Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
AFew if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.
BIn 1996 most Verdlanders who lived within the listening area of an RDS station already had a radio equipped to receive RDS.
CEquipping a radio station with RDS technology does not decrease the station's listening area.
DIn 1996 Verdlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994.
EThe RDS radio stations in Verdland in 1996 did not all offer the same type of programming.
题目说的是 special program information只有安装了RDS才能接受的到。在1994到1996这种提供special program的电台在V从250到了600.但是在V安装了RDS的数量没有变化,所以在能接受到 special program information的数量也不会有明显的变化。(因为第一句的前提)。
Assumption 基本做法取非变削弱。A 说的是1994之后开的提供special program的电台很少有在之前没有覆盖的范围之内。取非就是这些电台大都在之前不覆盖的范围内,所以范围大了就不能确定能接受到special program information的数量数量了,削弱。