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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【2-1】

发表于 2011-12-9 22:57:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
群里也开始热闹起来了呢~   虽然花儿落了好多期,考完试一定要补起来~


2. Statistician: A financial magazine claimed that its
survey of its subscribers showed that North
Americans are more concerned about their
personal finances than about politics. One
question was: “Which do you think about
more: politics or the joy of earning money?”
This question is clearly biased. Also, the readers
of the magazine are a self-selecting sample.
Thus, there is reason to be skeptical about the
conclusion drawn in the magazine’s survey.
Each of the following, if true, would strengthen the
statistician’s argument EXCEPT:
(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called
into question on a number of occasions.
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine
surveys have eventually been disproved.
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
just as concerned about politics as they are
about finances.
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results
of surveys that are biased and
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
concerned not only with politics and
finances, but also with social issues.


9. (24497-!-item-!-188;#058&001429)
Beta Corporation claims that it no longer has enough work for the 60 computer data-entry workers that it is laying off.  These workers have heard, however, that the company is buying 100 new computers.  So the workers concluded that the company's real reason for laying them off is to fill their jobs with lower-paid workers.
Which of the following, if true, would most undermine the workers' conclusion?
(A) Most of the workers being laid off know how to enter data on a number of different computer systems.
(B) Orders for almost all of Beta Corporation products have increased over the past year.
(C) A recent memorandum from the president of Beta Corporation requested that all data generated by the company be stored in computerized form.
(D) Beta Corporation's computer data-entry workers are more experienced and hence more highly paid than people doing comparable work in other companies.
(E) Beta Corporation's new computers will allow its current management and sales staff to perform many of the tasks that the data-entry workers were previously doing.

10. (24867-!-item-!-188;#058&001810)
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
For the past several years, a certain technology has been widely used to transmit data among networked computers.  Recently two data transmission companies, Aptron and Gammatech, have each developed separate systems that allow network data transmission at rates ten times faster than the current technology allows.  Although the systems are similarly priced and are equally easy to use, Aptron's product is likely to dominate the market, because __________.
(A) Gammatech has been in the business of designing data transmission systems for several years more than Aptron has
(B) the number of small businesses that need computer networking systems is likely to double over the next few years
(C) it is much more likely that Gammatech's system will be expandable to meet future needs
(D) unlike many data transmission companies, Aptron and Gammatech develop computers in addition to data transmission systems
(E) it is easier for users of the current data transmission technology to switch to Aptron's product than to Gammatech's

11. (24915-!-item-!-188;#058&001837)
Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive.  Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600.  However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Few if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.
(B) In 1996 most Verdlanders who lived within the listening area of an RDS station already had a radio equipped to receive RDS.
(C) Equipping a radio station with RDS technology does not decrease the station's listening area.
(D) In 1996 Verdlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994.
(E) The RDS radio stations in Verdland in 1996 did not all offer the same type of programming.

12. (24967-!-item-!-188;#058&001893)
Situation:  For five years the Souper restaurant chain has maintained rapid sales growth in Danport, primarily by opening new restaurants that draw patrons away from other restaurants in their vicinity.
Goal:  Souper wishes to achieve continued rapid sales growth in Danport over the next two years.
Proposal for consideration:  Continue to open new restaurants in Danport during the next two years at the same rate as in the last two years.
In light of the situation, which of the following, if true, most strongly argues that adopting the proposal would be an ineffective way of achieving the goal?
(A) At times at which customers find Souper restaurants too crowded, they often go to other restaurants nearby.
(B) The Souper chain has generally opened new restaurants in locations that are in the vicinity of a large number of other restaurants.
(C) Souper restaurants generally offer a much smaller variety of foods than many of the other restaurants in their vicinity.
(D) Virtually all potential sites for new Souper restaurants in Danport are located in the vicinity of existing Souper restaurants.
(E) Souper restaurants have always offered meals that are somewhat less expensive than meals at restaurants that compete with Souper for patrons.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-9 22:57:16 | 只看该作者


This problem is more difficult than the previous problem, in part because this is
an Except question. As you recall, in a Strengthen Except question the four
incorrect answers strengthen the argument and the correct answer either has no
effect on the argument or weakens the argument.
The statistician’s statement begins with a variation of the classic LSAT
construction “Some people claim...” As discussed in Chapter Two, when this
construction is used, the author almost always argues against the claim made by
the people. Here, a financial magazine has claimed that a survey proves that
North Americans are more concerned about personal finances than politics. The
statistician attacks two elements of the survey—there was a biased question and
the sampling was faulty—and concludes the magazine’s claim is questionable.
Let us take a closer look at the statistician’s two premises:
1. One question was biased.
The key to understanding this claim is the phrasing of the question in the
magazine: “the joy of earning money.” By describing politics neutrally
but describing earning money as a fun activity, the question
inappropriately suggests to the magazine reader that one activity is more
interesting than the other. This bias undermines the integrity of the
2. The sample was self-selecting.
A self-selecting sample is one in which individuals decide whether to
participate. As you might expect, only those interested in the topic tend
to participate and this creates a bias in the results. Because the survey
was of subscribers to a financial magazine and not of the general North
American population, those participating in sample are not necessarily
representative of North Americans and thus the magazine cannot
reliably draw a conclusion about North Americans.
Hence, the statistician’s position appears reasonably strong. Nonetheless, you
are asked to eliminate four answers that will strengthen it further.
Earlier in this chapter we mentioned that the test makers believe in the validity
of surveys, polls, etc. This question does not affect that position; in this situation
the survey itself is the topic of discussion. Normally, that is not the case, and
unless a survey or poll is shown to be questionable, you can typically accept the
results knowing that the test makers believe survey results are valid.
Answer choice (A): This answer asserts that the magazine has credibility issues
and thereby supports the conclusion that there should be skepticism regarding
the magazine’s activities.
Answer choice (B): This answer attacks the integrity of magazine surveys, and
therefore supports the idea that there is reason to be skeptical of this magazine
survey. Frankly, this is a weak answer because the validity of surveys in other
magazines do not necessarily reflect on the validity of this magazine’s survey.
Nonetheless, only about five percent of test takers select this answer, as most
people are able to recognize the intent of the test makers.
Answer choice (C): This answer supports the argument because other surveys
suggest that North Americans are not more concerned about finances than
politics. Because this counters the claim of the magazine, the answer supports
the statistician’s conclusion that there is reason to be skeptical of the magazine’s
Answer choice (D): Because the statistician has shown the survey to be biased
and unrepresentative, this answer choice supports the statistician’s conclusion.
Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. The answer has no impact on the
statistician’s argument because a third topic—social issues—was not part of the
magazines’ survey, nor does this answer suggest anything about the preference
of North Americas for finance or politics. Because the answer has no impact, it
is correct in a StrengthenX question.
发表于 2011-12-9 23:10:49 | 只看该作者

P: The financial magazine reports that North Americans concern their personal finance more than politics.
B: This financial magazine is a self-selecting sampled magazine.
B: And the question of this report is "Do you think more about personal finance or politics?
C: Therefore, all the premised stated above concludes that this magazine's report is not convincible.
Prephrase: This magazine is very biased to report any political issues other than financial news.

(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called
into question on a number of occasions.-------------------------------------------a number of occasions have been encountered troubles can be the useful samples to illustrate this result is also wrong.
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine
surveys have eventually been disproved.-------------------------------------------most magazine surveys include this financial magazine, then it proves that this result of survey might be also disproved.
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
just as concerned about politics as they are
about finances.--------------------------------------------------------------------------OTher surveys' result is opposed to this result of survey, then support.
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results
of surveys that are biased and
unrepresentative.-----------------------------------------------------------------------There's reason to be skeptical that the results should be biased?这个感觉好像是support。
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
concerned not only with politics and
finances, but also with social issues.------------------------------------------------social issues here is irrelevant. The choice can be "North Americans are concerned not only with fiances, but also with politics."这样的话可以看作是support。

1. One question was biased.
The key to understanding this claim is the phrasing of the question in the magazine: “the joy of earning money.”---这个部分根本忽略没看了~~
By describing politics neutrally but describing earning money as a fun activity, the question inappropriately suggests to the magazine reader that one activity is more interesting than the other. This bias undermines the integrity of the survey.
2. The sample was self-selecting.
A self-selecting sample is one in which individuals decide whether to participate. As you might expect, only those interested in the topic tend to participate and this creates a bias in the results. Because the survey was of subscribers to a financial magazine and not of the general North American population, those participating in sample are not necessarily representative of North Americans and thus the magazine cannot reliably draw a conclusion about North Americans.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-9 23:16:53 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/12/9 23:10:49)

嘻嘻  水一下~
因为明天要考试  要早点发完赶紧看书去
发表于 2011-12-10 00:04:43 | 只看该作者
A magazine survey infers that Americans are more concern about finance. The evidence is that when asked which do you more concern about personal earning or policy, Americans answered earning.
The conclusion is that the result of the survey is suspect.
Pre: 文中论据 personal earning和finance不是一个概念,所以weaken这个点就是加强
(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called
into question on a number of occasions.        调查样本有问题,这是一个support
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine     直接说其他调查结果不同,support
surveys have eventually been disproved.
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are  这里也是在说调查错误,support
just as concerned about politics as they are
about finances.
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results  说调查没有代表性,support
of surveys that are biased and
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are  这个是无关,social issues和调查的结论无关,是答案
concerned not only with politics and
finances, but also with social issues.
发表于 2011-12-10 00:36:19 | 只看该作者
占位 有一个星期没做练习了 新的一期 要继续啦~~!
发表于 2011-12-10 11:49:18 | 只看该作者
P: A magazine show that NA people are more concerned about their own financial problems than the politics?question: F&, do you prefer? since the magazine subscribers are self selecting sample?the conclusion of the magazine is biased.
Support Expect:
(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called
into question on a number of occasions.-->support
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine
surveys have eventually been disproved. -->support
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
just as concerned about politics as they are
about finances. -->support
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results
of surveys that are biased and
unrepresentative. -->support
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
concerned not only with politics and?R
finances, but also with social issues.
发表于 2011-12-10 13:41:43 | 只看该作者
1.Statistician: Thus, Each of the following, if true, would strengthen the statistician’s argument EXCEPT:background inforamtion:A financial magazine claimed that its survey of its subscribers showed that North Americans are more concerned about their personal finances than about politics.
premise:One question was: “Which do you think about more: politics or the joy of earning money?” This question is clearly biased. Also, the readers of the magazine are a self-selecting sample.
conclusion:there is reason to be skeptical about the conclusion drawn in the magazine’s survey.
(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called into question on a number of occasions.
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine surveys have eventually been disproved.
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are just as concerned about politics as they are about finances.
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results of surveys that are biased and unrepresentative.
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are concerned not only with politics and finances, but also with social issues.

in a Strengthen Except question the four incorrect answers strengthen the argument and the correct answer either has no effect on the argument or weakens the argument.
premise:.Beta Corporation claims that it no longer has enough work for the 60 computer data-entry workers that it is laying off. These workers have heard, however, that the company is buying 100 new computers.
conclusion: the workers concluded that the company's real reason for laying them off is to fill their jobs with lower-paid workers.
there is no link between the number of computers and that of workers
(A) Most of the workers being laid off know how to enter data on a number of different computer systems.
(B) Orders for almost all of Beta Corporation products have increased over the past year.
(C) A recent memorandum from the president of Beta Corporation requested that all data generated by the company be stored in computerized form.
(D) Beta Corporation's computer data-entry workers are more experienced and hence more highly paid than people doing comparable work in other companies.
(E) Beta Corporation's new computers will allow its current management and sales staff to perform many of the tasks that the data-entry workers were previously doing.
3.background information:For the past several years, a certain technology has been widely used to transmit data among networked computers.  Recently two data transmission companies, Aptron and Gammatech, have each developed separate systems that allow network data transmission at rates ten times faster than the current technology allows.  
premise:he systems are similarly priced and are equally easy to use+???
conclusion:Aptron's product is likely to dominate the market
because it doesn't need to change facilities to fit for the new technology
(A) Gammatech has been in the business of designing data transmission systems for several years more than Aptron has
(B) the number of small businesses that need computer networking systems is likely to double over the next few years
(C) it is much more likely that Gammatech's system will be expandable to meet future needs
(D) unlike many data transmission companies, Aptron and Gammatech develop computers in addition to data transmission systems
(E) it is easier for users of the current data transmission technology to switch to Aptron's product than to Gammatech's
4.background information:Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive.  
premise:Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600.  However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994,
conclusion:the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
the listeners of each RDS -radio didn't increase
(A) Few if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.
(B) In 1996 most Verdlanders who lived within the listening area of an RDS station already had a radio equipped to receive RDS.
(C) Equipping a radio station with RDS technology does not decrease the station's listening area.
(D) In 1996 Verdlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994.
(E) The RDS radio stations in Verdland in 1996 did not all offer the same type of programming.

5.Situation:  For five years the Souper restaurant chain has maintained rapid sales growth in Danport, primarily by opening new restaurants that draw patrons away from other restaurants in their vicinity.
Goal:  Souper wishes to achieve continued rapid sales growth in Danport over the next two years.
Proposal for consideration:  Continue to open new restaurants in Danport during the next two years at the same rate as in the last two years.
(A) At times at which customers find Souper restaurants too crowded, they often go to other restaurants nearby.--slightly weaken,这个要在D之后才成立
(B) The Souper chain has generally opened new restaurants in locations that are in the vicinity of a large number of other restaurants.
(C) Souper restaurants generally offer a much smaller variety of foods than many of the other restaurants in their vicinity.
(D) Virtually all potential sites for new Souper restaurants in Danport are located in the vicinity of existing Souper restaurants.
-- weaken
(E) Souper restaurants have always offered meals that are somewhat less expensive than meals at restaurants that compete with Souper for patrons.
发表于 2011-12-10 21:12:00 | 只看该作者
2.BG: A finance magzine show a survey that NA people are more concern about the personal finance than politics.
P: The survey questions are biased. Subjects are seleted by it.
C: The result is skeptical.
P: 还想不到...support反面是weaken吗?
(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called into question on a number of occasions.-------------------------------------support相反
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine surveys have eventually been disproved.-------------------------------------------support相反
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are just as concerned about politics as they are
about finances.-------------------------------------------------------------------------support
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results of surveys that are biased and
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are concerned not only with politics and
finances, but also with social issues.------------------------------------------------未提及的新事物si无关,正确
发表于 2011-12-11 12:46:51 | 只看该作者
background information:a financial magazine carried out a survey which show northern Americans are more concerned about their financial staff than politics
premise:the question in the survey is biased and the sample is not randomly select.
conclusion:the conclusion conducted by the survey is questionable.

(A) The credibility of the magazine has been called
into question on a number of occasions.——support
(B) The conclusions drawn in most magazine
surveys have eventually been disproved.——support
(C) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
just as concerned about politics as they are
about finances.——support
(D) There is reason to be skeptical about the results
of surveys/ that are biased and unrepresentative.——support
(E) Other surveys suggest that North Americans are
concerned not only with politics and
finances, but also with social issues.——correct

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. The answer has no impact on the
statistician’s argument because a third topic—social issues—was not part of the
magazines’ survey, nor does this answer suggest anything about the preference
of North Americas for finance or politics.
Because the answer has no impact, it
is correct in a StrengthenX question.

做题的时候思维还是局限在想要找一个直接weaken conclusion的选项~
再次提醒自己:StrengthenX question的做题思路:irrelevant or weaken!!!
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