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TPO1 独立写作 求批改

发表于 2014-9-30 21:02:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
According to arecent survey, a rising number of university students have unpleasantassociations with the condition of sports and social activities. Though theadvantages that owing extraordinarily beautiful classes and libraries arewonderful, we cannot ignore the benefits that sports and social activitiesbring about, when health and communication are taken into consideration.  As a result, my heartfelt agreement with theidea that university should receive equal financial support for sports andsocial activities compared with the classes and libraries.
Needless to say,classes and libraries play an essential role in the universities' students. Itis in the libraries that you can obtain knowledge most effectively. It is inthe classes that you can enjoy the instructions of experienced experts.Nevertheless, when students enjoy their peaceful learning life, isn't itnecessary that they give some consideration to the sports and socialactivities? The answer is absolutely yes.
In thecontemporary society, students are increasingly aware of maintaining health, soas to enjoying better study time. In consequence, sports are of greatimportance to students' daily life. As we all know, physical exercise helpspeople to ease their mental strain. From my own experience, i would like to runa few minutes in the playground between the classes break to release thetension. However, so limited is the playground that i always feel unsatisfied.In addition, thanks to the terrible environment of playing basketball, boys alwaysspend an extremely long time to find a place to finish liberate their energy.It is really a waste of time which influences their study plan. Schools seem tofail to take into account the fact that the sports condition is as critical asthe studying conditions.
Another aspectwhich we cannot overlook is the communication.
There areexceeding people holds the opinion that academic study is the only task foruniversity students. On the contrary, my viewpoint is that taking socialactivities and making friends is as vital as academic study. For instance, oncei took part in a social activity about teaching orphans about dance. At thattime, i met my best friends Jeff who is tolerating, responsible and kind. Also,it is this social activity that changes my attitude toward the orphans and letme become a brighter girl. Notwithstanding, so less are those opportunitiesthat numerous students cannot attend.
To sum up,contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agreement with the casethat sports and social activities are just as important as classes andlibraries and should receive equal financial support relating to the reason of healthand communication.

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