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- 2011-9-14
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- 1970-1-1
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Totally bombed the test today. Hands froze while doing math and couldn't think at all. Grammar probably killed me again but I usually only miss one question on reading (at home). Weird how I can read pretty well and get those questions correct but my grammar is a mess. Anyways, here are the 4 passages I read on the test. Did my best to remember them:
AA: "Nova High school recently introduced interactive computer learning to 3 subjects. This immediately caused the decline in student drop out rate and increased more college achievements from recent graduates. Therefore, the school should consider using a large proportion of funding to buy more computers for the school, and all other schools in the school district should use interactive computer learning" (this is pretty much word for word)
AI: " ortroyaul of violence in advertisment has been proven to be commerically beneficial to popular entertainment such as television programs, movies, songs, etc. Therefore all individuals in the entertainment industry should continue to use violence in their popular entertainment programs."
Passage one
Supernova Pulsar P1) Pulsar is created after supernova explodes and they aresmall, light, and sends radiation/light. These Pulsars spin rapidly and sendradiation all the way to earth (background information, the lights are observedbillions of light years away on earth and scientists believe these Pulsars areall billion years old). Also, Pulsars will disappear and destroy itself afterbillions of years because it depletes itself. P2) New observation of Pulsar shows a new type of Pulsarcalled milli-Pulsar. These Pulsars actually last over 10-15billion years old.Scientists try to determine why these milli-Pulsar never disappeared like theother Pulsars. This is because these milli-Pulsars exist in a binary system andhave a companion (neutron) star orbiting around it. Also these milli-Pulsarsexist in globular clusters. P3) Researchers believe the binary system and companionneutron star is the explanation for the existence of these milli-Pulsars. Also,milli-Pulsars are formed after the original Pulsar because a non-radiantPulsar, then it absorbs the companion neutron star’s mass and starts to radiateagain. Scientists listed three reasons why these hypotheses aretrue: 1) the neutron star is the observed?? (forgot this). 2) Radiation thattears the neutron star’s mass, this proves why there are no neutron starstowards the end of a milli-Pulsar’s life. 3) forgot… (these three reasons arepretty important make sure you pay attention)
One more question asked about how which of the following is true about the milli-Pulsar. Then another question about how the milli-Pulscar was created. I think one of these two questions was extremely tricky and the answer was located in one of the last sentences in the last paragraph. I think i missed that one.
Passage two:
Beetles and climate change P1/P2) Beetles fossils are used to estimate the climateconditions from millions of years ago. These beetles are good for researchbecause they are not affected by rapid climate change because they adapt todifferent conditions through natural adaptation instead of evolution (theycompare this trait with plants, pay attention it is in a question). Also thesebeetles adapt to a wide range of climates. (They also wrote something about herbivorebeetles not being used, I forgot what its about but when you see the word herbivorepay attention they will ask a question about it).
Passage 3:
Demestie something (I think it was a bug) and something abouthow this bug fleets when it gets sick P1) researchers discovered that this Dem bug tends to fledits current location when it gets sick (they accidentally discovered this whenresearching about why these bugs are territorial) (this first sentence isimportant because they discovered something from doing something else). Theybelieve these bugs leave its current location because it helps to prevent thedisease from spreading.
P2) Researchers set up experiments with 3 groups of thesebugs. 1st group is injected with a virus and these bugs got sick. 2ndgroup of bugs only had their belly sliced open, but were not injected with thevirus. 3rd group is the control group. Then the researchers releasedall 3 groups of bugs and let them fly home
P3) The first group of bugs traveled 4times farther than theother two groups (this shows that they are trying to get away from their nest. The2nd group traveled half the distance of the first group andresearchers found out the 2nd group of bugs, even though they weren’tinjected with a virus after their belly got sliced open, they actually gotinfected with a disease. The control group traveled the least amount of distance P4) This research shows that the bug is indeed territorial(this is important because even though they mentioned that the scientistsdiscovered this by accident, it doesn’t mean the bug ISN’T territorial). Also,the research also shows that these species of bugs left the nests to preventdisease from spreading. LAST SENTENCE: this shows that HUMAN activities thatrestrict and limit wild animal territory can have consequences!! (last sentenceis in one of the questions, basically saying the limited habitat of animals cancause disease to spread)
Passage 4:
Developing Countries and its manufacturing sector P1) A accepted trend: simultaneous increase in servicesector and manufacturing sector (this is background information). Developedcountries have trouble keeping manufacturing sector from declining whileservice sector improve. Developing countries like Sir Lanka, Vietnam? Another one,they can have both service sector and manufacturing sector increasingsimultaneously. P2) Developing countries have primary sector as agriculture.Their governments can keep the simulateous increase in both service sector andmanufacturing sectors (this might be wrong, I am losing memory…) Importantpart: Developing country can reallocate more money to manufacturing sector andstill keep its primary sector stable (because primary sector is big/strongenough to stay stable). Also, developed countries such as the US can’t do that.The manufacturing sector in the US will decline when money gets reallocated toother sectors. Pay attention to paragraph two because 2 out of 3 questions are from there. They will ask you comparsion questions and main idea. Also another question on how developing countries handle their investment in different sectors
Critical Reasoning:
1) 1)Carla: the most museum goers only spent lessthan 10secs looking at the displayed painting. Therefore, museums shouldcomprehensively? Increase the amount of museum displays to keep those audienceswatching longer
Tanla?: Museum shouldn’t do that becausethe museum goers who will stay for longer time are already the ones who actuallywant to understand the painting.
Which of the following describes how Tanlarefutes Carla? (this question was so weird)
2) 2) Old documents for Marco Polo did not document anything about the Great wall of China. Therefore Marco polo did not travel the roadsand reach China. Which of the following assumptions supports this conclusion? (I picked the one that talked about Marco Polo visiting his relatives and alongthe way those people documented his trip.. something like that)
/edit/ 3) Increased Demand for ethanol produced from corn in the United States spiked the corn prices and lowered the soy prices. Therefore Brazil started to plant more soy hoping to offset the price drop. The environmental group does not want the government to do that because they argue it will damage the rain forest. (Which of the following, if true, strengthens the environmental group's argument?)
I think I picked something about farmers are being pushed out of business so they have to expand their land. not sure if thats right.. hrm the more i think the more I believe i messed up on critical reading too.. damn
/edit/ 4) A city has a North bridge and a South Bridge. Since the city needs to do maintanence work on the North Bridge, they decided to temproraryily disable the toll at North bridge to allow traffic through. The toll fee at the North bridge was 25cents. Then the city decides to increase the toll at South bridge by 20cents to offset the difference. Which of the following assumptions if true will support the city's plan? (i picked the one that said it is hard for passengers to change directions and use the North bridge)
5) Some ancient civilization's paintings were found in Europe. Then background information on how this civilization had trading and commercial relationship with the Greeks and Romans. However, it can be inferred that the women in this civiliation enjoyed extra freedom/status because they participated in public events (unlike the greeks and romans). (I think the question was about what proves that to be true, it has to do with the painting)
6) Doctors test the placebo effect on patients. The experiment is on patients and pain killers. A group of nictorin?-addicted patients were given a set of placebo medication for pain killers, and these patients immediately responded by saying that they feel less pain after. Then the doctor injected these patients with nictorin (causing pain) and patients said the pain came back. ( i think this asks for an assumption or explaination, one of the answer choices is that placebo pills did nothing, i wasnt sure which one to choose) |