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每日速度越障学习帖 - 精读+背词

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-11 18:20:59 | 只看该作者
201208011 <第四期5-14文史哲> A Princess of Mars PART ONE

captive ['kæpt?v] n. 俘虏
At first he is a captive, then a warrior, and after many battles, a prince of a royal family.

mining ['ma?n??] n. 矿业;采矿
Powell was trained as a mining engineer. He said we had uncovered over a million dollars worth of gold in only three months.

saddle ['sæd(?)l] n. 鞍
I found my weapons, placed a saddle on my horse and started as fast as possible down the trail taken by Powell.

full-grown ['ful'ɡr?un] adj. 生长完全的
Martian ['mɑ:??n] n. 火星人
As I watched the fierce-looking creatures, I failed to hear twenty full-grown Martians coming from behind me.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-12 22:55:16 | 只看该作者
20120812 <第四期5-15科技> Life On Mars? Try One Of Saturn's Moons Instead

rover ['r??v?] n. 漫游者
One of the things the Mars rover will look for is organic molecules that could at least indicate whether there was once life on the Red Planet.

geyser ['gi?z?; 'ga?-] n. 喷泉
subsurface ['s?bs??f?s] adj. 地下的
But this large snowball is interesting to scientists such as McKay because there's a geyser coming out of its south pole from what scientists believe is a subsurface body of liquid water, like a sea or a lake, which contains organic compounds.

scooter ['sku?t?] n. 小轮摩托车
He was once asked, "If I had a little scooter like the Millennium Falcon, and I could go anywhere in the solar system, where would I go, what would I punch in first?"

erupt [?'r?pt] v.喷出
The only easy part about exploring the possibility of life on Enceladus is that the geyser is erupting water into space.

mineralogy [m?n?'ræl?d??] n. 矿物学
Blake is in charge of a chemistry and mineralogy instrument on the rover called CheMin.
发表于 2012-8-15 13:49:21 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 21:57:34 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 莽莽要上7 (2012/8/15 13:49:21)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 21:57:53 | 只看该作者
20120815 <第四期5-16科技> Diseased Trees New Source of Climate Gas

concentration [k?ns(?)n'tre??(?)n] n. 浓度
methane ['mi?θe?n; 'meθe?n] n. [有化] 甲烷
ambient ['æmb??nt] adj. 周围的
Sixty trees sampled at Yale Myers Forest in northeastern Connecticut contained concentrations of methane that were as high as 80,000 times ambient levels.

flammable ['flæm?b(?)l] adj. 易燃的;可燃的
potent ['p??t(?)nt] adj. 强有力的
"These are flammable concentrations," said Kristofer Covey, the study's lead author and a Ph.D. candidate at Yale. "Because the conditions thought to be driving this process are common throughout the world's forests, we believe we have found a globally significant new source of this potent greenhouse gas."

gallon ['gæl?n] n. 加仑(容量单位)
hectare ['hekte?; -ɑ?] n. 公顷(等于1万平方米)
The estimated emission rate from an upland site at the Yale forest is roughly equivalent to burning 40 gallons of gasoline per hectare of forest per year.

sequester [s?'kwest?] vt. 使隔绝
sequestration [,si?kw?'stre??(?)n] n. 隔离
It also has a global warming potential equivalent to 18 percent of the carbon being sequestered by these forests, reducing their climate benefit of carbon sequestration by nearly one-fifth.

extrapolate [?k'stræp?le?t; ek-] vt. 推断
If we extrapolate these findings to forests globally, the methane produced in trees represents 10 percent of global emissions.

outwardly ['a?tw?dli] adv. 表面上;外观上地
hollow out vt. 挖空(挖洞;开凿)
fungal ['f??g(?)l] adj. 真菌的(等于fungous)
microorganism [ma?kr??'??g(?)n?z(?)m] n. [微] 微生物;微小动植物
methanogen [m?'θæn?d??n] n. [微] 产烷生物
Although outwardly healthy, they are being hollowed out by a common fungal infection that slowly eats through the trunk, creating conditions favorable to methane-producing microorganisms called methanogens.

timber ['t?mb?] n. 木材;木料
forestry ['f?r?str?] n. 林业
mitigation [,m?t?'ɡe??n] n. 减轻;缓和
No one until now has linked the idea that fungal rot of timber trees, a production problem in commercial forestry, might also present a problem for greenhouse gas and climate change mitigation.
发表于 2012-8-17 12:08:01 | 只看该作者
加油加油,跟上啊~~ 分享一句今天的速度越障里的句子给sarah:
A crisis in higher education has been brewing for years. Universities have been spending like students in a bar who think a Rockefeller will pick up the tab.

Have you figure out what it's telling, now? ^^
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 23:44:57 | 只看该作者
20120817 <第四期5-17科技> Project Mercury: Alan Shepard Becomes the First American in Space

cosmonaut ['k?zm?n??t] n. (俄)宇航员(等于astronaut)
But before NASA could send an astronaut into space, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union became the first person to travel in space.

launch pad n. 发射台
With a roar, it began to rise slowly from the launch pad.

weightlessness ['weitlisnis] n. 失重;无重状态
It also tested the effect of weightlessness on living creatures.

thruster ['θr?st?] n. (火箭)[航] 推进器
One of the small thruster rockets that turned the spacecraft stopped working.

telemetry [t?'l?m?tri] n. [自] 遥测技术
The signals, or telemetry, reported on the condition of the systems.

shield [?i?ld] n. 防护物
During the second orbit, one of these signals warned that the heat shield might not be locked firmly to the bottom of the spacecraft.

parachute ['pær??u?t] n. 降落伞
Parachutes lowered the Mercury spacecraft to the ocean surface.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 23:57:48 | 只看该作者
加油加油,跟上啊~~ 分享一句今天的速度越障里的句子给sarah:
A crisis in higher education has been brewing for years. Universities have been spending like students in a bar who think a Rockefeller will pick up the tab.

Have you figure out what it's telling, now? ^^
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/8/17 12:08:01)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-18 17:07:23 | 只看该作者
20120818 <第四期5-18经管> FINANCIAL EDUCATION
Bernanke: Kids Will be Better Off Than Parents, But…

acumen ['ækj?m?n; ?'kju?m?n] n. 聪明,敏锐
But they will also have to take on greater personal responsibility for their futures and require a higher level of financial acumen, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday.

better off adj. 经济状况好的,富裕的
“My best guess is that our kids will be better off than we are,” Bernanke said during a town hall meeting with educators, called to discuss financial education in schools.

entrepreneurial [,ɑntr?pr?'nj?r??l] adj. 企业家的
He cited technology gains that make workers more productive, great universities, an entrepreneurial culture, an efficient market-based economy, and a diverse workforce as leading factors for his optimism.

astute [?'stju?t] adj. 机敏的
But the Fed chief was quick to note that kids will face many challenges, and one of them is the need to become more financially astute.

in favor of 支持;赞同
curriculum [k?'r?kj?l?m] n. 课程
Bernanke said he is “all in favor” of adding economics and personal finance courses to school curriculums.

literacy ['l?t(?)r?s?] n. 读写能力
I don’t think there are any students who should not be exposed to
a basic financial literacy course.

weather ['weð?] vt. 经受住
Smart financial planning–such as budgeting, saving for emergencies, and preparing for retirement–can help households enjoy better lives while weathering financial shocks.

veer [v??] vi. 转向
The town hall meeting frequently veered away from financial education as teachers in the field, wasting an opportunity to push their agenda with a key official, asked macro questions like how the Fed balances political and economic needs and how the Euro crisis will play out in the U.S.

Chinese Students A Growing US Business Commodity

spawn [sp??n] vt. 造成
bent on doing sth专心做某事
And the money Chinese students bring with them has spawned an industry bent on seeing even more find their way here.

head start领先
But since many of those families want to give their children a head start on college, hundreds of private academic placement services have joined the competition.

echelon ['e??l?n; 'e??-] n. 梯形
socio-economic adj. 社会经济的
"All of our students and all of our families are of the upper echelon of the socio-economic background in China," she said.

divulge [da?'v?ld?; d?-] vt. 泄露
While refusing to divulge just how much Astar charges for its services, Quinn says all students must present a financial statement that shows they can support themselves for the length of time they will be in the United States just to qualify for a visa.

proficiency [pr?'f??(?)ns?] n. 精通,熟练
Those students will spend from three to six months to get them to a level of English proficiency so they can pass the kind of tests they need to go to a US school, according to Quinn.
发表于 2012-8-18 20:12:29 | 只看该作者
加油加油,跟上啊~~ 分享一句今天的速度越障里的句子给sarah:
A crisis in higher education has been brewing for years. Universities have been spending like students in a bar who think a Rockefeller will pick up the tab.

Have you figure out what it's telling, now? ^^
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/8/17 12:08:01)

-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/8/17 23:57:48)

Yep, it means universities have been spending too much and with no budget control.
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