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第二篇(来不及细看,其实很简单的,但是我没绕明白,所以意思可能说反,放出来仅希望能帮到悦毒君考古):P1.传统认为大星球jupiter等的什么的形成是分两个阶段的:一.好像是什么大的东西分出来的小东西condese 形成了core,二. 通过(转转悠悠?)吸收gas形成envelope。现在有发现几个大星球是彼此互绕orbit啊,这么近的距离它们是怎么通过travel to get gas变得这么大的呢啊?Additionally。。。(这是P2最后一句,全句高亮,考它的作用,无奈我想不起来了,反正也是一个question prevailing 理论的点,貌似有提到什么离得那么近,好烫的!怎么还能形成envelope呢?——Furthermore, it is questionable whether a protoplanet in a closeorbit could attract enough ambient gas to provide the massive envelope of aJupiter-like planet. One reason is simple geometry: an object in a tight orbittravels through a smaller volume of space than one in a large orbit does. Also,the gas disk is hotter close to the star and hence less likely to condense ontoa protoplanetary 就是这一句的总结,感谢楼下分享)。P3.给出解释。提到两个mechanism:其中一个是被卷进太阳系附近的flow of gas被弹出来的;还有一个是mechanism of scattering导致有的离的更近有的更远了——
The third mechanism is the scattering of large planets that either formed in or moved into orbits too close to one another for long-term stability. In this process, the outcomes would be quite unpredictable but generally would yield very eccentric orbits for both planets. In some fortuitous cases, one of the scattered planets would move to an eccentric orbit that would come so near the star at its closest approach that tidal friction would eventually circularize its orbit; the other planet, meanwhile, would be scattered to a distant eccentric orbit.(最后两句关于第二个mechanism就是这段话的总结)
是这篇吗? |