Q13: With a record number of new companies starting up in Derderia, and with previously established companies adding many new jobs, a record number of new jobs were created last year in the Derderian economy. This year, previously established companies will not be adding as many new jobs overall as such companies added last year. Therefore, unless a record number of companies start up this year, Derderia will not break its record for new jobs created. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
A. In a given year, new companies starting up create more new jobs on average than do previously established companies. B. The number of people seeking employment is no larger this year than it was last year. C. This year, the new companies starting up will not provide substantially more jobs per company than did new companies last year. D. Previously established companies in Derderia will be less profitable this year than such companies were last year. E. The number of jobs created in the Derderian economy last year was substantially larger than the number of jobs lost. 这道题我也选C,但理解与LAWYER和加菲猫的不一样。我觉得最重要的是理清题目的中述概念的范围问题。 题干:去年新增new company starting up,加上previously established company,所以新增许多就业机会。今年preveiously established company 创造就业机会比such companys(即指previously established company 自己)去年创造的少,所以结论:今年除非又有新的a record number of companies start up出现,否则就业机会总数不会超过去年。assumption就是:去年新增new company starting up今年创造的就业机会不变或更少。所以选C。 值得注意的是,C中的第一个出现的new company starting up与第二个出现的new company都是指去年新建的公司,即题干第一句话的那个新建公司,是自我比较,不是指题干最后出现的a record number of new company starting up,题干最后出现的仅指今年新公司。 简而言之:去年就业机会=previously established company + new company starting up(新1), 今年就业机会中previously established company 少了,只有新1不变或更少,才需要新增今年新公司(新2)才能打破去年记录。选项C中的两个new company 均指新1. 真罗嗦,供大家参考。 |