以下是引用lawyer_1在2004-11-13 4:39:00的发言:to PAOPAO 第一。你的规律不对。如我前面分析 第二。你的题根本不是大小概念问题。而是关系不确定。SOME可能包括,也可能不包括原文的概念。我给你讲过SOME的含义。可以是1个,也可以是全部。
(E) The net savings in medical resources achieved by some preventive health measures are smaller than the net losses attributable to certain other measures of this kind.
The fact that different preventive health measures have different economic consequences (choice E) gives no specific information about treatment for hypertension, and so cannot affect the conclusion drawn.
lawyer:怎么说啊 能再讲得明白点吗 我感觉自己挺蠢的 |