以下是引用linlin315在2003-7-30 23:44:00的发言: 3、United States automobile manufacturers have been steadily losing United States market share to foreign manufacturers. Now a study has found that advertisements for foreign automobiles hold United States consumers' attention better than advertisements for domestically made automobiles do. Therefore, United States automobile manufacturers will increase market share by giving top priority to revamping their advertising campaigns. which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? a. People who are considering buying a new automobile pay more attention to advertisement for automobiles than do people who are not planning to buy an automobile in the near future. b. Consumers tend to pay closer attention to advertisements for products they already prefer than to advertisements for other products. c. United States manufacturers of automobiles currently spend about as much on adveritising each of their new models as foreign automobile manufacturers do d. In the United States, even though sales of foreign-made automobiles are increasing ,annual sales have been consistently greater for domestically made than for foreign-made new automobiles . e. Some of the advertising for foreign automobiles in the United States is designed and produced by United Stetes advertising agencies. 答案:B 削弱题,怎么办!!
我觉得weakn题目,最需要关系evdience, conclusion, and the ralation between them 而常用的WEAKEN方法有什么要多想一想,多总结。。 我们现在关心排除错误选项的过程。
evidence: 外国的车广告更能吸引 conclusion: 注重广告会抢会市场。(assumption:人是外国车成功的原因。)
a. 是范围内的人和范围外的人比较(无关范围比较)。。out of scope b. 某个因素导致结论推不出,正确。 c. 有点tricky..花的钱一样多。。但是前提是比较效果,不是钱。。即使钱一样多,但效果不行,仍然需要注重。。(比较对象发生了转移) d. 又是比较的转移。。原文FOCUS的是市场失去了这种后果。。。 e. 无关。 |