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楼主 |
发表于 2012-7-9 21:46:05
20120708 <第四期4-07文史哲> On Midwest Bus Trip, President Obama Charms, Hugs and Swigs
wipe one’s eyes 抹眼泪 After meeting the president, Konieczny wiped her eyes.
circulation [,s?:kju'lei??n] n.发行量 column ['k?l?m] n.专栏 A few feet away, Andy Ouriel, a reporter with the local Sandusky Register, a 22,000-circulation paper, talked about how he wrote personal letters to Obama, and columns in his paper, requesting the presidential visit that was about to happen.
parlay ['pɑ:li] vt.充分利用 Obama, who long ago learned the charms of celebrity, knows how to parlay this attention.
swig [swiɡ] v.牛饮 quip [kwip] v.妙语,说俏皮话 Over a two-day bus tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania, which brought him to two diners, a bakery, a fruit stand and a bar, he charmed, hugged, chatted, swigged, chewed, posed and quipped with the locals, hoping the transform the excitement about his office into votes for his reelection.
stifling ['staifli?] a.令人窒息的 motorcade ['m?ut?keid] n.车队 For dozens of miles, locals came out of their homes, in stifling heat, often without shirts on, women in just their bathing suits, to line the state roads and wave to his motorcade.
punch line n. 妙语 When he met elderly couples, he would ask how long they had been together, ask for their secret, delivering his own punch line.
thigh [θai] n.大腿 sketchbook ['sket?buk] n.素描簿 press corps n.新闻集团 He squeezed the thigh of a baby, signed the sketchbook of a young girl with the message “Dream Big Dreams,” and attempted to buy peaches and cookies for his traveling press corps.
swing [swi?] a.摇摆的 everyman ['evrimæn] n.普通人 The trip was the first of many expected summer tours of swing states, where Obama will attempt to reintroduce himself to voters as a likable everyman, who connects with the hopes and agony of the country in ways that his rival Mitt Romney does not.
up for grabs [美国俚语]易得的,可得的;供争夺的,供人竞争的 He said his vote was up for grabs in November.
ungovernable [,?n'ɡ?v?n?bl] a.难管制的 The problem was not the President as much as the ungovernable city he had failed to return to order.
stool [stu:l] n.高脚凳 sibling ['sibli?] n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员 A few stools away, Sabrina Schaeffer, 6, was eating dinner with her siblings.
footage ['futid?] n.影片长度 “You just go to YouTube and you look up ‘Barack Obama singing Call Me Maybe,’ ” he explained to a reporter, unaware of the footage.
call over v.点名;顺序读出 aide [eid] n. 助手;副官;侍从武官 follow up跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事 address one’s concerns 解决某人的关注问题 The President called over his traveling aide, Marvin Nicholson, to get Davis’s contact information, and promised that one of his aides, Darienne Page, would follow up to address his concerns.
symbolic [sim'b?lik] a.象征性的 cement [si'ment] vt. 巩固,加强 Obama also gave Davis a presidential challenge coin, a symbolic military token designed to cement their relationship.
arm wrestling比手劲;扳腕子 The President moved on, talking to another undecided voter who offered to vote for Obama if the President beat him in an arm wrestling contest.
sheepishly ['?i:pi?li] ad.害羞地 Asked if Obama had won his vote, Davis smiled sheepishly.
tepid ['tepid] 微温的,温热的;不太热烈的;不热情的 relegate ['reliɡeit] vt. 把降低到;归入;提交 shake-up n.人事改组 dumpster ['d?mpst?] n. 大型垃圾装卸卡车;垃圾大铁桶 rumination [,ru:mi'nei??n] n. 沉思 flotsam and jetsam流浪者;无价值物;零碎杂物;失事船只残骸 The tepid June jobs report could relegate the calls for a shake-up in Team Romney to the dumpster of stupid campaign controversies, along with the candidate’s ruminations on lemonade, that 13-year-old conservative who isn’t conservative anymore and the rest of last week’s flotsam and jetsam.
seasoned ['si:z?nd] adj.经验丰富的;老练的 speculation [,spekju'lei??n] n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖 percolating ['p?:k?leiti?] a.渗透的 But now that Rupert Murdoch, Jack Welch and the Wall Street Journal editorial page have all complained that Romney needs more seasoned advisers, the ritual-sacrifice speculation will probably keep percolating throughout the fall.
flawed [fl?:d] adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的 I think Team Romney is doing a terrific job selling an extremely flawed product.
tactic ['tæktik] n. 策略,战略 overwhelm [,?uv?'hwelm] vt. 压倒;淹没;受打击 rational ['ræ??n?l] adj. 合理的;理性的 Elections are usually decided by the facts on the ground, not by campaign strategists, and while tactics can help at the margins, top-line numbers tend to overwhelm all rational analysis.
retrospect ['retr?uspekt] v.回顾 For example, John McCain lost, so the media concluded in retrospect that everything he did was dumb, but I actually think most of the risks he took made sense under the difficult circumstances.
vulnerable ['v?ln?r?bl] adj. 易受攻击的 incumbent [in'k?mb?nt] n. 在职者;现任者 Now Romney is a few points behind a vulnerable incumbent in the polls, so it’s become fashionable to blame his staff for failing to “craft a clear message,” for bobbing and weaving about Romney’s plans and principles while trying to redirect attention to President Obama.
articulate [ɑ:'tikjul?t] v. 清楚地讲话 It would be suicidal for Eric Fehrnstrom and his team to try to articulate Romney’s plans, because the details of the Republican policy agenda of tax cuts for the rich and spending cuts for everyone else is wildly unpopular.
Obamacare 奥巴马医改 obfuscation [,?bf?'skei??n] n. 困惑 If the Obamacare obfuscations out of Boston about taxes and penalties sound like word salad, that’s because word salad is the only path to victory for the father of Obamacare.
offshoring n.离岸 ludicrously ['lu:dikr?sli] adv. 滑稽地;荒唐地 chameleonic [k?,mi:li'?nik] adj.反复无常的 GOP 大老党(美国共和党的别称) It’s amazing that a Republican with Swiss bank accounts, a history of offshoring and a ludicrously chameleonic political persona made it out of the GOP primary.
freak out使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃 veto v.否决 conservatives would freak out if he flip-flopped again on repealing Obamacare or vetoing the Dream Act or advocating gay rights or Medicare cuts.
flak [fleik] n.抨击;谴责 incoherent [,ink?u'hi?r?nt] adj. 语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的 The Romney campaign has taken a lot of flak for its incoherent response to Obama’s support for gay marriage and for undocumented workers who came to America as kids
vaguely ['veigli] adv. 含糊地;暧昧地;茫然地 byline ['bailain] n. 标题下署名之行 I vaguely remember him from when we were both reporters in Boston, and nothing about his byline stood out as particularly original.