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第三战,终于战完了. 感谢上帝,一些都结束了...向CD说声谢谢和再见...640-680-760 (verbal从V30(57%) 升到 V41(92%) - 感谢CD)
生活在美国10年了, 口语是不错,但是重来都不是考试的料。特别是verbal, 我想分析能力可能与国内同学才不多,所以找到CD非常高兴。 3个月前模考时,verbal=33, quant=49. 想起来这三个月真的很努力一边工作一边读gmat, 没有其他生活(早上6点起来读到8:30上班,下午7点到家继续到12左右)。 真是perseverance paid off, big time. Q51V41 :) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Before I forget, here are some JJ: Math - I think 85-90% of questions I've studied in JJ (1-350), for which I basically memorized the answers...lol 1. what's the domain of sqrt(x-1)/(x+1)? I picked x is greater than or equal to 1 (B) 2. There was also a book question, asking whether the number of books sold last week was higher than the number of book sold the week before (similar comparison) a) Comparison of Saturdays' books sold during those two weeks - not sufficient b) the proportion of the books sold on those saturdays compared to the whole week - not sufficient But together they are sufficient, so i picked C 3. There was a question about how much greater is a volume of a package with spheres greater than the volume of the same package (same dimension) with cylinders. There are 16 spheres with diameter 1 that are placed in a package of dimension 4x4x1; There are (forgot how many) cylinders with diameter 1 and height 1 that are placed in the package with the same dimensions (4x4x1). What is the ratio of the occupied space between the package with spheres and the package with cylinders? a) S(or C) is greater than 50% b) S (or C) is greater than 150%. I picked A.
CR and SC - I didn't look at any of the JJ, I don't think it would be helpful either. It's all from the past 3 months' practice
RC - all in JJ; JJ didn't have a clear descriptions of these prompts, so I still had to read through each RC carefully. 1. savings rate --> interest rate --> investment --> economy 2. the accounting method - blue pens (JJ里很全,只是有些wording不一样。大意是一致的) 3. the one about landscape imagery vs. others; basically it says why people prefer more landscape (calendars) than other imagery calendar; it's because our ancestors are more inclined to map out the region they live in than drawing abstract things (things that would not be helpful in survival). Hence, it makes sense that those people who map out their terrain are more likely to survive and therefore passing down this proclivity to later generations. 4. 技术失传那篇。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here is my study method/materials for those of you who are interested:
1. Went through all the Manhattan GMAT books in the first two months (didn't really understand them as I went through, but a good refresher) - not recommended; After going through the books, I took Prep1 - 660 - Worse than my last test?!!! 2. I followed this thread on CD - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - BAT二战750~迟到的心经[2011-09]by BAT a) Highly effective study plan that worked well for me b) I learned how to go through each SC question and figure out why each option is wrong - soooo helpful!!! c) For CR - I looked at some powerstone notes too; but I think it's mainly through practice. I used Prep 07 and 08 on top of OG. After practice, you will figure out why they keep saying find the CONCLUSION! because all the right answers are related to the conclusions! 3. For RC - I used 小安阅读法和训练 (63篇一次半-做完一遍后面找别人定位了再读一遍 )。刚开始觉得还挺有效的,但是觉得如果后面有JJ的话一般文章的骨骼和大意都知道了,在实战上没有什么作用。 4. OG 刷了4-5次吧。(特别是SC 和 CR) -为了了解什么是对,什么是错,不是为了做题对答案。。。 5. Prep08 语法笔记作了两次 (highlight 重要点); 07作了一次。最后一个星期prep08语法总结了一下(go through all the highlighting made previously), 每天晚上睡觉之前看了一下真确句子。看了看了就比要知道gmat SC 的考点了。 6. Math - I used to get 49 consistently on Math, and didn't not really study anything else (beside going through Manhattan GMAT books). It was really working through all the JJ that helped me achieve a 51 on the test) 7. 到最后一个星期,我只看JJ, 旁边每天还加10个brutal CR 和 SC - 这个在gmatclub.com 可以找的到。做题是为了看解释,明白自己为什么是错的。 数学JJ看了至少有5遍,把答案都记下来了。作文JJ也看了4-5遍。可惜考到的都是JJ上没有完整的题。
GWD 最后两个星期作的4-5篇吧,后面没时间做,觉得pace挺不错的, 就没做了。 14-错8个 15-错9个 17-错9个 18 -错9个 19 -错7个 (都包括作文错题,但是没去对作文分析(觉得很多答案是错的),只对SC 和 CR分析了。) Prep1 - 660 (after Manhattan GMAT) - a month and half before the test Q49V33 Prep1 (2) - 720 (a week after 660) Q49V40 - not reliable because so many questions are repeats Prep 2 - Two weeks before the test (760) - saw some familiar questions Q49V44 Prep 2 (2) - 3 days before the test (770) - not reliable because most questions I've already seen before. Q50v45
Also, I took a free Manhattan GMAT test after getting a 760 on Prep2- Q40 V42 -680 崩溃掉了。。但是知道CD上会后数学JJ,Verbal 总算上40就行了。
我对我妈说,从来没有这么努力为考试而学习。但是自己有大梦,这是必须的。就是有感觉一点欣慰。这么多小时的苦功总算是有报酬地。 还有一点就是,各位童鞋,学习GMAT不要迷失道题库中-主要是分析。我前两次考(没有发现CD时)觉得多做题分数就会升高了 -千万别这么想。
我非常感谢CD. 很多精华资料都在这里。还有时候想放弃,认为自己没有这种能力的时候,看了一下大家的心经和体验,然而鼓励自己继续向前。 |