关于布局, 第一问的3个小问不用分页, 大问题分页比较好
请问以下2个问题 问题1: Essay的第一个问题我是分开答,把后面的小问题标为1.1,1.2,1.3 这样是否理解正确 1.Complete each of the following questions. Please limit your response to 150 words each. 1. Why have you decided to pursue an MBA at this time? 2. What are your short term post MBA goals? 3. What are your long term professional aspirations? 问题2: 2.Please address the following questions and submit all essays in one complete PDF file. Essays should be written in 12pt. font and double-spaced. On the top of each page, indicate your full name as listed on your application and the question to which you are responding. 学校要求在每页上面标申请者姓名和问题的题目。是标在页眉页脚吗,另外如果1.1 和1.2两个问题在同一张纸上如何处理。 也就是说怎么处理布局问题。 大问题1,2,3, 和小问题1.1, 1.2都是分页处理吗 -- by 会员 T不死 (2012/11/26 13:11:19)