我觉得这道题关键在于认识到local catch=legal catch;the population of catched lobesters in 1996=the population of legally catched lobesters+that of illegally cathed lobesters;
B选项说明the population of catched lobester between 1996-1992固定不变;如果the population of legally catched lobesters=-9000,那么the population of illegally catched lobesters=+9000,以便使总数保持不变.所以支持原文结论.
The illegal lobster harvesting was not so expensive that the population of catchable lobsters in Belukia’s territorial waters had sharply declined by 1996
我觉得这道题关键在于认识到local catch=legal catch;the population of catched lobesters in 1996=the population of legally catched lobesters+that of illegally cathed lobesters;
B选项说明the population of catched lobester between 1996-1992固定不变;如果the population of legally catched lobesters=-9000,那么the population of illegally catched lobesters=+9000,以便使总数保持不变.所以支持原文结论.