以下是引用kevin_lyx在2007-8-17 22:56:00的发言:GWD-9-Q40:Agricultural societies cannot exist without staple crops. Several food plants, such as kola and okra, are known to have been domesticated in western Africa, but they are all supplemental, not staple, foods. All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere, beginning, at some unknown date, with rice and yams. Therefore, discovering when rice and yams were introduced into western Africa would establish the earliest date at which agricultural societies could have arisen there.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
- People in western Africa did not develop staple crops that they stopped cultivating once rice and yams were introduced.
- There are no plants native to western Africa that, if domesticated, could serve as staple food crops.
- Rice and yams were grown as staple crops by the earliest agricultural societies outside of western Africa.
- Kola and okra are better suited to growing conditions in western Africa than domesticated rice and yams are.
- Kola and okra were domesticated in western Africa before rice and yams were introduced there.
我选的B,答案是A,A也可以理解,可是B为什么不对?请教,谢谢! A取非后直接对原文产生削弱,说明在R和Y之前,西非就有其他主要作物----正确 B跟原文前提相反,原文已经说了所有的主要作物都是进口来的,做逻辑的时候,要默认原文给的推理前提全部都是正确的,不能推翻原文的推理前提 C说到西非以外的其他农业社会,无关 D是否适合生长跟主要作物的引进无关,即使再适合,它也是补充作物 E中K和O进口得再早也跟主要作物什么时候引进无关 |