 | 只看该作者
1.几个例子 因历史言论而遭到职业影响

3.5min读了个寂寞 总结70min还是没太懂
为什么出现Gothic craze
1 法国大革命是社会原因
2 ALA的另一种观点 市场相关
3 评论家的批评


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发表于 2021-4-13 14:46:33 | 只看该作者
Day 2 打卡


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发表于 2021-4-13 14:57:35 | 只看该作者


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