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楼主: 携隐
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-27 10:51:00 | 只看该作者

对于细节,我倒有不同看法。昨天总结后发现,example和experiment一样,考的都是前一句结论句的内容。所以举例也好试验也好,要掌握的就是三点:1 例子服务的结论句,2 例子的对象(举的是谁,比如,记住auxin),3例子开始的位置(也是为了定位之前的结论句)。例子的内容完全可以略看。

我还是倾向于跳读的。我昨天觉得自己跳读的不够,一些细节完全不用看的。这还是在OG,题目出的多而全,所以你们觉得读细节还有点意义,那要是考试,一共就3或4个题目,其中可能一个主题题一个in order to题,那剩下的一道即使是细节题,也没必要读全文的细节了。



第3篇第17题(原文出现了problem和in order to,这里就考到了)


第17篇102题,实验,虽然不是in order to题,但是一样的,答案不在实验中,在实验前的那一句结论句。第106题,虽然是逻辑中的加强题,但我觉得这类题目可以看成改善题--原文提到的缺点加以改善,就是对结论进行support。

发表于 2005-2-27 11:22:00 | 只看该作者

报告一下我的进度, 这四篇文章到是读完了, 题目也都全对 (我想是因为我一直在做阅读的缘故, 而且这是第二次做), 速度好象也还行. 但是就总结完了一篇, 我通常都要花一个小时总结, 不知道为什么这么慢. 明天得加油了. 对我而言其实周末的效率好象不高啊.

我自己是不跳读的, 总觉得不安心. 一般我读的时候边读边想, 力求理解, 当然有的细节读得很快, 这样虽然读的时候花的时间多一些, 但做题就快而且大部分题都有把握. 当然有的题对我来说还是满tricky的, 就象XY MM提到的102题.

希望明天能完成作业, XDJM们一起加油!

发表于 2005-2-27 17:48:00 | 只看该作者


1. 四篇,共用时40分,共33题,错四题。
2. 第3篇:
3. 逻辑简图。对现象的解释1、旧观点 The traditional view 2、旧观点不能解释的the theory is implausible,提新观点An alternative theory,不行Again it is difficult 3、另一新观点Another possibility,
4. 文章主内容:自然科学、分内容:地理、套路:现象解释型。
5. 记录错题:无
6. 第12篇:
7. 逻辑简图。1、一个program失败了the results were disappointing 2、采用另一方法adopted an approach,建立了MESBIC 3、MESBIC采取…4、staff和director的分歧。
8. 文章主内容:经济类、分内容:小企业、套路:问题解决型。
9. 记录错题:1,pragmatism理解的不好
10. 第17篇:
11. 逻辑简图。1、prior 1975,union的情况2、since mid-1970后,a different strategy has emerged的情况。3、this upsurge in unionization among clerical workers进行解释。
12. 文章主内容:经济类、分内容:union、套路:现象解释型
13. 记录错题:2,
14. 第46篇
15. 逻辑简图。1、新旧策略2、支持新的举例。
16. 文章主内容:经济类、分内容:经营策略、套路:新老策略对比
17. 记录错题:1,未回原文定位。
18. 完成四篇文章后,总结自己的弱项(短文章比较容易错。Infer和suggest题型比较容易错。文史类的文章比较容易错。


 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-27 18:44:00 | 只看该作者




  • 逻辑简图:cocoabean

  • 跳读文章的语言现象:roberta

  • 预测出题的语言现象:julietbi

  • 题型总结和容易错或较难的题目记录:Jinhua

  • 定位题的选项对原文的改写:方亦秋

  • 文章内容和套路:Ninger

  • 文章中值得注意的难句和常考的单词:wpifox

  • 汇总:携隐




  • 逻辑简图:略(大家都知道的就略)

  • 跳读文章的语言现象:包括顺接词such、this is、these、also等、转折词:however等、让步语气:while、it is true that、ironically等--就是能够说明以下部分要怎样读的语言现象(比如看到顺接词,下面可以略读,看到转折重点读,看到让步记下位置重点读让步后面的转折等)

  • 预测出题的语言现象:强对比会出取非题,例子和试验会出in order to题等

  • 题型总结和容易错或较难的题目记录:略

  • 定位题的选项对原文的改写:把选项的表达和原文的表达用破折号连接写出即可

  • 文章内容和套路:略

  • 文章中值得注意的难句和常考的单词:略
发表于 2005-2-27 19:02:00 | 只看该作者

携隐, 文章套路是指是现象解释, 或者前后对比吧?那么内容呢?指科技类 ? 生命科学类?不是很清楚所以问问

 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-27 19:11:00 | 只看该作者




[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-27 19:13:15编辑过]
发表于 2005-2-27 19:25:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用携隐在2005-2-27 10:51:00的发言:

我还是倾向于跳读的。我昨天觉得自己跳读的不够,一些细节完全不用看的。这还是在OG,题目出的多而全,所以你们觉得读细节还有点意义,那要是考试,一共就3或4个题目,其中可能一个主题题一个in order to题,那剩下的一道即使是细节题,也没必要读全文的细节了。


非常同意! 我错的细节题通常都是因为没有回去定位,或者是定位不够全面(有时要把所有提到过相关内容的地方都看一遍才行),所以一定要好好练习定位才行。
发表于 2005-2-27 20:06:00 | 只看该作者

知道了, 我先来完成作业:

昨天读了4篇文章, 不过时间不是很准, 中途被打断过. 所以无法确定时间. 是第二遍OG.

错的还是不少, 有6道, 其中, 68,69,71(这两道重复错) , 101,103(重复错), 106

好了, 说文章内容

NO.3 : 商业类文章-针对小企业的辅助方法

TS(top sentence)

2 approachs of "Efforts to aid minority business...."----: SBA's VS MESBIS's  

SBA's approach : disappointing(managerial inexperience, unfravorable locations, captial shortages), lead to high failure rates

MIEBIC's (easier access, more job speicfic experience, substantial amounts of capital), gives great opportunity...........

文章套路属于新老对比型(KEY WORD:1960's VC recently)

NO. 12 自然科学类-植物


TS(topic sentence) "How then can these cells differentiate and form structures as.............." "The answer is that..........."


(这文章我错了3道, 68,69,71)


科学家发现了该类动物对电子磁场的感应, 又做了调查动物是如何利用该感应系统的

TS: A S has discovered e.............

"now investigating how anteaters utilize such a spohisiticated sensory system"



该文章错3(101,103, 106)

NO.46 科技类--录制唱片的2种不同方法

TS: ""ancient" wax-cylinder crcording pocess" VS" a "new and superior way of recording-digital recording'


WR VS DR, 并对比了两种录音方式的不同,优势和缺点. 

好了, 欢迎指正. 

发表于 2005-2-27 22:10:00 | 只看该作者





3. In response to experimental results concerning IBMX, Snyder et al contended that it is not uncommon for

psychoactive drugs to have

(A) mixed effects in the brain

(B) inhibitory effects on enzymes in the brain

(C) close structural relationships with caffeine

(D) depressive effects on mouse locomotion

(E) the ability to dislodge caffeine from receptors in the brain

The problem is that the compound has mixed effects in the brain, a not unusual occurrence with psychoactive drugs.

5. Snyder et al suggest that caffeine’s ability to bind to A1 and A2 receptors can be at least partially attributed to

which of the following?

(A) The chemical relationship between caffeine and phosphodiesterase

(B) The structural relationship between caffeine and adenosine

(C) The structural similarity between caffeine and neurotransmitters

(D) The ability of caffeine to stimulate behavior

(E) The natural occurrence of caffeine and adenosine in the brain

There are at least two classes of these receptors, which have been designated A1 and A2. Snyder et al propose that caffeine, which is structurally similar to adenosine, is able to bind to both types of receptors, which prevents adenosine from attaching there and allows the neurons to fire more readily than they otherwise would.



. The primary function of the passage as a whole is to

(A) account for the popularity of a practice

(B) evaluate the utility of a practice

(C) demonstrate how to institute a practice

(D) weigh the ethics of using a strategy

(E) explain the reasons for pursuing a strategy

However, an unconditional guarantee can sometimes hinder marketing efforts.

114. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as circumstances in which professional service firms can benefit from offering an unconditional guarantee  EXCEPT:

(A) The firm is having difficulty retaining its clients of

long standing.

(B) The firm is having difficulty getting business

through client recommendations.

(C) The firm charges substantial fees for its services.

(D) The adverse effects of poor performance by the firm

are significant for the client.

(E) The client is reluctant to incur risk.

EXCEPT题定位例举同时文中出现can benefit 表明在第一段中的例举

115. Which of the following is cited in the passage as a goal of some professional service firms in offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction?

(A) A limit on the firm’s liability

(B) Successful competition against other firms

(C) Ability to justify fee increases

(D) Attainment of an outstanding reputation in a field

(E) Improvement in the quality of the firm’s service

Seeking a competitive advantage, some professional service firms have considered offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction.

116. The passage’s description of the issue raised by unconditional guarantees for health care or legal services most clearly implies that which of the following

is true?

(A) The legal and medical professions have standards of practice that would be violated by attempts to fulfil such unconditional guarantees.

(B) The result of a lawsuit of medical procedure cannot ecessarily be determined in advance by the professionals handling a client’s case.

(C) The dignity of the legal and medical professions is undermined by any attempts at marketing of professional services, including unconditional


(D) Clients whose lawsuits or medical procedures have unsatisfactory outcomes cannot be adequately compensated by financial settlements alone.

(E) Predicting the monetary cost of legal or health care services is more difficult than predicting the monetary cost of other types of professional services.

In legal and health care (20) services, it may mislead clients by suggesting that law-suits or medical procedures will have guaranteed outcomes

117. Which of the following hypothetical situations best exemplifies the potential problem noted in the second sentence of the second paragraph (lines 14-17)?

(A) A physician’s unconditional guarantee of

satisfaction encourages patients to sue for

malpractice if they are unhappy with the treatment

they receive.

(B) A lawyer’s unconditional guarantee of satisfaction

makes clients suspect that the lawyer needs to find

new clients quickly to increase the firm’s income.

(C) A business consultant’s unconditional guarantee of

satisfaction is undermined when the consultant fails

to provide all of the services that are promised.

(D) An architect’s unconditional guarantee of

satisfaction makes clients wonder how often the

architect’s buildings fail to please clients.

(E) An accountant’s unconditional guarantee of

satisfaction leads clients to believe that tax returns

prepared by the accountant are certain to be


With its implication that fail-(15) ure is possible, the guarantee may, paradoxically, cause clients to doubt the service firm’s ability to deliver the

promised level of service.

118. The passage most clearly implies which of the following

about the professional service firms mentioned in line


(A) They are unlikely to have offered unconditional

guarantees of satisfaction in the past.

(B) They are usually profitable enough to be able to

compensate clients according to the terms of an

unconditional guarantee.

(C) They usually practice in fields in which the

outcomes are predictable.

(D) Their fees are usually more affordable than those

charged by other professional service firms.

(E) Their clients are usually already satisfied with the

quality of service that is delivered.

直接定位Indeed, professional service firms with outstanding reputations and performance to match have little to gain from offering unconditional guarantees.


127. It can be inferred from the passage that the individualist

feminist tradition denies the validity of which of the

following causal statements?

(A) A division of labor in a social group can result in

increased efficiency with regard to the performance

of group tasks.  

(B) A division of labor in a social group causes

inequities in the distribution of opportunities and

benefits among group members.

(C) A division of labor on the basis of gender in a social

group is necessitated by the existence of sex-linked

biological differences between male and female

members of the group.

(D) Culturally determined distinctions based on gender

in a social group foster the existence of differing

attitudes and opinions among group members.

(E) Educational programs aimed at reducing inequalities

based on gender among members of a social group

can result in a sense of greater well-being for all

members of the group.

But the individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, deny-

ing the significance of physiological difference,.

128. According to the passage, relational feminists and

individualist feminists agree that

(A) individual human rights take precedence over most

other social claims

(B) the gender-based division of labor in society should

be eliminated

(C) laws guaranteeing equal treatment for all citizens

regardless of gender should be passed

(D) a greater degree of social awareness concerning the

importance of motherhood would be beneficial to


(E) the same educational and economic opportunities

should be available to both sexesRelationalfeminists, while agreeing that equal educational andeconomic opportunities outside the home should be avail-

able for all women, continued to emphasize women’s special contributions to society as homemakers and mothers; they demanded special treatment

Relationalfeminists, Individualist feminists began to advocate a totally

gender-blind system with equal rights for all.


发表于 2005-2-27 22:11:00 | 只看该作者
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