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楼主: albert
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发表于 2003-7-30 22:22:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用albert在2003-7-30 22:13:00的发言:

发表于 2003-7-30 22:23:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-7-30 22:27:00 | 只看该作者
1、Mass transit authorities in large cities are struggling with deficits. Riders complain about delays and breakdowns, cuts in service, and fares higher than they are accustomed to paying. For all these reasons and because the price of gasoline is still not prohibitive, the number of passengers using public transportaion has fallen, adding to the deficits.
Which of the following statements about the relationship between the number of riders using public transportation and the price of gasoline rises, is best supported by the passage above?
A. As the price of gasoline rises, the number of riders using public transportation rises
B. Even if the price of gasoline rises, the number of riders using public transportation will continue to decline.
C. If the price of gasoline rises to a prohibitive level, the number of riders using public transportation will rise
D. The majority of riders using public transportation do not use gasoline; hence, fluctuations in gasoline prices are unlikely to affect the number of riders using public transportation
E. The price of gasoline is always low enough to make private transportation cheaper than public transportation; hence, fluctuations in gasoline prices are unlikely to affect the number of riders using public transportation.
发表于 2003-7-30 22:42:00 | 只看该作者
2、Since the beginning of the current economic recession. Reelcorp's factories have operated with a reduced work force. Now, with the economy improving, the weekly volume of new orders being received by reelcorp's factories has increased substantially. Reelcorp's inventories of completed goods are currently very low. Therefore, if Reelcorp is to fill its orders without delay, it must begin increasing its work force immediately.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to strengthen the argument above?
a. One of the ways a corporation can increase its work force is to rehire former employees who had been laid off.
b. Reelcorp's work force has a greater proportion of highly experienced factory workers today than  it had when the recession began.
c. The workers who are, currently employed at Reelcorp's factories are now working the maximum weekly number of hours permitted by the workers' contract.
d. Nearly all of the products manufactured at Reelcorp's factories  use components that  Reelcorp purchases from other manufacturers.
e. Formal agreements in force at Reelcorp's factories permit supervisory personnel to fill in for centain assembly-line workers whenever the need arises.
发表于 2003-7-30 23:44:00 | 只看该作者
3、United States automobile manufacturers have been steadily losing United States market share to foreign manufacturers. Now a study has found that advertisements for foreign automobiles hold United States consumers' attention better than advertisements for domestically made automobiles do. Therefore, United States automobile manufacturers will increase market share by giving top priority to revamping their advertising campaigns.
which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
a. People who are considering buying a new automobile pay more attention to advertisement for automobiles than do people who are not planning to buy an automobile in the near future.
b. Consumers tend to pay closer attention to advertisements for products they already prefer than to advertisements for other products.
c. United States manufacturers of automobiles currently spend about as much on adveritising each of their new models as foreign automobile manufacturers do
d. In the United States, even though sales of foreign-made automobiles are increasing ,annual sales have been consistently greater for domestically made than for foreign-made new automobiles .
e. Some of the advertising for foreign automobiles in the United States is designed and produced by United Stetes advertising agencies.
发表于 2003-7-31 00:00:00 | 只看该作者
Good Job! I am really impressed that you can pull it even when you did not do so well in math. Good luck in your next step and hope to see you soon!
发表于 2003-7-31 00:03:00 | 只看该作者
4、Only in a social milieu in which many parties are scheduled for the same time do party hosts buy visually striking invitations in order to attract the invited guests to the parties. A business that produces visually striking party invitations is currently located in Los Angeles. Thus, it can be concluded that the schedule of parties in Los Angeles must be very crowded.
The argument above is properly drawn if the truth of which of the following is assumed?
a. There is also a business in Los Angeles that produces ordinary party invitations.
b. Party guests can attend no more than one party per evening.
c. At most parties, there are uninvited guests who add to the number of people in attendance.
d. Many of the visually striking party invitations produced in Los Angeles are bought for parties in Los Angeles.
e. Sending party invitations is a duty that hosts rarely delegate to others.
发表于 2003-7-31 00:05:00 | 只看该作者

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-31 0:17:33编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-31 06:17:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用linlin315在2003-7-30 22:27:00的发言:
1、Mass transit authorities in large cities are struggling with deficits. Riders complain about delays and breakdowns, cuts in service, and fares higher than they are accustomed to paying. For all these reasons and because the price of gasoline is still not prohibitive, the number of passengers using public transportaion has fallen, adding to the deficits.
Which of the following statements about the relationship between the number of riders using public transportation and the price of gasoline rises, is best supported by the passage above?
A. As the price of gasoline rises, the number of riders using public transportation rises
B. Even if the price of gasoline rises, the number of riders using public transportation will continue to decline.
C. If the price of gasoline rises to a prohibitive level, the number of riders using public transportation will rise
D. The majority of riders using public transportation do not use gasoline; hence, fluctuations in gasoline prices are unlikely to affect the number of riders using public transportation
E. The price of gasoline is always low enough to make private transportation cheaper than public transportation; hence, fluctuations in gasoline prices are unlikely to affect the number of riders using public transportation.



重点读出:1. 因果关系 2. 票价高不可攀是顾客下降的一个必要条件。

a,b “看到as...rise”就可以排除掉了。。高不可攀的票价可以理解为一个固定的点。。而ab讨论的是一个随着票价上升的过程发生的事情。。存在差异,无法知道

c 说的是必要条件不满足,结论也不满足。。正确。

d. do not use gasoline...这种都是原文没提到的信息。

e always low enough. 无提到信息。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-31 10:03:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用linlin315在2003-7-30 22:42:00的发言:
2、Since the beginning of the current economic recession. Reelcorp's factories have operated with a reduced work force. Now, with the economy improving, the weekly volume of new orders being received by reelcorp's factories has increased substantially. Reelcorp's inventories of completed goods are currently very low. Therefore, if Reelcorp is to fill its orders without delay, it must begin increasing its work force immediately.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to strengthen the argument above?
a. One of the ways a corporation can increase its work force is to rehire former employees who had been laid off.
b. Reelcorp's work force has a greater proportion of highly experienced factory workers today than  it had when the recession began.
c. The workers who are, currently employed at Reelcorp's factories are now working the maximum weekly number of hours permitted by the workers' contract.
d. Nearly all of the products manufactured at Reelcorp's factories  use components that  Reelcorp purchases from other manufacturers.
e. Formal agreements in force at Reelcorp's factories permit supervisory personnel to fill in for centain assembly-line workers whenever the need arises.

我觉得这题关键是结论中的: to..., it must...
evidence: 库存不够
conclusion: 必须increase work force

a.无关. 因为结论是increase work force, 而increase work force用什么方法.无关.

b 无关.  和a类似和结论搭不上边.

c 排除他因

d 无关. 搭不着边

e 和a相似..
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