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[备考心经] 一战GMAT 760.分享Things that I wish I knew at the beginning.我犯过的错误希望你们不要再犯。

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发表于 2012-11-24 00:21:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(最怕的作文和IR今天出分了。作文6 IR5.只能说作文千万不要怕。IR还是要准备。。。)关于作文 不知有木有童鞋在开始准备时和我有一样的疑问。

1.FALSE ANOLOGY 盲目效仿NN们的复习方法并且认为他们觉得简单的对于我来说就简单。

XXX大牛刷了N遍OG过了无数遍MANHATTAN考了780 我刷N遍OG过无数遍MANHATTAN也可以取得成功。
XXX大牛数学51分说数学很简单没有必要准备只要考前做JJ就可以了 所以我也只要考前做JJ就可以了。
XXX大牛说MANHATTAN这书没用 我没看 所以我不看MANHATTAN也没关系。
XXX大牛考了780他说XX好我就去看XX 他说YY不好我就不看YY。。 要是我不看XX我就完了。

-----FROM 古典 《拆掉思维的墙》

某大牛刷N遍OG 每一遍都有新的体会和收获 他分享了他最后的成功 你模仿了他的方法 可这个一点点积累领悟的过程 你模仿了吗?
某大牛没准备数学 只看数学JJ数学就考了51 可是你不知该大牛当年高考数学140 从小数学很擅长很细心。你也是这样的情况吗?
某大牛没准备数学 只看数学JJ数学就考了51 并且该大牛声称自己数学不好 或者是文科生。 可是 这位MM做题很仔细 细心 考虑全面。而GMAT数学知识点不难 考的就是仔细和全面的考虑。 你也是这样的情况吗?
那些刷了N遍OG做了N遍PREP感觉自己还是没有提高的童鞋。不要怀疑NN的方法。是你自己只COPY了这个表面的方法 但是没有COPY这个NN的领悟的过程。。
你有没有抱着有一种心态就是NN之所以成功 是因为他们掌握了他们的独门秘籍的XXXX方法。现在我只要用了这个XXX方法也可以飞速成功?

事实上。GMAT是没有捷径的。脚踏实地一步一步的积累 直到有一天你会有质的飞跃的!

刚开始时看了很多NN心经,感觉就是SC是重点 数学作文IR都不用怎么准备。
CR第二难 RC不难。
所以我就天真的花了很多时间在SC上 小部分时间在CR上 考试前20天才开始看RC 当意识到自己RC弱爆了的时候 我已经没时间单独突破RC了。
LET ALONE数学了。真心GMAT数学考细心和全面的分析。自以为自己数学不错,结果还是50告终。
HOW I WISH that I have spent more time on RC and Math.
就不提IR了 模考的时候开始做的 完全不会 读不懂题 吓尿了。时间不够。后来只有放弃了。考试的时候也水水的过了。幸好现在IR不太重要。
AWA也没花时间 也是模考的时候才练的。深深感觉还是弱爆了。

SOLUTION:考前3天才发现OG上第一部分就是DIAGNOSE TEST。当时。。。。我的心情是。。。。。。。
为神马最开始准备的时候没有做这个呢?这样就可以了解自己的水平了 哪部分强 哪部分弱。然后根据自己的情况来制定复习计划。
盲目效仿NN们的做法是毫无依据的。这不就是犯了FALSE ANALOGY的错误吗?不可比啊!differences outweigh similarities.所以当你在读NN心经的之前 你应该已经找到了自己的WEAKNESS 然后根据NN介绍的方法来突破自己的WEAKNESS。
比如你的WEAKNESS可以是 CR喜欢YY 语法读不懂MEANING 数学喜欢粗心 ETCETC。
所以 请以同样的态度来审视我下面的内容。记住,适合自己的情况的才是最好的。

不知道你是否也是和我一样 从一开始准备GMAT看神贴 备考资料下载帖 然后下载了MANHANTTAN第四版全套。然后就再也没有管过。

想一想 SC现在都是更加重视MEANING了 很多题或者说所有的题都必须要明白在讲神马 才能选出正确选项。LET ALONE CR。最开始CR很不好。很怕。
后来发现你把它用中文来描述和理解,就会觉得这个SO EASY。所以说CR也重在理解。LET ALONE RC了。RC真是我弱爆了的环节。以前觉得自己阅读不错  托福阅读也满分 后来才意识到GMAT阅读考得真有水平。我以为我读懂了,但是我只是停在了表面。我阅读了,但是我没有理解。
甚至有些数学题 我都没有理解对。。。

有同学说BABY姐的帖子太长了 看不下去了。
我觉得是因为长 我才更能看下去。
第二 这么长也说明了BABY姐真正的很用心在跟大家分享 光是看她这么真诚 善良 你会不因为它长而不继续读下去吗?
我想推荐的东西都是BABY姐推荐的。 这个是我自己单独想推荐的关于SC的。SC不是按照你的想法来选最PERFECT的答案 很多情况下 正确答案不是你理想的。但是你还是可以容忍它。WHILE其他答案都有地方你CAN'T STAND。

关于RON。真心膜拜。RON的LECTURE教会我太多东西。从我发现BABY姐的帖子开始 后面5天我都沉浸在RON的LECTURE里面。
只有一句话 拿神马感谢你 RON!



7.单独说一下对于考到740以上的同学 要不要再考的问题。
hi --congratulations on your score.

maybe you typed something incorrectly, but 760 is definitely not a "low score" -- in fact, it's so high that you could interview to teach for MGMAT now.

at this point, it's important that you NOT take the test again, for at least 2 reasons:
remember, this is business school, not "super smart nerd" school. honestly, once someone's score is over about 720 or 730, business schools don't really care much at all about further increases.
in other words, as far as the schools are concerned, 740/770/800 are pretty much all the same.
(most importantly)
remember that your score report will show all of your gmat attempts for the last five years. if you retake the gmat after getting a 760, that will be a HUGE negative in the eyes of business school admissions committees.
think about it like this -- the gmat is just one component of your application. it's an important component, of course, but it's not the most important component (it's less important than your actual leadership experience and so on).
your score is very high; it clearly doesn't need improvement. if business schools see that you're still working on something that clearly doesn't need improvement -- when there are other components that you could possibly address instead -- they will conclude that you don't know how to set priorities properly. needless to say, that's not a good quality in a future business manager!

so, at this point, you're done with the gmat. do not retake the gmat.

(do something else with your life! get more sleep! take up a hobby! etc)

hi, i will have to look at the rest of this later, but i just wanted to respond to the following:

Also, Chinese students always want to get high score, and want to get a score higher than other Chinese since when we apply for schools, there are just tooo many Chinese with high score and good gpa and excellent experience to compete with... So I must make myself stand out.. Sigh. it's a sad reality. What make things worse is that I majored in Environmental Engineering... and have basically no internship experience in business related position... So I thought I need to get a 800 to stand out.. ( sounds silly huh?..)

i guess i may not have been clear enough in my previous message..

to the schools, everything above about 730 or 740 is the same. in the eyes of admissions committees, there is literally no difference at all between a 750 and an 800. none. zero. no difference whatsoever.
(it's important not to forget the ultimate goal here, which is business school.. not "nerd genius" school.)

in fact, a score of 800 is probably worse than a score of 760, simply because the profile of a typical 800 scorer is not the sort of thing that business schools are looking for.
(think about the typical person who gets perfect scores on tests. would that person be good at business management, which is all about relating to other people? for that matter, would that person be capable of relating well to normal people at all? probably not.)

in any case, though, the most important thing i wrote in the last email is the comment about priorities.
if you already have a super-high score but you decide to re-take the test, you are communicating a very bad message about yourself and how you think -- basically, you're saying that you're a perfectionist.
business schools really don't want perfectionists, because perfectionists make really, really bad managers.

on the other hand, if you have a major that is under-represented in the population, and/or you have experience that's not like everyone else's, then those can be GOOD things. (the worst possible situation is to have a profile that is the same as everyone else's profile.) you just have to pitch them in the right way.

take a look at what individual students have to say:
(click on "class of 2013", "class of 2012", etc.)
if you read these profiles, you may get a better sense of the kind of stuff that matters to the schools.

我非常感谢RON 因为我以前思想一直处于一个误区 就是分数越高越好。
也许这是中国学生的天性吧。神马都想考满分 然后喜欢和周围的同学比分数高低。
但是我们要申请的是美国的学校,美国人的思维才是WHAT MATTERS。
所以幸好有RON 让我避免犯这么一个错误。



我表示我感觉CR不需要任何的题型分类 不需要任何的方法。
只要你读懂了题。注意 是真的读懂了 每一个词。像中文一样的理解。
不要任何的YY 选那个跟逻辑链直接相关 直接起作用的选项。
当然这个选项可以是被包装的花里胡哨 但是它所代表的中心LOGIC 和原题的LOGIC是最直接相关的。
比如这个选项可以描述的很隐晦导致你不知道能够起什么作用 或者这个选项可以是看似毫无关系的新信息。但是却又和元问问紧紧的联系了起来。。
100. (30745-!-item-!-188;#058&005748) (T-9-Q28. ???-7-13 , different type)

Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks.  Generally, deer ticks pick up the bacterium while in the larval stage by feeding on infected white-footed mice.  However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do not harbor the bacterium.  If the population of these other species were increased, more of the larvae would be feeding on uninfected hosts, so the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium would likely decline.
Which of the following would it be most important to ascertain in evaluating the argument?
A. Whether populations of the other species on which deer tick larvae feed are found only in areas also inhabited by white-footed mice
B. Whether the size of the deer tick population is currently limited by the availability of animals for the tick's larval stage to feed on
C. Whether the infected deer tick population could be controlled by increasing the number of animals that prey on white-footed mice
D. Whether deer ticks that were not infected as larvae can become infected as adults by feeding on deer on which infected deer ticks have fed
E. Whether the other species on which deer tick larvae feed harbor any other bacteria that ticks transmit to humans
逻辑链:  其他没病的HOST数量增加---更多的LARVAE会吃更多没有病的HOST---- 所以得病的TICKS数量也会减少。  
读完题找到明显的FLAW。 更多的LARVAE会吃更多没有病的HOST→所以得病的TICKS数量也会减少 其实中间是有一个→吃有病的HOST的LARVAE数量会减少 但是凭什么?我们不知道LARVAE的数量是不是要增加啊减少啊还是神马的。有一个GAP。
如果要是WEAKEN的话就是 HOST的数量增加的话 LARVAE的数量也会增加。 STREGHEN就是HOST的数量增加但是LARVAE的数量不变。 EVALUATE 就是说 HOST的数量增加 会不会影响LARVAE的数量→也就是是否LARVE的SIZE是受HOST的数量的影响的。还有一种考法就是ASSUMPTION。ASSUMPTION就是LARVAE的数量不变。

有的同学可能觉得这道题看不懂啊。翻译出来就SO EASY了。前面都是BG信息。最有一句话才是重中之重。一定要紧紧HOLD住!!
最后说一句  BIBLE上面说的我觉得是CR的最基本的PRINCIPLE:Make sure to read the entire stimulus very carefully. The makers of the Gmat have extraordinaryily high expectations about the level of detail you should retain when you read a stimulus.
Many questions will test your knowledge of small, seemingly nitpicky variations in Phrasing, and reading carelessly is GMAT SUISCIDE!!!!!

Because of steep increases in the average price per box of cereal over the last 10 years, overall sales of cereal have recently begun to drop.  In an attempt to improve sales, one major cereal manufacturer reduced the wholesale prices of its cereals by 20 percent.  Since most other cereal manufacturers have announced that they will follow suit, it is likely that the level of overall sales of cereal will rise significantly.
Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in evaluating the argument?
A. Whether the high marketing expenses of the highly competitive cereal market led to the increase in cereal prices
B. Whether cereal manufacturers use marketing techniques that encourage brand loyalty among consumers
C. Whether the variety of cereals available on the market has significantly increased over the last 10 years
D. Whether the prices that supermarkets charge for these cereals will reflect the lower prices the supermarkets will be paying the manufacturers
E. Whether the sales of certain types of cereal have declined disproportionately over the last 10 years

这道题就是WHOLESale price和PRICE不分导致了我的错误。

Agricultural societies cannot exist without staple crops. Several food plants, such as kola and okra, are known to have been domesticated in western Africa, but they are all supplemental, not staple, foods. All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere, beginning, at some unknown date, with rice and yams. Therefore, discovering when rice and yarns were introduced into western Africa would establish the earliest date at which agricultural societies could have arisen there.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. People in western Africa did not develop staple crops that they stopped cultivating once rice and yams were introduced.  
B. There are no plants native to western Africa that, if domesticated, could serve as staple food crops.
C. Rice and yams were grown as staple crops by the earliest agricultural societies outside of western Africa.
D. Kola and okra are better suited to growing conditions in western Africa than domesticated rice and yams are.
E. Kola and okra were domesticated in western Africa before rice and yams were introduced there.

这道题第一次我错选了B 后来才意识到 PLants & CROPS 是不一样滴。
9.最后最后说一下 IR其实是有计算器的 考试前一天晚上知道的 第二天也忘了这件事也木有用。。。

我记得我从高中开始就是 平时考试和作业中错得越多越开心。
因为我高一进去的时候是全班最后一名 你可以想象一下我可以错得多惨。
物理22分 化学34分 我还记得 满分100分。
为什么越多越开心呢?因为错得越多就表明我有很多不懂的问题 然后我就可以学到新的知识!!!然后下次就不会再犯了!!高考的时候就可以避免了!!
对于那些一开始就错得很少的童鞋 他们学到的新知识就没有一开始错得很多的同学多。
所以说啊 在这个准备的过程中。不要纠结于正确率。
如果正确率不高 那恭喜你!!!你把这些错题全部搞懂了你就会学到很多很多很多的知识!!
GMAT选拔的不只是考试上的知识点这样的能力。包括考试的心态 和情绪的控制。等等。。。(我不是专家 胡扯的。。编不下去了。。。。)
要是你在考场上 管他妈妈嫁给谁。遇到JJ或者不遇到JJ 都淡定自若的去面对。

最最后 貌似木有附上任何资料不太好。

BABY姐帖子里面推荐的MANHATTAN的foundation of Gmat Verbal下载见我的另一个帖子:
:P 加油!(o^^)oo(^^o)


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发表于 2012-11-24 00:33:01 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-11-24 01:05:30 | 只看该作者
Alice 恭喜啊!!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-24 01:14:05 | 只看该作者

-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/11/24 0:33:01)

发表于 2012-11-24 05:55:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-24 05:58:51 | 只看该作者
请问能不能请教我应该怎么复习了?我曼哈顿语法看了2遍 OG做了一遍
请问我这个阶段应该着重做什么?基本上我的情况都不怎么样滴。词汇量倒是比较好,长句理解能力一般。现在在做OG第二版VERBAL 40分钟做20题左右,错误率25%。十分悲痛。数学错误率也非常高。希望大神能指点迷津
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-24 12:30:15 | 只看该作者
请问能不能请教我应该怎么复习了?我曼哈顿语法看了2遍 OG做了一遍
请问我这个阶段应该着重做什么?基本上我的情况都不怎么样滴。词汇量倒是比较好,长句理解能力一般。现在在做OG第二版VERBAL 40分钟做20题左右,错误率25%。十分悲痛。数学错误率也非常高。希望大神能指点迷津
-- by 会员 12711399 (2012/11/24 5:58:51)

这个问题嘛 肿么复习?答案很简单啊 你神马部分弱 就着重复习那个部分就好啦。多总结总结自己的错误。不要总是追求正确率。也不要期待正确率可以突然提高很多。是有一个过程的。复习的材料CD上都有。
发表于 2012-11-24 13:09:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-24 15:59:27 | 只看该作者
对你有印象啊~~从你那里下载到的baby姐说的FoV~~~biiiiig con!!!一战就760 真心好强~~~
ps Ron说得真好~~~
发表于 2012-11-25 13:22:53 | 只看该作者
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