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[就业出路] 分享各商学院 PhD Programs 就业出路及相关方面的信息,欢迎讨论!

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 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-8 21:05:07 | 只看该作者
Amid fears of a looming recession, this year more Americans -- those in the job force as well as current Masters and undergraduate students -- will choose to attend graduate school, and this will inevitably intensify competition for admissions. This reality, unwanted as it is, needs to be taken heed of in the entire application journey, including the school choice process.

Certain Big Tech firms (e.g., Twitter) are bracing for a recession through a litany of hiring freezes and even layoffs. According to forecasters such as Goldman Sacks and JPMorgan, however, a recession may not be really imminent in the next 12 months and, even if it is, it is predicted to be rather tepid. Thus, some economists and bankers, and other pundits content that the recession talk is overblown.
发表于 2022-11-9 11:38:34 | 只看该作者
很好奇目前北美地理位置比较好的balanced school,头部teaching school招AP的要求有多高?

以中国人较多的北美大城市周边学校为例,比如:西雅图的Seattle University, Seattle Pacific University, City University of Seattle皆为balanced school;加州州立大学系统的大部分学校是teaching shool而且是比较好的teaching school(如San Jose State University, Cal state LA)。诸如此类地点好的学校招AP的bar如何?特别是对于Finance专业来说
 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-11 21:03:39 | 只看该作者
Which schools are research schools? The answer to this question is generally clear-cut; that is, the majority of those classified as R1 institutions -- exceptions may include, among others, University of Southern Mississippi and Monta State University -- and part of R2 institutions (e.g., Lehigh University and New Mexico State University) are research schools. However, which schools are the so-called 'balanced' schools? Which schools are teaching schools? The definitions are never set in stone as no consensus is known to exist. But in rough terms most of these belong to R2 institutions -- from Arkansas State University to Rochester Institute of Technology and to Wright State University -- and also those not included in the Carnegie Classifications. By the way, the word 'balanced' is often used euphemistically to refer to a teaching school.

All of those listed here are 'mediocre' teaching schools, although San Jose State is often considered the best. The fame of San Jose State is very much thanks to its proximity to and connections with the Silican Valley.  
发表于 2022-11-11 21:57:01 | 只看该作者
勒芒战将 发表于 2022-11-9 11:38
很好奇目前北美地理位置比较好的balanced school,头部teaching school招AP的要求有多高?

以中国人较多 ...

加州的学校有所谓的sunshine premium。知道好几个例子是本来能去农村research school的,但是因为家庭原因去了加州的teaching/balance。比如 University of San Diego 他们金融系的professor pub不比一些lower tier research school的差。
发表于 2022-11-12 04:48:44 | 只看该作者
raccoon_paw 发表于 2022-11-11 21:57
加州的学校有所谓的sunshine premium。知道好几个例子是本来能去农村research school的,但是因为家庭原 ...

确实,之前看旧金山湾区、洛杉矶、纽约、西雅图这些地区的balance/teaching school 金融系faculty list,有一些professor比中部农村research school faculty还要好的profile。除了你提到的USD,加州州立大学系统的几个R2:Cal State - Long Beach, Cal State - East Bay, San Francisco State, San Diego State这几所金融系有好多UCLA,伯克利的Econ PhD。东海岸比如纽约Pace University的Faculty profile也都挺不错的
发表于 2022-11-12 05:06:56 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2022-11-11 21:03
Which schools are research schools? The answer to this question is generally clear-cut; that is, the ...


The location premium is an interesting phenomenon in job market. Similarly in China, many of those business schools faculty from 211 or Non-211/985 schools in Tier 1 cities have better profile than those from 985/211 schools in Mid/West cities.
 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-25 05:43:45 | 只看该作者
                                                                 On AP Compensations

Note: The note below is the result of the merging of the comments on AP compensations that I made hither and thither earlier. There may still be inaccuracies; however, no follow-up or further discussion is expected.

The starting base compensation (commonly 9 or 10 months) for an entry-level AP in business at a research institution typically falls in the $120K to $180K range, which is substantially wide. 'Surreal' figures exceeding $200K do exist but are very infrequent and so can be seen as exceptional. Also, business school faculty salaries are expected to remain flat or even trend downward in the coming years due to a number of internal and external factors (e.g., the coronavirus outbreak and the turbulent international environment). The differential between the different concentrations, where it does exist, is usually around $10K or down to even several thousand dollars and rarely exceeds $20K.

Faculty compensations at teaching schools (the euphemistically called balanced schools included) are typically in the neighborhood of $100K on average and occasionally reach the $120K/130K threshold. Those below the $100K threshold are not uncommon, and those hitting the $150K mark or above are rare and so are 'flying pig' cases. The compensation differential between research schools and teaching schools is usually in the $50K - $80K range, which is reasonable and as expected and so generally is higher only in exceptional cases.

There has been a long-standing complaint from economics faculty that their business counterparts are over-compensated. I personally resonate with this.

发表于 2022-11-26 17:15:38 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-6 01:32:23 | 只看该作者


As the application season kicks in, we would like to offer the following advice:

"Never be content settling for second best!"

"Placement is king!"

Best of luck to all!
发表于 2022-12-15 02:23:58 | 只看该作者
I wanted to provide placement info for Drexel's finance program. Drexel's placement has improved over time. Over the past five years, placements at balanced/research schools are as follows:

2022/2023 Auburn (R-1; teaching load 3-0 with one prep), Miami Ohio (R-2; teaching load 2-2)
2021/2022: No one was on the market
2020/2021 (Covid year): Vanderbilt- Postdoc
2019/2020: Wayne State (R-1 teaching load 2-1)
2018/2019: Villanova (R-2)

On average, Drexel admits two students each year and is a great place if you are interested in empirical corporate finance.
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