以下是引用dl7801在2003-6-19 21:56:00的发言: " E if we make the choice nagative. That is 别的原因让他也说梦话, we can still hold the conclusion..."
If we make the choice negative, that is 他从来都说梦话, 除非别人欠他钱(别人欠钱,他就不说梦话了), we loose the conclusion totally, rather than "we can still hold the conclusion..." 。
“F Actually, I think F is a sufficient condition...according the premises in passage and F, we can safely draw the conclusion..However, F is not a required condition......"
If we get the information that "至尊宝himself is one of the 很少梦话的人", I can agree with your opinion that "F is a sufficient condition" . But which sentence implies such information? If 至尊宝 is not 很少梦话的人, chioce F will be unsufficient.
"I strongly support what braveMBA has said...We should discuss more classic questions from ETS, understanding what the trick is and what the error is in the question..."
I agree with what you said here, except that of the chioce C. Could you give me your reasoning how the Chioce C establishes a connection between " 至尊宝说梦话" and " 紫霞一定欠他钱". According to your point, "至尊宝不是因为更喜欢紫霞,才在梦中叫她更多遍." must be necessary, in other words that must be a required condition, to the 菩提老祖's reasoning. why? 至尊宝不是因为更喜欢紫霞,, but he possibly 更恨紫霞, 才在梦中叫她更多遍or some reasons else; why 至尊宝不是因为更喜欢紫霞 is required? and how can 菩提老祖 need such assumption 至尊宝不是因为更喜欢紫霞,才在梦中叫她更多遍 to get the conlusion 紫霞一定欠他钱? How can chioce C make the connection between "至尊宝梦中叫紫霞" and "紫霞一定欠他钱"? This is the typical ETS"s trick between " supporting" and " assumption" .
welcome to dispute my views.
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