以下是引用古镯在2005-2-26 0:57:00的发言:
c. The nuts are not harvested until they drop to the ground, and then gathered, dried and stored...
d. The nuts are not harvested until they drop to the ground at which point they are gathered, dried and stored...
C和D有一个很明显的区别就是一个时间上的前后关系,C很明显的表达了这个意思,and then之后......;分析C句就是,drop,and then gathered, dried and stored...,drop和后面三个并列的动作是一前一后的关系!
D中at which point没有表达出这个前后关系,仅仅说明了在那个时刻,更重要的一点是at which指代什么?如果从语法角度是ground,如果是逻辑意义及point的提示上,可以看出,应该是前面的一句话:The nuts are not harvested until they drop to the ground ,这在GMAT里是不允许的!凭这一点,就可以否决D!
谢谢古镯. 我也感觉C好, 有人有不同意见么? |