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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【2-19】

发表于 2012-1-17 21:38:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
6. Historian:  Leibniz, the seventeenth-century
philosopher, published his version of calculus
before Newton did. But then Newton revealed
his private notebooks, which showed he had
been using these ideas for at least a decade
before Leibniz’s publication. Newton also
claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to
Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz’s
publication. Yet close examination of the letter
shows that Newton’s few cryptic remarks did
not reveal anything important about calculus.
Thus, Leibniz and Newton each independently
discovered calculus.
Which one of the following is an assumption
required by the historian’s argument?
(A) Leibniz did not tell anyone about calculus
prior to publishing his version of it.
(B) No third person independently discovered
calculus prior to Newton and Leibniz.
(C) Newton believed that Leibniz was able to learn
something important about calculus from his
letter to him.
(D) Neither Newton nor Leibniz knew that the other
had developed a version of calculus prior to
Leibniz’s publication.
(E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial
details about calculus from some third

85.    (23981-!-item-!-188;#058&000656)

Fearing that the use of titles indicating position in the corporation tends to make the corporate hierarchy rigid by inhibiting communication, some corporations shun the use of executive titles.  A title, however, can facilitate an executive's dealings with external businesses since it encourages outsiders to treat the executive with respect.  The obvious compromise is for these executives to use their titles externally but not within their corporations.  
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the compromise suggested above?
A. Only small corporations can preserve an atmosphere of mutual respect and high regard without having a rigid corporate hierarchy.
B. Referring to an executive by using a title can encourage both those outside the organization and inside the organization to treat the executive with respect.
C. Even if it is widely known within a corporation that the corporation's executives use executive titles outside their organizations, this knowledge does not by itself inhibit communication within the corporation.
D. A rigid corporate hierarchy can promote efficiency within an organization as well as provide access to the corporation for those outside the organization.
E. Although many corporate executives disapprove of rigid hierarchies on the grounds that they inhibit communication, the vast majority of executives have no qualms about using titles both internally and externally.

86.    (24835-!-item-!-188;#058&001244)

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about the financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.  Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.  Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because __________.
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living

87.    (31284-!-item-!-188;#058&005747)

Two years ago, the government of Runagia increased by 20 percent the government-provided pensions paid to Runagians over 65.  The aim of the increase was to stimulate the economy in the rural regions of the country, where most pension recipients live.  Statistics, however, show that there has been no increase in economic activity in those regions since then, but that there has been noticeably more spending in the urban areas.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the increase resulted in the unintended state of affairs described?
A. Until the pensions were increased, many Runagians over 65 in rural regions had been receiving support from their children who live in urban areas.
B. The pensions were increased when the number of people below the poverty level in rural areas of Runagia reached an all-time high.
C. City-dwellers in Runagia rarely travel to rural regions of the country.
D. The Runagian postal system is so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks for pension checks to reach recipients in rural areas.
E. On average, the pensions were higher in rural than in urban areas before the increase.

88.    (24173-!-item-!-188;#058&000719)

When a new restaurant, Martin's Cafe, opened in Riverville last year, many people predicted that business at the Wildflower Inn, Riverville's only other restaurant, would suffer from the competition.  Surprisingly, however, in the year since Martin's Cafe opened, the average number of meals per night served at the Wildflower Inn has increased significantly.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase?
A. Unlike the Wildflower Inn, Martin's Cafe serves considerably more meals on weekends than it does on weekdays.
B. Most of the customers of Martin's Cafe had never dined in Riverville before this restaurant opened, and on most days Martin's Cafe attracts more customers than it can seat.
C. The profit per meal is higher, on average, for meals served at Martin's Cafe than for those served at the Wildflower Inn.
D. The Wildflower Inn is not open on Sundays, and therefore Riverville residents who choose to dine out on that day must either eat at Martin's Cafe or go to neighboring towns to eat.
E. A significant proportion of the staff at Martin's Cafe are people who formerly worked at the Wildflower Inn and were hired away by the owner of Martin's Cafe.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-17 21:40:53 | 只看该作者
The conclusion of the argument asserts that Leibniz and Newton each independently discovered calculus,
and in drawing the conclusion the author addresses the possibility Newton may have influenced Leibniz,
and then rejects that possibility. A review of the argument does not reveal any conspicuous flaws, and so
upon encountering the question stem, you should expect to see a Defender answer. As such, do not spend
time trying to prephrase an answer—just make sure you know the facts of the argument.
Answer choice (A): The argument is about the independent discovery of calculus; the author makes no
assumption that Leibniz did not tell anyone else, and indeed the fact that Newton did tell Leibniz is not
accepted by the author as undermining the conclusion.
Answer choice (B): Negate the answer: “A third person independently discovered calculus prior to
Newton and Leibniz.” Would this negated answer attack the argument? No, the author would just assert
that three different parties independently discovered calculus.
Answer choice (C): The author cites Newton’s letter as evidence that Newton felt he had disclosed ideas to
Leibniz prior to Leibniz’s publication date. No assumption is made that Newton felt that what was
disclosed allowed Leibniz to learn something important. If you are uncertain of this answer, negate the
choice to see if it weakens the argument.
Answer choice (D): This is clearly not an assumption of the argument because the author discusses
Newton’s letter to Leibniz prior to Leibniz’s publication date.
Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. The answer can be difficult because it is somewhat similar
to answer choice (B), which many people already eliminated by the time they reached this answer. Answer
(E) is different from answer (B) because it involves learning details from a third source. This is important
because the conclusion references the independent discovery of calculus, and so the author must believe
that neither Newton nor Leibniz learned anything substantial about calculus from other sources.
发表于 2012-1-17 22:18:23 | 只看该作者
B: Leibniz, the seventeenth-century philosopher, published his version of calculus before Newton did. Newton revealed his private notebooks, which showed he had been using these ideas for at least a decade before Leibniz’s publication. Newton also claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz’s publication.
P:close examination of the letter shows that Newton’s few cryptic remarks did not reveal anything important about calculus. 
C: Leibniz and Newton each independently discovered calculus.
what about the notebooks
(A) Leibniz did not tell anyone about calculus prior to publishing his version of it.--irrelevant
(B) No third person independently discovered calculus prior to Newton and Leibniz.--irrelevant
(C) Newton believed that Leibniz was able to learn something important about calculus from his letter to him.--weaken
(D) Neither Newton nor Leibniz knew that the other had developed a version of calculus prior to Leibniz’s publication.--irrelevant
(E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial details about calculus from some third source.--right

B: A title, however, can facilitate an executive's dealings with external businesses since it encourages outsiders to treat the executive with respect.  
P:some corporations shun the use of executive titles. The obvious compromise is for these executives to use their titles externally but not within their corporations.  
C:Fearing that the use of titles indicating position in the corporation tends to make the corporate hierarchy rigid by inhibiting communication
A. Only small corporations can preserve an atmosphere of mutual respect and high regard without having a rigid corporate hierarchy.
B. Referring to an executive by using a title can encourage both those outside the organization and inside the organization to treat the executive with respect.
C. Even if it is widely known within a corporation that the corporation's executives use executive titles outside their organizations, this knowledge does not by itself inhibit communication within the corporation.
D. A rigid corporate hierarchy can promote efficiency within an organization as well as provide access to the corporation for those outside the organization.
E. Although many corporate executives disapprove of rigid hierarchies on the grounds that they inhibit communication, the vast majority of executives have no qualms about using titles both internally and externally.

B:Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.
P: the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.
C: many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income--irrelevant
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check--irrelevant
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation--right
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high--irrelevant
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living--???--right~就是儿女养父母,与政府拿钱一样,生活水平没变
B:Two years ago, the government of Runagia increased by 20 percent the government-provided pensions paid to Runagians over 65.  The aim of the increase was to stimulate the economy in the rural regions of the country, where most pension recipients live.
C:Statistics, however, show that there has been no increase in economic activity in those regions since then, but that there has been noticeably more spending in the urban areas.
A. Until the pensions were increased, many Runagians over 65 in rural regions had been receiving support from their children who live in urban areas.
B. The pensions were increased when the number of people below the poverty level in rural areas of Runagia reached an all-time high.
C. City-dwellers in Runagia rarely travel to rural regions of the country.
D. The Runagian postal system is so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks for pension checks to reach recipients in rural areas.
E. On average, the pensions were higher in rural than in urban areas before the increase.

When a new restaurant, Martin's Cafe, opened in Riverville last year, many people predicted that business at the Wildflower Inn, Riverville's only other restaurant, would suffer from the competition.  Surprisingly, however, in the year since Martin's Cafe opened, the average number of meals per night served at the Wildflower Inn has increased significantly.
A. Unlike the Wildflower Inn, Martin's Cafe serves considerably more meals on weekends than it does on weekdays.
B. Most of the customers of Martin's Cafe had never dined in Riverville before this restaurant opened, and on most days Martin's Cafe attracts more customers than it can seat.
C. The profit per meal is higher, on average, for meals served at Martin's Cafe than for those served at the Wildflower Inn.
D. The Wildflower Inn is not open on Sundays, and therefore Riverville residents who choose to dine out on that day must either eat at Martin's Cafe or go to neighboring towns to eat.
E. A significant proportion of the staff at Martin's Cafe are people who formerly worked at the Wildflower Inn and were hired away by the owner of Martin's Cafe.
发表于 2012-1-17 22:45:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-17 23:11:54 | 只看该作者


supporter: 含糊的意思不能算是抄袭

发表于 2012-1-18 14:02:42 | 只看该作者
Conclusioneibniz and Newton each independentlydiscovered calculus.Answer: E

Which one of the following is an assumptionrequired by the historian’s argument?(A) Leibniz did not tell anyone about calculusprior to publishing his version of it.(B) No third person independently discoveredcalculus prior to Newton and Leibniz.(C) Newton believed that Leibniz was able to learnsomething important about calculus from hisletter to him.(D) Neither Newton nor Leibniz knew that the otherhad developed a version of calculus prior toLeibniz’s publication.(E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucialdetails about calculus from some thirdsource.
发表于 2012-1-18 14:03:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-20 17:35:05 | 只看该作者
P: Leibniz, the seventeenth-century
philosopher, published his version of calculus
before Newton did

P: But then Newton revealed
his private notebooks, which showed he had
been using these ideas for at least a decade
before Leibniz’s publication

P: Newton also
claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to
Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz’s

P: Yet close examination of the letter
shows that Newton’s few cryptic remarks did
not reveal anything important about calculus

C: Thus, Leibniz and Newton each independently
discovered calculus.

Prephase: L published C , N published C, N’s few cryptic remarks did not reveal anything important about calculus----??----L and N independently discovered calculus

Answer: E
发表于 2012-7-10 22:16:01 | 只看该作者
Historian:  Leibniz, the seventeenth-century philosopher, published his version of calculus before Newton did. But then Newton revealed his private notebooks, which showed he had been using these ideas for at least a decade before Leibniz’s publication. Newton also claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz’s publication. Yet close examination of the letter shows that Newton’s few cryptic remarks did not reveal anything important about calculus. Thus, Leibniz and Newton each independently discovered calculus.
Which one of the following is an assumption required by the historian’s argument?
(A) Leibniz did not tell anyone about calculus prior to publishing his version of it.
(B) No third person independently discovered calculus prior to Newton and Leibniz.
(C) Newton believed that Leibniz was able to learn something important about calculus from his letter to him.
(D) Neither Newton nor Leibniz knew that the other had developed a version of calculus prior to Leibniz’s publication.(They did not know is not equal to they did not learn from other.)
(E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial details about calculus from some third source.
背景:Leibniz published his version of calculus before Newton did.
条件:Newton’s note revealed he used that calculus a decade before Leibniz.
结论:They developed calculus individually.
推测:The letter is not about the calculus.
D, emphasize they developed individually, so they did not know each other researching such calculus
The question is emphasizing individual, so it’s important to reduce the possibility that they learned from third source.
The correct answer is E.

背景:The use of titles may affect communication in the corporation.
条件:Outside the corporation, the use of titles may welcome respect from the partners or outsiders.
结论:The title can be used externally.
推测:Non-using title in the corporation may not lead to disrespect of workers

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about the financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.  Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.  Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because __________.
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation(negligible)
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
背景:The government increased 20% the provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.
条件:All the Runagians over 65 receive the pension and the inflation in the intervening period has been negligible.
结论:Things get worse.
推测:how about the prices of living things? Increased or unchanged?
Finally, I understand why I am wrong. The correct answer is E

Two years ago, the government of Runagia increased by 20 percent the government-provided pensions paid to Runagians over 65.  The aim of the increase was to stimulate the economy in the rural regions of the country, where most pension recipients live.  Statistics, however, show that there has been no increase in economic activity in those regions since then, but that there has been noticeably more spending in the urban areas.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the increase resulted in the unintended state of affairs described?
A. Until the pensions were increased, many Runagians over 65 in rural regions had been receiving support from their children who live in urban areas.
B. The pensions were increased when the number of people below the poverty level in rural areas of Runagia reached an all-time high.
C. City-dwellers in Runagia rarely travel to rural regions of the country.
D. The Runagian postal system is so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks for pension checks to reach recipients in rural areas.
E. On average, the pensions were higher in rural than in urban areas before the increase.

背景:Government increased the pension which is paid for Runagians over 65 to stimulate the economy in the rural regions
条件:The Runagians live in rural regions most.
结论:But the spending in the rural did not change but increased in urban regions.
推测:Maybe the old gave money to their child or grandchild.
It’s similar to 179.
Their children supplement the orderly’s living before the pension increased. Once the pension is increased, their children don’t supplement them or supplement a little less.
The correct answer is A

背景:Before the open of the Martin’s Café, Rivervell has only one restaurant, Wildflower.
条件:People predicted that Wildflower would suffer after the open of Martin’s Café.
结论:No suffer but average number of meals per night served has increased.
推测:The target market is different, and also the Martin’s Café closed early than Wildflower.
发表于 2012-7-19 02:51:07 | 只看该作者
1.Which one of the following is an assumption required by the historian’s argument?
(A) irrelevant
(B) irrelevant
(C) irrelevant
(D) irrelevant
(E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial details about calculus from some third source.
2.Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the compromise suggested above?
A. irrelevant
B. irrelevant
C. Even if it is widely known within a corporation that the corporation's executives use executive titles outside their organizations, this knowledge does not by itself inhibit communication within the corporation
D. weaken
E. irrelevant
A. irrelevant
B. irrelevant
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. irrelevant
E. irrelevant
4.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the increase resulted in the unintended state of affairs described?
A. Until the pensions were increased, many Runagians over 65 in rural regions had been receiving support from their children who live in urban areas.
B. irrelevant
C. irrelevant
D. irrelevant
E. irrelevant
5.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase?
A. irrelevant
B. Most of the customers of Martin's Cafe had never dined in Riverville before this restaurant opened, and on most days Martin's Cafe attracts more customers than it can seat.----- 新的客源
C. irrelevant
D. irrelevant
E. irrelevant
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