19th AUG
【独立】这个题目比较好写,可是还是写了一个小时。。没写结尾 490+words
More acceptable as it might be, being similar to others can only be a part of propeller on one's way to his goad. However, other ability, such as the attractions for grasp people's attention, the differentways to think as well as the courage to make a break through the convention, actually play the most part for success. Therefore, in my opinion, being distinctive to the ordinary is more likely to succeed.
To begin with, with different features, notonly can a person benefit from his attraction to the public, but also he canwin the focus from the persons who can give him a hand on the way to his goad.By a totally different marketing strategy, which is opposed to what most of thesmart phone companies apply, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi technology, hasspur the interest and desire of the customers so that makes his product a bigsell. Due to the new purchase method, more people are attractive to try the infamoussmart phone of Lei Jun. And my friends Yaccob is another good example thatbeing different can make a different. When he attended software developerposition in a famous firm, he made his self-introduction by using the softwarehe developer to display his advantages for that position, which made themanager decide to give him a director position. It is his difference that giveshim the chance to make the manager find his talent.
Moreover, to be distinctive also make aperson think and view from different aspects, which can lead to a perfectlycreative idea. If a person like to become different, pursuing differences pushhim to think different. There are lots of well-known scientific discovery derivingfrom the strange scientists and their strange ideas, such as Edison and hisbulb, Franklin and his lightening experiment. All of these people were regardedas freak at the beginning of their crazy actions, but they all turned out tomark in the history, as the most famous examples for unusual and creativethinking improving human's lives.
Finally,the person who differ from others have are bond to challenge the old andconventional rules, which is contributed to breaking through from the stereotypes.To be different from others have to avoid the conventions and rules and set upthe new styles. Never can Jobs complete his i-phone by obeying the traditionalindustrial criteria; Never can Karmellon's movies hit the top by following theacademic style; And never can Jacica succeed on the Broadway by dancing theballet steps. Having the courage to become different, in some extent, means thathaving the courage to break the rule people observe for long time. Only possessthis courage, can a person achieve his life.
The reading passage presents an argumentthat the private exchange of fossils has a negative effect on both the generalpublic and the scientists. But the professor in the listening lecture disputesthat private collectors actually do good for the fossils research and thepublic interest in fossil, which is opposed to the reading passage. And theprofessor supports her idea based on the following reasons.
To begin with, even though the readingpassage argues that the private collectors tend to prohibit the public to seetheir fossil collections so the public will lose their interest in the fossils,the professor disproves that the increasing passion in the private fossilmarket can really inspire the interest of the public. And lots of purchases inthe private market is also accessiblefor the researchers, which will not make scientists lose the most importantinformation for the fossil in the private market.
Moreover, the professor contends that theprivate collectors tend to turn to the scientists for help to evaluate thefossils, whereas the reading passages claims that the private collectors willbe the obstacle for the scientific research in fossils. The professor explainsthat the purchasers themselves always need the professional advice fromscientists, when they first decide to collect a certain fossil. In this circumstance,the scientists will not lose the chance to recognize and investigate the mostimportant information in the fossils.
Finally, the professor also points out thatthe research and protection of fossil can take the advantages from thecommercial fossil collectors, which is contrary to the reading passage's claim.Because the collectors sometimes can help scientists to unearth fossil and theyare not likely to do harm to their collections. So the reading passage is notcorrect.