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每日速度越障学习帖 - 精读+背词

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-26 22:25:56 | 只看该作者
补:20120725 <第四期5-04科技> Science at the Olympics: Team science

toil [t??l] vi. 辛苦工作
overshadow v. 遮阴
Yet those scientists toil in the background, understandably overshadowed by the sporting spectacle.

Paralympics [,pær?'limpiks] n.残奥会
In 2000, the Spanish basketball team in the Paralympics learning-difficulties category swept the board to win all of their games and take gold.

strip sb of sth 剥夺某人的
After the scandal was revealed by an undercover journalist, the team was stripped of its medals, and anyone with a learning disability was excluded from the next two Paralympic Games.

in the wake of随着…而来
fiasco [f?'æsk??] n. 惨败
solidify [s?'l?d?fa?] v. 团结;凝固
criteria [krai'ti?ri?] n. 标准,条件(criterion的复数)
eligibility [,elid??'bil?ti] n. 被选举资格
classification [,klæs?f?'ke??(?)n] n. 分类;类别,等级
impairment [?m'p?rm?nt] n. 损伤,损害In the wake of the Spanish fiasco, the International Paralympic Committee and Inas, the international federation for para-athletes with an intellectual disability, sponsored an international research group to solidify the criteria for 'eligibility' (existence of a disability), and 'classification' (impairment of ability to play the sport).

comprehensively [,kɑmpr?'h?ns?vli] adv. 包括地;包括一切地
documented ['d?kjum?ntid]  adj. 备有证明文件的
robust [r?(?)'b?st] adj. 强健的;健康的
fraud [fr??d] n. 欺骗
All this has to be comprehensively documented and reviewed by multiple researchers so that the system is robust against fraud.

hectic ['hekt?k] adj. 忙碌的
Burns is currently working a hectic schedule juggling her Paralympics work, her regular academic job and huge interest from the world's media.

sprint [spr?nt] n. 冲刺;短跑
In this summer's 100-metre sprint, Usain 'Lightning' Bolt will attempt to hold onto his title of 'world's fastest man' against a younger and currently fleeter Yohan Blake.

suburban [s?'b??b(?)n] adj. 郊区的
Yet one of the fiercest battles in the Olympic Games will play out in a giant, custom-built suburban laboratory in Harlow, 35 kilometres north of the Olympic village.

molecular [m?'lekj?l?] adj. [化学] 分子的;由分子组成的
arsenal ['ɑ:s?n?l] n. a large collection of things you can use to achieve a particular purpose
Sisyphean [,sisi'fi:?n] adj. 永远做不完的;徒劳的
performance-enhancing a. 提高成绩的
Here, anti-doping experts will apply the most sophisticated tools in their molecular arsenal in the seemingly Sisyphean pursuit of those athletes who take performance-enhancing drugs.

stimulant ['st?mj?l(?)nt] n. [药] 兴奋剂
steroid ['st??r??d; 'ster??d] n. 类固醇
The lab will screen for dozens of stimulants, steroids and other banned substances.

notoriously [n?u't?:ri?sli] adv. 众所周知地
Anti-doping science is notoriously — some say unnecessarily — secretive; Bartlett says that he cannot reveal what drug-detection techniques will be rolled out at the London games.

disclose [d?s'kl??z] vt. 公开;揭露
validate ['væl?de?t] vt. 证实,验证
All he will disclose is this: “We've got the most sophisticated equipment, we spent the past year or so developing and validating new techniques that will give us increased sensitivity in all of our areas.”

legitimate [l?'d??t?m?t] adj. 合法的;正当的
toxicology [,t?ks?'k?l?d??] n. [毒物] 毒物学
Legitimate drugs are one target for Bartlett, who worked previously in food sciences and toxicology.

pharmaceutical [,fɑ?m?'su?t?k(?)l; -'sju?-] adj. 制药(学)的
pipeline ['pa?pla?n] n. 管道;传递途径
Pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Amgen and GlaxoSmithKline now routinely share information about drugs in their pipelines that could potentially be used by athletes.

tweak [twi?k] vt. 扭;用力拉;开足马力
crank out 粗制滥造
evade [?'ve?d] v. 逃避
Increasingly, dopers are turning to illegal labs in India, China and elsewhere that crank out drugs such as EPO that have been tweaked chemically to evade testing.

cautiously ['k?:??sli] adv. 慎重地,谨慎地
illicit [?'l?s?t] adj. 违法的;不正当的
Bartlett is cautiously optimistic. Many countries screen their athletes before departing for London, and some sports have begun to use 'biological passports' that chart characteristics of athletes' blood over time, looking for changes that might signal illicit performance enhancement, even when a substance such as EPO cannot be found.

British swimmers turned to fluid-dynamics researcher Stephen Turnock.

hydrodynamics [,ha?dr?(?)da?'næm?ks] n. [流] 流体力学
Turnock's speciality is hydrodynamics, particularly in ship design.

aerodynamic [,?roda?'næm?ks] adj. 空气动力学的
The lab previously worked with the British cycling team to devise more aerodynamic riding positions, which may have played at least a small part in the 14 medals that 'Team GB' cyclists brought home from Beijing.

instrumentation [,?nstr?men'te??(?)n] n. 使用仪器
It's a complex process to get the instrumentation right but that's a relatively simple bit of fluid dynamics because, typically, most of a position of the cyclist and the body is relatively fixed.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 01:32:01 | 只看该作者
补:20120726 <第四期5-05GMAT topic> NN’s debrief: Ketav's journey to 750...

Achilles heel致命要害;薄弱环节
convent ['k?nv(?)nt] n. 女修道院
Verbal on the other hand was my Achilles heel. Being convent educated I have a decent command over language.

reason out 推理出,推论出
Similarly, I could reason out arguments in wsj or even tech blogs like engadget.
发表于 2012-7-28 15:34:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-28 15:48:41 | 只看该作者
Achilles' heel 是希腊神话中著名的“阿喀琉斯的脚踝”

^^我有段时间很喜欢读Greek mythology,也许以后应该去读英文版~?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 17:44:46 | 只看该作者
In Greek mythology, when Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die in battle . To prevent his death, his mother Thetis took Achilles to the River Styx which was supposed to offer powers of invincibility and dipped his body into the water. But as Thetis held Achilles by the heel, his heel was not washed over by the water of the magical river. Achilles grew up to be a man of war who survived many great battles. But one day, a poisonous arrow shot at him was lodged in his heel, killing him shortly after. Still, Achilles is remembered as one of the greatest fighters who ever lived.——from Wikipedia
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 17:46:02 | 只看该作者
不错哦  顶
-- by 会员 babiya2049 (2012/7/28 13:08:26)

Thx, cheers~
发表于 2012-7-29 13:04:49 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 13:55:57 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 eliane小小爱 (2012/7/29 13:04:49)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 13:56:08 | 只看该作者
补:20120727 <第四期5-06经管> China’s Economic Slowdown: Why Stimulus Is a Bad Idea

impervious [?m'p??v??s] adj. 不受影响的
perilous ['per?l?s] adj. 危险的
Anyone who thought China was impervious to either the perilous state of the global recovery or the laws of basic economics should take a look at the data streaming out of the country in recent months.

stall [st??l] v. 停止
Manufacturing output and exports have been weak and the property sector has stalled.

sag [sæg] v. 下垂;下降
And with the sagging data have come louder and louder cries for greater government stimulus to pump up growth, as Beijing’s policymakers did successfully after the 2008 financial crisis.

ratchet ['ræt??t] vt. 松脱
"There’s lots more the government can do to ratchet things up,” HSBC said in a recent report.

exacerbate [?g'zæs?be?t; ek'sæs-] vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒
percolating ['p?:k?leiti?] adj. 渗透的
That’s exactly what China doesn’t need, however. Government policies to greatly boost growth will only exacerbate the percolating dangers within the Chinese economy — dangers that could even result in an economic crisis.

embroil [?m'br??l; em-] vt. 使卷入
As the global recovery stumbles and Europe remains embroiled in a debt crisis, Chinese exports have taken a hit.

subsidize ['s?bs?'da?z] vt. 资助
Its own consumers can’t fill in the gap. Private consumption in China relative to GDP is among the lowest of any major economy and remains constrained by government policies that punish consumers to subsidize investment.

curtail [k??'te?l] vt. 缩减
Rebalancing will also require major reforms within the economy — such as liberalizing regulated interest rates and curtailing the influence of the state sector — which would pinch powerful interest groups.

prolong [pr?'l??] vt. 延长
Renewed reliance on investment to support activity threatens to prolong the Chinese economy’s structural imbalances

inherently [in'hi?r?ntli] adv. 内在地
deteriorate [d?'t??r??re?t] v. 恶化
Moreover, the rise in investment as a share of GDP since 2008, which is inherently unsustainable, has coincided with deteriorating efficiency as measured by the ratio of incremental output per unit of investment.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-30 00:25:33 | 只看该作者
补:20120729 <第四期5-07经管> A home from home: Five planets that could host life

marble ['mɑ?b(?)l] n. 大理石
cosmos ['k?zm?s] n. 宇宙
shed light on 阐明;使…清楚地显出
It's one of the big questions: Are we alone on this blue marble or is there life elsewhere in the cosmos? To shed light on this, astronomers are searching for habitable worlds circling far-off stars.

observatory [?b'z??v?t(?)r?] n. 天文台
The team at the Geneva observatory which had discovered all four other planets around the star Gliese 581 failed to detect it in their own data.

controversial [k?ntr?'v???(?)l] adj. 有争议的;有争论的
Nevertheless, the planet's existence remains controversial.

Jupiter ['d?u?p?t?] n. [天] 木星
Saturn ['sæt(?)n] n. [天] 土星
Announced in February 2012 by a team from the US Carnegie Insitution and Germany's Goettingen University, Gliese 667Cc belongs to a class of planets known as Super Earths - a class of planet with a size in between that of rocky worlds like Earth and Mars and the gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.

radius ['re?d??s] n. 半径
With a radius 2.4 times that of Earth, Kepler 22b is the most massive of the five habitable planets.

predominantly [pr?'dɑm?n?ntli] adv. 主要地;显著地
gaseous ['gæs??s; 'ge?s??s] adj. 气态的
Neptune ['neptju:n] n. 海王星
Astronomers do not yet know for sure whether it has a predominantly gaseous, rocky or liquid composition. But to some, its size suggests a composition closer to the gaseous Neptune than to Earth.

Venus ['vi?n?s] n. [天] 金星
preclude [pr?'klu?d] vt. 排除
This means it is closer to Venus than Earth in the amount of energy it absorbs from its star. However, that would not necessarily preclude the possibility of life.

solar radiation [天] 太阳辐射;日光照射
offset ['?fset] vt. 抵消
proximity [pr?k's?m?t?] n. 亲近,接近
How hospitable the planet is may depend on how much cloud cover it has, since clouds reflect solar radiation. Its discoverers calculate that if HD85512b were to have more than 50% cloud cover (on the same order as Earth), it could offset the planet's proximity to its star enough for water to stay liquid at the surface.

balmy ['bɑ?m?] adj. 温和的
muggy ['m?g?] adj. 闷热的;潮湿的
However, any life forms on HD85512b will have to be suited to very balmy conditions, "It's going to be really muggy, just think about the muggiest day you can think of," co-discoverer Lisa Kaltenegger, from the Max Planck Institute in Germany, said at the time of its discovery.

spectroscopic [,spektr?'sk?pik] adj. 光谱学的
Since it is located only 20.3 light-years away - in the Constellation Libra - astronomers should be able to resolve some of these questions in the future, with direct spectroscopic observations of the planet's atmosphere.
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