The author concludes that City L has good schools, affordable housing, friendly people,flourishing arts and a safe environment. To support this claim the author citesan annualsurvey that ranks cities according to quality of life. Two years ago City L was listed14th in this survey. As it stands this argument is unconvincing. First,the author fails to indicate what individual characteristics of cities were used ascriteria for the ranking. To the extent that the criteria used in the surveywere the same asthe features listed by the author in the conclusion, the conclusion would b warranted.On the other hand, if the survey employed entirely different criteria—for example,outdoor recreational opportunities or educational achievement levels of adult residents—then the author's conclusion would be wholly unwarranted. Secondly,the author provides no indication of how each characteristic was weightedin the ranking. For example, City L may have far and away the most flourishingarts scene among the cities surveyed, but it may have poor schools, unfriendlypeople, and an unsafe environment. The extent to which the survey accuratelyreflects City L's overall quality of life in this case would depend largely on the relative weight placed on the arts as a factor affecting quality of life. Thirdly,the author fails to indicate how many cities were included in the survey. Th morecities included in the survey, the stronger the argument—and vice versa. For example,if 2,000 cities were surveyed, then City L would rank in the top one percent in terms ofquality of life. On the other hand, if only 14 cities were surveyed then City L would rank last. Finally,the author's conclusion depends on the questionable assumption that the conditionslisted by the author have remained unchanged in City L since the survey was conductedtwo years ago. Admittedly, had ten years elapsed the argument would be evenweaker. Yet two years is sufficient time for a significant change in theoverall economy,the city's fiscal policies, its financial condition, or its political climate.Any of these factors can affect the quality of schools, the extent to which art isflourishing, or the cost of housing. In conclusion, the author does not adequately support the conclusion. To strengthenthe argument, the author must show that the criteria used in the survey were the sameas the features listed in the conclusion and were weighted in a way that does notdistort the picture in City L. To better assess the argument, we would alsoneed more informationabout the cities included in the survey, as well as what changes in City L have occurred during thepast two years.