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[语文] 高智威阅读机经26+1分析

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-20 23:00:22 | 只看该作者

Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science, but their form and function,
their dimensions and appearance, were determined by technologists, artisans, designers, inventors, and
engineers—using non-scientific modes of thought. Many features and qualities of the objects that a
technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in
the mind by a visual, nonverbal process. In the development of Western technology, it has been
non-verbal thinking, by and large, that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material
surroundings. Pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics, but
because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built them.

The creative shaping process of a technologist’s mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that
exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine, a technologist might impress individual ways of
nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness.
What would be the shape of the combustion chamber? Where should the valves be placed? Should it
have a long or short piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by
physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of form. Some
decisions, such as wall thickness and pin diameter, may depend on scientific calculations, but the nonscientific component of design remains primary.

Design courses, then, should be an essential element in engineering curricula. Nonverbal thinking,
a central mechanism in engineering design, involves perceptions, the stock-in-trade of the artist, not the
scientist. Because perceptive processes are not assumed to entail “hard thinking,” nonverbal thought is
sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive processes and inferior to verbal or
mathematical thought. But it is paradoxical that when the staff of the Historic American Engineering
Record wished to have drawings made of machines and isometric views of industrial processes for its
historical record of American engineering, the only college students with the requisite abilities were not
engineering students, but rather students attending architectural schools.

If courses in design, which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the
background required for practical problem-solving, are not provided, we can expect to encounter silly
but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems. For example, early models of high-speed
railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because a fan
sucked snow into the electrical system. Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems
are not merely trivial aberrations; they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed
to be primarily a problem in mathematics.

19.1. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with
(A) identifying the kinds of thinking that are used by technologists
(B) stressing the importance of nonverbal thinking in engineering design
(C) proposing a new role for nonscientific thinking in the development of technology
(D) contrasting the goals of engineers with those of technologists
(E) criticizing engineering schools for emphasizing science in engineering curricula

19.2. It can be inferred that the author thinks engineering curricula are
(A) strengthened when they include courses in design
(B) weakened by the substitution of physical science courses for courses designed to develop
mathematical skills
(C) strong because nonverbal thinking is still emphasized by most of the courses
(D) strong despite the errors that graduates of such curricula have made in the development of
automatic control systems
(E) strong despite the absence of nonscientific modes of thinking

19.3.Which of the following statements best illustrates the main point of lines 1-28 of the passage?
(A) When a machine like a rotary engine malfunctions, it is the technologist who is best equipped to
repair it.
(B) Each component of an automobile—for example, the engine or the fuel tank—has a shape that has
been scientifically determined to be best suited to that component’s function.
(C) A telephone is a complex instrument designed by technologists using only nonverbal thought.
(D) The designer of a new refrigerator should consider the designs of other refrigerators before
deciding on its final form.
(E) The distinctive features of a suspension bridge reflect its designer’s conceptualization as well as the
physical requirements of its site.

19.4.Which of the following statements would best serve as an introduction to the passage?
(A) The assumption that the knowledge incorporated in technological developments must be derived
from science ignores the many non-scientific decisions made by technologists.
(B) Analytical thought is no longer a vital component in the success of technological development.
(C) As knowledge of technology has increased, the tendency has been to lose sight of the important
role played by scientific thought in making decisions about form, arrangement, and texture.
(D) A movement in engineering colleges toward a technician’s degree reflects a demand for graduates
who have the nonverbal reasoning ability that was once common among engineers.
(E) A technologist thinking about a machine, reasoning through the successive steps in a dynamic
process, can actually turn the machine over mentally.

19.5 The author calls the predicament faced by the Historic American Engineering Record
“paradoxical” (lines 36-37) most probably because
(A) the publication needed drawings that its own staff could not make
(B) architectural schools offered but did not require engineering design courses for their students
(C) college students were qualified to make the drawings while practicing engineers were not
(D) the drawings needed were so complicated that even students in architectural schools had difficulty
making them
(E) engineering students were not trained to make the type of drawings needed to record the
development of their own discipline

19.6. According to the passage, random failures in automatic control systems are “not merely trivial
aberrations” (lines 53) because
(A) automatic control systems are designed by engineers who have little practical experience in the
(B) the failures are characteristic of systems designed by engineers relying too heavily on concepts in
(C) the failures occur too often to be taken lightly
(D) designers of automatic control systems have too little training in the analysis of mechanical
(E) designers of automatic control systems need more help from scientists who have a better
understanding of the analytical problems to be solved before such systems can work efficiently

19.7. The author uses the example of the early models of high-speed railroad cars primarily to
(A) weaken the argument that modern engineering systems have major defects because of an absence
of design courses in engineering curricula
(B) support the thesis that the number of errors in modern engineering systems is likely to increase
(C) illustrate the idea that courses in design are the most effective means for reducing the cost of
designing engineering systems
(D) support the contention that a lack of attention to the nonscientific aspects of design results in poor
conceptualization by engineers
(E) weaken the proposition that mathematics is a necessary part of the study of design
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 02:41:27 | 只看该作者


第一句开篇点题,说我们用的好多东西虽然都受science的影响,但是它们的功能啊外观啊都是利用的都是non-scientific modes of thought。句子内部就带了一个小对比。
第三句说这种non-verbal thinking充斥在我们的周围。
第四句举例说明,Pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets这些不是因为科学才存在的,它们的存在最一开始就是因为设计者脑中的一幅图像。

第二至六句是第一个例子,讲的是设计diesel engine,设计者经常考直觉。
第七句是第二个例子,讲的是墙的厚度等等,它们是要依靠科学的计算,但最开始还是需要nonscientific design。

第三段4句话,开始论述一个更具体的方面,design course。
第一句,讲design course应该是engineering curricula最重要的一个元素。19.2题就考这句话。
第二句,讲design所需的nonverbal thinking里包括perceptions。
第三句,讲nonverbal thinking是其他认知发展的最初阶段。

第四段3句话,也是典型的一个论点后面跟例子支持的结构,讲的是如果没有design course会咋样。
第二句是第一个例子,讲的是早期的一种汽车没法在雪天开,因为风扇会把雪卷到electrical system里面去。19.7题问这个例子的作用,记得当年上课的时候老师强调过,问例子的作用答案一定不是跟例子本身的内容相关的选项,因为例子的作用就是支持它前面的那个论点。因此,这道题答案就是支持第一句说的内容。
第三句是第二个例子(有题),讲的是automatic control systems的失败,但是这句我没看懂作者论述的它跟数学的关系,求解答。19.6题问automatic control systems失败是因为啥,同样是选对了但是没看懂。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 02:46:12 | 只看该作者

Between 1970 and 1980, energy consumption by United States industry peaked and then declined, so
that by 1980 total industrial use of energy was below the 1970 level even though total industrial output
had grown substantially in the same period. Industry must have instituted highly effective energy
conservation measures in those years to have achieved such impressive results.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion of the argument?
(A) Many industries switched to the greatest extent possible from high-priced oil to lower-priced
alternatives throughout the 1970's.
(B) Total residential energy consumption was higher in the United States in 1980 than it had been in
(C) Many industrial users of energy had paid little attention to energy conservation prior to 1970.
(D) Industrial output grew less rapidly from 1970 to 1980 than it had from 1960 to 1970.
(E) The industries whose production dropped sharply during the 1970's included a disproportionately
large number of energy-intensive industries.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 03:09:16 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 03:28:38 | 只看该作者

Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic’s deepwaters reveal possible cyclical patterns in
the history of Earth’s climate. Therock fragments in these sediments are too large to have been
transported thereby ocean currents; they must have reached their present locations by travelingin large
icebergs that floated long distances from their point of origin beforemelting.

Geologist Gerard Bond noticed that some of the sedimentgrains were stained with ironoxide,
evidence that they originated in localeswhere glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone. Bond’s
detailed analysisof deep-water sediment cores showed changes in the mix of sediment sources overtime:
the proportion of these red-stained grains fluctuated back and forth fromlows of 5 percent to highs of
about 17 percent, and these fluctuations occurredin a nearly regular 1,500-year cycle.

Bond hypothesized that the alternating cycles might beevidence of changes in ocean-water
circulation and therefore in Earth’sclimate. He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were
generallycloser to the North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of“clean” grains. At
certain times, apparently, more icebergs from the ArcticOcean in the far north were traveling south
well into the North Atlantic beforemelting and shedding their sediment. Ocean waters are constantly
moving, andwater temperature is both a cause and an effect of this movement. As watercools, it
becomes denser and sinks to the ocean’s bottom. During some periods,the bottom layer of the world’s
oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking inthe far North Atlantic. This causes the warm surface waters of the Gulf Streamto be pulled northward. Bond realized that during such periods, the influx
ofthese warm surface waters into northern regions could cause a large proportionof the icebergs that
bear red grains to melt before traveling very far into theNorth Atlantic. But sometimes the ocean’s
dynamic changes, and waters from theGulf Stream do not travel northward in this way. During these
periods, surfacewaters in the North Atlantic would generally be colder, permitting icebergsbearing
red-stained grains to travel farther south in the North Atlantic beforemelting and depositing their

The onset of the so-called Little Ice Age (1300-1860),which followed the Medieval Warm Period
of the eighth through tenth centuries,may represent the most recent time that the ocean’sdynamic
changed in this way. If ongoing climate-history studies support Bond’shypothesis of 1,500-year cycles,
scientists may establish a major natural rhythmin Earth’s temperatures that could then be extrapolated
into the future.Because the midpoint of the Medieval Warm Period was about A.D. 850, anextension of
Bond’s cycles would place the midpoint of the next warm intervalin the twenty-fourth century.

21.1. According to the passage, which of the following istrue of the rock fragments contained in the
sediments studied by Bond?
A. The majority of them are composed of red sandstone.
B. They must have reached their present location over 1,500 years ago.
C. They were carried byicebergs to their present location.
D. Most of them were carried to their present location during a warm period inEarth’s climatic history.
E. They are unlikely to have been carried to their present location during theLittle Ice Age.

21.2. In the final paragraph of the passage (lines 27-33),the author is concerned primarily with
A. answering a question about Earth’s climatic history
B. pointing out a potential flaw in Bond’s hypothesis
C. suggesting a new focus for the study of ocean sediments
D. tracing the general history of Earth’s climate
E. discussing possibleimplications of Bond’s hypothesis

21.3. According to the passage, Bond hypothesized that whichof the following circumstances would
allow red-stained sediment grains to reachmore southerly latitudes?
A. Warm waters being pulled northward from the GulfStream
B. Climatic conditions causing icebergs to melt relatively quickly
C. Icebergs containing a higher proportion of iron oxide than usual
D. The formation of more icebergs than usual in the far north
E. The presence of coldsurface waters in the North Atlantic

21.4. It can be inferred from the passage that in sedimentcores from the North Atlantic’s deep waters,
the portions that correspond tothe Little Ice Age
A.. differ very little in composition from theportions that correspond to the Medieval Warm Period
B. fluctuate significantly in composition between the portions corresponding tothe 1300s and the
portions corresponding to the 1700s
C. would be likely tocontain a proportion of red-stained grains closer to 17 percent than to 5percent
D. show a much higher proportion of red-stained grains in cores extracted fromthe far north of the
North Atlantic than in cores extracted from further south
E. were formed in part as
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 05:09:33 | 只看该作者

第一句说,近来的研究发现North Atlantic的沉积物或许可以揭示地球气候的历史。

第一句说,Gerard Bond发现一些沉积物里有ironoxide,这说明携带他们的冰川曾经到过有很多red sandstone的地方。
第二句说,Bond还发现这些red-stained grains的含量是变化的,从5%到17%,变化的周期是大约1500年。

第一句是这一段,应该也是全文的主旨句,说上一段说的red-stained grains含量的变化周期可以推导出海水的循环,进而推导出全球气候的变化。
第二句讲这些red-stained grains的来源更靠近北极。(我没太搞明白作者为什么要写这句话,看不出与上下文的联系啊)
第三句讲,某一时期,冰川从北边的Arctic Ocean来,在没融化之前流入North Atlantic,把沉积物留在这里。
第五、六句描写的是第一个阶段,当海水很冷时,海水密度就会变大,冷水就会下沉(我觉得句首的it应该指的是海水),因此这时底层的海水是来自North Atlantic的又冷密度又大的海水。
第七、八句描写的是第二个阶段,讲上一个阶段导致Gulf Stream表层的温水流向北方,这会导致含有red-stained grains的冰川在漂流到North Atlantic之前就融化了。
第九、十句写的是第三个阶段,是种例外,有时候Gulf Stream的海水流向北方不走上面说的那条路,这个时候North Atlantic表面的海水温度是比较低的,也因此冰川可以向南漂流到North Atlantic很南的地方,然后沉积物就落在那了。21.3题问要想冰川能漂流的更南边,需要什么条件,条件是上述的表层水温低。

第一句说Little Ice Age可能就是上一段里面那个例外的表现。
第三句承接第二句,讲这是因为Medieval Warm Period的midpoint在A.D.850,而下一个midpoint,根据Bond的理论,很有可能是在24世纪。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 05:15:47 | 只看该作者

Upon maturity,monarch butterflies travel hundreds of miles from their places of origin and lay
their eggs on milkweed. The caterpillars that emerge feed on milkweed and absorb the glycosides in
milkweed sap. The specific glycosides present in milkweed differ from region to region within the
monarch butterfly’s range. Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could
be used to determine its place of origin.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. Mature monarch butterflies do not feed on parts of milkweed that contain glycosides.
B. The glycosides in milkweed sap are slightly toxic to caterpillars of other species.
C. The vast majority of the monarch butterflies that are laying eggs in a given region will have
traveled there from a single region.
D. There are substances other than glycosides in milkweed sap that accumulate in a monarch
caterpillar and are retained in the body of the mature butterfly.
E. There are certain glycosides that are found in the sap of all milkweeds, no matter where they
grow within the monarch butterfly’s range.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 05:26:36 | 只看该作者
第一句说,成年monarch butterflies会飞到一个很远的地方,然后在milkweed产卵。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 05:38:23 | 只看该作者

The dis appearance of Steller's sea cow from the Bering and Copper is lands by 1768 has long been
blamed on intensive hunting. But its dis appearance took only 28 years from the time Steller first
described the species, a remarkably short time for hunting alone to depopulate the is lands, especially
given the large populations initially reported. However, by 1750, huntershad also targeted nearby sea
otter populations . Fewer otters would have allowed s ea urchin populations on which the otterspreyed
to expand and the urchins ' grazing pressure on kelp forests to increase. Sea cows were totally
dependent on kelp for food, and within a decade of the onset of otter hunting Steller noted that the is
lands' sea cows appeared malnourished.

1. Which of the following can be inferred from the pas s age about kelp forests in the Bering and
Copper is lands between 1750 and 1768?
A. They were reduced significantly.
B. They disappeared entirely from the region.
C. They were the primary food source for sea otters .
D. They were harvested in record numbers by humans
E. They increased pressure on sea urchin populations.

2. According to the pas s age, it is likely that during the m id-1700s, s ea urchin populations near the
Bering and Copper is lands
A. were diminished by sea cow predation
B. experienced substantial increases
C. migrated to waters with more plentiful food supplies
D. were reduced by the pressures of hunting
E. appeared to be malnourished
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 05:58:52 | 只看该作者
答案:A B

第三句继续转折,到1750年人们还猎杀sea otter。
第四、五句,最绕的地方来了。理顺以后的关系我想可能是这样的:sea otter吃sea urchin,但是对sea otter的捕杀导致sea urchin因为没人吃而疯长起来,而它的疯长抑制了kelp forests的生长。但是海象就只吃kelp forests,因此从sea otter被捕杀开始的十年间海象因为没得吃而营养不良,最终有可能也导致了它们的消失。第1题问了kelp forests的情况,答案是减少。第2题问sea urchin的情况,答案是增加。
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