12.04 【精练】 Premise: citizens established strong bonds of mutual trustà a democratic society Premise: Participation in civic organizations, political parties andother groupsà form such bonds Conclusion: widespread reliance corrosive effect democracy Assumption?—A correct (The author does not assume that anyone would beunable to form a strong bond of trust. That resultis too strong for the author’s conclusion. ) (D The assumption that is needed therefore, is to show that movies andother electronic media somehow lead to a lessening of participation in civic organizations,political parties, and other groups outside the family. ) 【逻辑链】 1. take time to exercise à less sick day fitness programsàabsentee rate decrease weaken—B 2. reject a application if … weaken—B 3. dirt and oilà strings go dead evaluate—E 4. ban importsà protect certain industriesàcost went up, limit the ability for competition inference—A