以下是引用grossman在2005-2-27 13:27:00的发言: I don't think that everyone will get scholarships. That makes tuition meaningless. Only those for whom 220 RMB is too high in a short period of time will. CK wants to expand its international market and for americans and europeans, 220 RMB is a bargain.For some Chinese, 220,000 RMB is not a big deal either.
涨学费和打国际市场有什么干系啊?难道成本要从这个7万里面出来的?我觉得大可以在收学费的时候立两个标准。很多外国大学对本国学生的收费和国际学生的收费是双重标准的。什么22万不是大问题,哪个学校的学费涨幅会一下子提高50%? |