2 迁徙问题
比如说有一种鸟经常发现与另外一种鸟一起迁徙,他们共享summer和winter的栖息地。观察发现,如果那种鸟掉队了,她回wander itway 直到第二个flock of 另一种鸟 ,然后再一起飞。得出结论说,那种鸟没有自己的navigation system。 削弱,我选了事,因为另外一种鸟成群飞能够起到保护作用,因为鸟群里有个体大的,强壮的,起到防止hawk 攻击的作用。
与考古题干意思完全一致,我选择的是J鸟把蛋产在f鸟窝里,我个人认为和防止鹰攻击没有太大关系,毕竟J鸟自己徘徊等f鸟保护的时候就有被攻击的可能。 3水银源 V1 还有一道是说什么某个地方的鱼被水银污染了,但是没排还不什么的,所以应该是工厂排放到空气里的进入了水体,貌似是这样。。。我选的是这个地方的鱼没有迁移的。。。本人的洛基一般般。。。 V2 一个地方发现他们的鱼被mercury 污染了,然后找原因,可是附近的工厂好像都没直接排水银,所以,科学家推测,由于mercury 是在空气中vapor什么的导致的,不记得了。问加强。 V3 河里的鱼有mercury那个。专家说汞是飘的很远的阿,而且这个河周围没有排放汞的工厂。问你assumption,有个说河里的汞量还不至于杀死鱼鱼,有个说河里鱼的品种都是不migrate的那种。 4睡眠跟动眼期 V1 一个学者认为一个研究不能削弱眼球快速转动睡眠对某些技能有帮助。研究是找一帮人打字,结果那些眼球非快速睡眠的人表现好。 选项是研究里面的技能和眼球快速睡眠有帮助的技能是不同的。 V2 (760,M51,V41) 狗主选项:JJ好像也是对的,选A,睡得最多的人得分最高,或者睡得最少的人得分最低。 V3(730) RM(rapideye movement) sleep VS non-RM sleep有眼动睡眠和无眼动睡眠对思维能力的影响:A study was done involving anexperimental and a controlgroup to have them learn to navigate a 3D maze. Theblood flow in theparahippocampas gyrus increased in conjunction with theindividual'sperformance through the 3D maze. Participants were then trained inthe maze for4 hours and later, during the various sleep cycles of nonREM sleep,REM sleepand wakefulness, they were scanned twelve times using PET during thenight. ThePET scan demonstrated a higher blood flow in the hippocampus duringSWS/non-REMsleep due to the training from the previous day while the controlgroupexhibited no increased blood flow and they had not received the trainingtheprior day. The brain activity during sleep, according to this study, wouldshowthe events of the previous day does make a difference. One theory suggestsamodel of Hippocampal-neocortical dialogue. "Two stages ofhippocampalactivity have been proposed, the first being the recording of thememory duringwaking and the second involving the playback of the memory duringnonREM sleep.This process of reactivation of memory firing sequences isbelieved togradually reinforce initially weak connections between neocorticalsitesallowing the original information to be activated in the cortexindependentlyof the hippocampus, and thus ensuring refreshed encoding capacityof thehippocampus." Maquet concluded that the areas of the brain involvedwithinformation processing and memory have increased brain activity during theslowwave sleep period. Events experienced in the previous day have moreefficientand clearer memory recall the next day thus indicating that the memoryregionsof the brain are activated during SWS/non-REM sleep instead of beingdormant aspreviously thought. 题中的实验改为:两组人比赛打字,昨晚睡了觉的,打字快,正确率高。问支持。 狗主选项:睡得最少的得分最低。 6材料耐用性问题
两种材料,水泥和沥青(?),受热会坏。 沥青坏的快,沥青路总是要来修。某脑残政府跳出来说:俺们换用水泥的吧!水泥好水泥妙,repave水泥价格和repave沥青的差不多差不多~正好啊,沥青路都需要repave。问evaluate……
水泥和沥青,选和cost相关那个就对了,别的不靠谱。 9污染问题 V1 (710) 有一个是说park,游客太多,都是开车或是公交来的,现在建轻轨,反对者说没有用,问削弱 V2 好像是有一个什么景区,为了解决污染问题,要修轻型轨道交通工具,问的什么也忘了 V3 还有那个“保护公园建轻轨”的题,跟GWD的不太像。原文是说某个景区,道路狭窄、游客很多、交通拥挤。以前游客去这个地方都是坐公车或者开私家车。政府为了增加游客还是增加profits(注意不是解决污染问题),决定建一个rail road。这样就会增加游客量,但会增加污染。问削弱。 V4 风景区因为巴士造成空气污染,政府要盖轻轨电车,但不会减少塞车。所以不建议,问削弱。我选,电车盖好后会限制上山的车辆 [GWD参考版本,非原题] GWD T-3-Q21 Driving the steep road to the mountaintop Inca ruins of MachuPicchu is potentially dangerous and hiking there is difficult. Now the Peruviangovernment is installing a cable car that will make access much easier, andhence result in a large increase in tourism. However, since the presence oflarge numbers of tourists tends to accelerate the deterioration of a site,installation of the cable car is certain to result in harm to the ruins. Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls intoquestion the argument? A. The daily number of tourists that are expected to take the cable car toMachu Piccu is smaller than the original resident population of Incas. B. The construction of the cable car terminal at Machu Picchu will require theuse of potentially damaging heavy machinery at the site. C. Machu Picchu is already one of the most popular tourist sites in Peru. D. Natural weathering will continue to be a more significant cause of thedeterioration of Machu Picchu than tourist traffic. E. The cable car will replace the tourbuses whose large wheels and corrosive exhaust at present do significant damageto the site. (Answer) 10亏损问题 [GWD参考版本,非原题] GWD21-Q40: Amanufacturer of workstations for computer-aided design seeks to increase salesto its most important corporate customers. Its strategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations inorder to generate interest among the buyers for those corporations. Whichof the following, if characteristic of the marketplace, would tend to cause themanufacturer’s strategy to fail? A. The proposed list prices would seem low toa typical buyer for the manufacturer’s most important corporate customers. B. The capabilities of workstations suitablefor given jobs are not significantly different among various manufacturers. C. The manufacturer’s most important corporatecustomers employ as buyers persons who are very knowledgeable about prices forworkstations for customer-aided design. D. Customers differ significantly in thepercentage of resources they can devote to computer workstations. E. Buyers for corporations that purchaseworkstations for computer-aided design receive bonuses for negotiating largediscounts from the list price. (Answer) |