Because postage rates are rising, Home Decorator magazine plans to maximize its profits by reducing by one-half the number of issues it publishes each year. The quality of articles, the number of articles published per year, and the subscription price will not change. Market research shows that neither subscribers nor advertisers will be lost if the magazine's plan is instituted.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest evidence that the magazine's profits are likely to decline if the plan is instituted?
逻辑 就考了3个jj 考了太空旅行,吃维生素那题,确认乱码君的YY题目 出国项目那题 ,有几个选项分别20%,50%,70%或90%(不记得了),选了多的百分比的那个,做题原理见乱码YY 还有一题,我有似曾相识的印象,说杂志社因为技术什么的印刷成本上升20%,但为了不提高花费,杂志社决定每个版面增加多少容量,问平价。有印象的同学可以考古~~~。内容和下面这题方向思路接近,感觉像变体 Because postage rates are rising, Home Decorator magazine plans to maximize its profits by reducing by one-half the number of issues it publishes each year.The quality of articles, the number of articles published per year, and the subscription price will not change.Market research shows that neither subscribers nor advertisers will be lost if the magazine's plan is instituted. 选D A. With the new postage rates, a typical issue under the proposed plan would cost about one-third more to mail than a typical current issue would. B. The majority of the magazine's subscribers are less concerned about a possible reduction in the quantity of the magazine's articles than about a possible loss of the current high quality of its articles. C. Many of the magazine's long-time subscribers would continue their subscriptions even if the subscription price were increased. D. Most of the advertisers that purchase advertising space In the magazine will continue to spend the same amount on advertising per issue as they have in the past. E.  roduction costs for the magazine are expected to remain stable.
数学 我觉得很简单,大多是jj上的,但我建议大家答案,自己算一遍,我每道题都是自己算的,提前15mins交卷 顺便一提,一个人匀速跑步,J先系鞋带30秒,然后跑了1800米之后,追上先跑的A,两人速度相差r,问J出发多久后追上A?这题我遇上了变体,说J先系鞋带30秒,之后速度比A快5mile,之后J在走了1800mile才追上A。求v还t???? 列这个公式1800=v(t+30)=(v+5)t 最后,实在对不起整理语法jj的mm,verbal里自我感觉最好的就是语法了,可是语法狗真心难记有木有?一提也记不住有木有? 有个not only but also, 估计这是白说~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 最最最最后,我要真心感谢本月整理jj的好孩纸们,祝你们杀鸡大胜~~~