E pay attention to the comparative component and the verd "charge"
If you think theses two sentences belowing over, you can find the structure are simple and the subjects are followed by the comparable components directly, the structure avoiding ambiguity
1. According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about equivalent to the enrollment of the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.
(A) equivalent to the enrollment of
(B) the equivalent of those enrolled in
(C) equal to those who are enrolled in
(D) as many as the enrollment of(E)
(E) as many as are enrolled in
according to OG187, I choose D:
187. In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at LACE>Sharpsburg, MarylandLACE>, on ATE Year="1862" Day="17" Month="9">September 17, 1862ATE>, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of LACE>NormandyLACE> during D-Day.
(A) Americans were killed as
(B) Americans were killed than
(C) Americans were killed than those who
(D) more Americans were killed as there(A)
(E) more Americans were killed as those who
Choice A, the best answer, is the only option that accurately expresses the comparison by using the idiomatic form as many... as. In B and C, as many... than is unidiomatic, and in C and E, those who is a wordy intrusion. In D and E, more is redundant because the phrase four times as many in the original sentence conveys the idea of more. |