Modern agriculture method damage theenvironment, but providing food for the growing population around the world ismore important than protecting the environment.
What characterizes modern agriculture mostis its controversial method to increase production. Some people argue that theharm resulting from, such as, pesticide and fertilizer, could be acceptable dueto high yield. However, other people, including me, are against this idea, and Ibelieve that protecting the environment is more important because some agriculturelead to irreversible problem.
A tiny damage to environment could causechain reaction to environment, because our environment, as an organic whole, issusceptible to modern agriculture. Farmers, for instance, reclaim new areasfrom the jungle, thus cutting down the natural growing trees. But these treesplay an important role in preventing soils from washing away by rains. Needlessto say, animals feeding on jungle trees also are influenced. They would losenot only suitable place to build nests but also reliable sources to find food. Onthe other hand, the decline of population of these animals might result infurther decease in biological diversity. Because of their irregular death,their predator might lack sufficient food supply. Thus if people insist ongreedily depriving environment of food, the crop will yields at the price of environmentalcollapse.
Environment would take long time to recoveronce polluted, since it is really hard for environment to decompose manyartificial chemicals naturally. There once was a river near my home. It was soclear that I could easily see the bottom in my childhood. However, people dumpedfertilizer into it in order to breed fish fry. Within a short period, thesmelly, green water have replaced the clear water; plankton has packed into theriver surface, leaving no fresh air for fish to breathe. Although it’s been somany years, none dares to use the river water for daily life. Foreseeably, in subsequentyears, the governor of our city still has to spare nothing to harness this river.Therefore, today’s blindly high production costs people their future.
Even though I admit that providing morefood today is essential to growing population, protecting environment does notconflict with higher production. A damaged environment means that, quiet sometime, rarely could food be grown in this land. Therefore, many people wouldface starvation as soon as environment was populated. In consequently, whatpeople need to do is not to grow crops without restriction but to find ascientific way to boost output. Luckily, astronomic science has thrown newlight to this area-genetically modified could be a possible way. Hence,providing food for growing might be not of paramount importance.
Owing to the reasons I mentioned above, Ithink that protecting environment is priority over providing food forincreasing population around world. Additionally, improving agriculture methodcould solve this conflict.
今天破事儿一堆 刚回家慌慌张张把作文写完 也没时间看 目测应该错误不少
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