JJ AI第一题:To the interest of national security, governments should have access to their citizens' library checkout records and Internet activities 真的不知道怎么下手哦。JJ里的思路是什么意思呢?能解释下吗?我就想找两个观点支持好处的。再转折一下就好了。可是两个支持的观点都想不出来啊。 谢谢!
World War II helped to increase United States exports, as did reduced trade barriers. During the war, countries turned to the United States for supplies and the United States was increasingly perceived as an industrial power and a source of high-quality goods. In the postwar years, the United States emerged as the most powerful international trade leader, while the European and Japanese manufacturing sectors concentrated on rebuilding. From the 1940s to the 1960s, the U.S. trade surplus, the value of exports out of the country less the value of imports into the country, increased at a rate of 20 percent annually. U.S. exports continued to increase throughout the 1970s, growing from about $43 billion in 1970 to nearly $225 billion by 1980.