在紧张的GMAT考试备考季到来前夕,ChaseDream终于推出了大家期盼已久的《ChaseDream GMATPrep08逻辑笔记》。这本笔记自4月26日在ChaseDream论坛上推出以后,10天时间已经有超过1000人次的下载。同时,对于这份笔记的各种提问也接踵而来。少数CDers在帖子中留言提问,更多的是给Helr老师发私信提问。现在,请允许我“浪费”您1%次上淘宝网购的时间,留下您对于逻辑笔记的问题,您不但会得到ChaseDream最权威的解释,同时您的问题会让ChaseDream更好的帮助全中国的GMAT考生。
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《ChaseDream GMATPrep08逻辑笔记》—在线答疑会
日期: 2013年5月22日
时间: 20:00-21:00
地点: ChaseDream语音聊天室 http://chat.chasedream.com/
Helr 《ChaseDream GMAT Prep08 逻辑笔记》作者
如果您无法参加此次活动,也请回复本贴留下您的问题。活动结束后,会根据内容整理文字实况,发布在ChaseDream走出GMAT困境区(因整理和校对的工作量很大,将在活动结束后一周内发布)。部分高频问题会整理为FAQ的形式放在《ChaseDream Prep08 逻辑笔记》的下载帖子中
ChaseDream 2008逻辑笔记官方在线答疑会流程
- ChaseDream Critical Reasoning(逻辑)解题方法简介
- 如何应用《ChaseDream GMATPrep08逻辑笔记》进行复习
- 例题讲解
- Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Researchers recently asked dozens of shoppers, chosen at random coming out of a FoodBasket supermarket, what they had purchased. The prices of the very same items at the nearest ShopperKing supermarket were totaled and compared with the FoodBasket total. The ShopperKing totals averaged five percent higher than the FoodBasket totals. Nevertheless, this result does not necessarily show that shoppers at ShopperKing would save money overall by shopping at FoodBasket instead, since ______.
A. shoppers who shop regularly at a given supermarket generally choose that store for the low prices offered on the items that they purchase most often
B. for shoppers with more than 20 items, the ShopperKing totals averaged more than five percent higher than the FoodBasket totals
C. many shoppers consider factors other than price in choosing the supermarket at which they shop most regularly
D. there is little variation from month to month in the overall quantity of purchases made at supermarkets by a given shopper
E. none of the people who conducted the research were employees of the FoodBasket supermarket
- ChaseDream官方解答CDers累计提出的问题:
- 什么时候能有完整Prep08 CR总共107道题目的笔记?
- 这个方法对我来说,有点颠覆。我需要多少时间才能完全学会CR的这种方法?怎么分配学习时间?
- 这个既然是ChaseDream培训讲的方法,你们会不会为了招生,而故意在笔记中隐瞒一些东西,让大家无法全部学会?
- 笔记中给出推理模式的7类是不是能适用于所有的GMAT题目?会不会GMAC发现了这个方法之后,添加一些新的CQ到每个类别之中?
- 能不能给出更多的复习材料?
- 判断选项与原文“有关或者无关(irrelevant)”来解决一道CR题目是否可以?为何 ChaseDream 2008逻辑笔记中不用这个方法?
- Q&A