樓主恭喜殺G成功 請問.南亚经济 确定Q1 Q2 Q3的答案 是哪3題阿 跪求 後天考 -- by 会员 lovekyoko (2012/10/24 19:24:28)
*Q1:发达国家(developed country)的政府支持(government spending)符合以下哪个?
确定选发达国家的government spending has a negative effect on manufactory industry.
理由:定位文章第二段说developing country’sgovernment spending can increase the overall economy, but in developed country, 政府的spending是 shift from the manufactory industry.
*Q3:有关第二段the primary industry,do what function to the manufacture industry/哪项正确?
ensure themanufacture industry to extend.