In the end of the day, The school which can produce the best set of World Class Business leaders is the best school. That is going to take 20 years to be determined. Let's wait and see. 浩浩兮长江, 巍巍兮中华。路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索。Mr. 落花流水, Let me give you a tip in your future arguements: 字字有来历, 事事讲清楚。you have claimed that CEIBS have a similar set of faculties as Professor Zheng, Yusheng, Chen Hong, Huang Ming, Zhang shi etc. but you have difficulty to come up with a single name. That is very damaging and make your arguments very weak. BTW, CEIBS is a very good school and I have lots of respect for CEIBS. But CK is the future, the one. That is why many people in CEIBS administration has decided to switch to CK. |