27. 单利存15000,Xpercent的利率得到Z利息,问以Ypercent单利存多少可得相同利息 (1)X=某具体数据 (2)Y=2X both insufficient,没有给时间!请狗主补充题目是否提及一年期? -- by 会员 baloke1019 (2012/12/8 11:17:31)
I can't figure out why it is insufficient>< help~ Because it is "simple interest" that we could earn the same interests each year, could we ignore the numer of years? -- by 会员 yihuan7799 (2012/12/8 14:13:56)
Interest amount = Principal * interest rate per annum * number of years invested How could you arrive at the interest amount without knowing how many years the principal has been invested? |