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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【2-12】

发表于 2011-12-20 20:11:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
3. Columnist: Almost anyone can be an expert, for
there are no official guidelines determining
what an expert must know. Anybody who
manages to convince some people of his or her
qualifications in an area—whatever those may
be—is an expert.
The columnist’s conclusion follows logically if
which one of the following is assumed?
(A) Almost anyone can convince some people of
his or her qualifications in some area.
(B) Some experts convince everyone of their
qualifications in almost every area.
(C) Convincing certain people that one is qualified
in an area requires that one actually be
qualified in that area.
(D) Every expert has convinced some people of his
or her qualifications in some area.
(E) Some people manage to convince almost
everyone of their qualifications in one or
more areas.

Unlike the wholesale price of raw wool, the wholesale price of raw cotton has fallen considerably in the last year.  Thus, although the retail price of cotton clothing at retail clothing stores has not yet fallen, it will inevitably fall.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A) The cost of processing raw cotton for cloth has increased during the last year.
(B) The wholesale price of raw wool is typically higher than that of the same volume of raw cotton.
(C) The operating costs of the average retail clothing store have remained constant during the last year.
(D) Changes in retail prices always lag behind changes in wholesale prices.
(E) The cost of harvesting raw cotton has increased in the last year.

The pharmaceutical industry argues that because new drugs will not be developed unless heavy development costs can be recouped in later sales, the current 20 years of protection provided by patents should be extended in the case of newly developed drugs.  However, in other industries new-product development continues despite high development costs, a fact that indicates that the extension is unnecessary.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the pharmaceutical industry's argument against the challenge made above?
(A) No industries other than the pharmaceutical industry have asked for an extension of the 20-year limit on patent protection.
(B) Clinical trials of new drugs, which occur after the patent is granted and before the new drug can be marketed, often now take as long as 10 years to complete.
(C) There are several industries in which the ratio of research and development costs to revenues is higher than it is in the pharmaceutical industry.
(D) An existing patent for a drug does not legally prevent pharmaceutical companies from bringing to market alternative drugs, provided they are sufficiently dissimilar to the patented drug.
(E) Much recent industrial innovation has occurred in products--example, in the computer and electronics industries--which patent protection is often very ineffective.

The cotton farms of Country Q became so productive that the market could not absorb all that they produced.  Consequently, cotton prices fell.  The government tried to boost cotton prices by offering farmers who took 25 percent of their cotton acreage out of production direct support payments up to a specified maximum per farm.
The government's program, if successful, will not be a net burden on the budget.  Which of the following, if true, is the best basis for an explanation of how this could be so?
(A) Depressed cotton prices meant operating losses for cotton farms, and the government lost revenue from taxes on farm profits.
(B) Cotton production in several countries other than Q declined slightly the year that the support-payment program went into effect in Q.
(C) The first year that the support-payment program was in effect, cotton acreage in Q was 5% below its level in the base year for the program.
(D) The specified maximum per farm meant that for very large cotton farms the support payments were less per acre for those acres that were withdrawn from production than they were for smaller farms.
(E) Farmers who wished to qualify for support payments could not use the cotton acreage that was withdrawn from production to grow any other crop.

Robot satellites relay important communications and identify weather patterns.  Because the satellites can be repaired only in orbit, astronauts are needed to repair them.  Without repairs, the satellites would eventually malfunction.  Therefore, space flights carrying astronauts must continue.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument above?
(A) Satellites falling from orbit because of malfunctions burn up in the atmosphere.
(B) Although satellites are indispensable in the identification of weather patterns, weather forecasters also make some use of computer projections to identify weather patterns.
(C) The government, responding to public pressure, has decided to cut the budget for space flights and put more money into social welfare programs.
(D) Repair of satellites requires heavy equipment, which adds to the amount of fuel needed to lift a spaceship carrying astronauts into orbit.
(E) Technical obsolescence of robot satellites makes repairing them more costly and less practical than sending new, improved satellites into orbit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-20 20:12:27 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2011-12-20 23:30:12 | 只看该作者
这么快第二季也快走过两个系列了,看到qiuhua. wing. 风无衣(名字很cool). zz. ugly(名字也很cool). 熊熊. 南瓜等等朋友加入到第二季的大家庭中真开心。
1. 我们的balapupu三个多月来一直为大家更新练习,现在开始忙申请,所以光荣“退役”了,感谢亲爱的pupu。
大家谁愿意接上pupu的棒发扬小分队精神更新每日练习的 欢迎回复我哈。
2. 勤奋练习的筒子可以加入CR小分队的Q群:191147967,欢迎。

最后,预祝大家圣诞节快乐,期末考的加油,工作的给力,RP up up up~
发表于 2011-12-21 02:20:30 | 只看该作者
这么快第二季也快走过两个系列了,看到qiuhua. wing. 风无衣(名字很cool). zz. ugly(名字也很cool). 熊熊. 南瓜等等朋友加入到第二季的大家庭中真开心。
1. 我们的balapupu三个多月来一直为大家更新练习,现在开始忙申请,所以光荣“退役”了,感谢亲爱的pupu。
大家谁愿意接上pupu的棒发扬小分队精神更新每日练习的 欢迎回复我哈。
2. 勤奋练习的筒子可以加入CR小分队的Q群:191147967,欢迎。

最后,预祝大家圣诞节快乐,期末考的加油,工作的给力,RP up up up~
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/12/20 23:30:12)

发表于 2011-12-21 08:47:47 | 只看该作者
2011/12/21 assumption  29s
There are no guidelines determining what an expert must know. Anybody who convinces some people of his or her qualifications in an area maybe is an expert.
Anyone can be an expert.
Pre: 这里有个gap就是 Anybody who。。这个限制和 anyone can 之间,需要assumption来解释
(A) Almost anyone can convince some people of  The answer.
his or her qualifications in some area.
(B) Some experts convince everyone of their  irrelevant
qualifications in almost every area.
(C) Convincing certain people that one is qualified  和结论无关
in an area requires that one actually be
qualified in that area.
(D) Every expert has convinced some people of his  文中已经提到的意思,不是assumpiton
or her qualifications in some area.
(E) Some people manage to convince almost   some people 和后面 convince almost everyone
everyone of their qualifications in one or       都不是文中讨论的对象
more areas.
发表于 2011-12-22 01:51:33 | 只看该作者

P: As long as people can convince others in their qualification area would be called as experts.
Prephrase: Anyone who can convince another can be an expert.
C: Almost anyone can be an expert.

(A) Almost anyone can convince some people of
his or her qualifications in some area.----------------------Contender!
(B) Some experts convince everyone of their
qualifications in almost every area.-------------------------not convince everyone, the passage does not mention this.
(C) Convincing certain people that one is qualified
in an area requires that one actually be
qualified in that area.------------------------------------------不明白~~~
(D) Every expert has convinced some people of his
or her qualifications in some area.---------------------------Reversed.
(E) Some people manage to convince almost
everyone of their qualifications in one or
more areas.------------------------------------------------------some people can be experts不对

Anyone convinced people in his or her qualified area---> expert.
Almost anyone can be---> expert.
所以说conclusion应该是这两个部分的合成:Almost anyone can convince people in his or her qualified area.

发表于 2011-12-22 17:26:39 | 只看该作者
1/Background: a columnist suggests that anyone can be an expert, for no official guidelines determining what an expert must know.
Premise: once anyone manages to convince some others of his or her qualifications in an area, he or she is an expert.
Prephrase: anyone can be convinced.
A: right answer, consistent with the prephrase
B: irrelevant
C: irrelevant
D: pay attention to the reversal of the conclusion, it is always wrong answer.
E: wrong, the argument emphasizes anyone, not someone.
2/Background: the wholesale price of raw cotton has fallen considerably in the last year.
Premise: although the retail price of cotton clothing at retail clothing stores has not yet fallen, it will fallen inevitably.
Prephrase: the raw cotton price is not the only causative factor which set the retail price of cotton clothes. The rent of retail clothing stores rises considerably.
A: the cost of processing raw cotton increases, it makes the total cost of cotton unchanged.
B: irrelevant, comparison with raw wool
C: it supports the argument
D: it supports the argument
E: irrelevant
3/Background: the pharmaceutical industry argues that because the new drugs will not be developed unless heavy development costs can be recouped in later sales, the current 20 years of protection provided by patents should be extended in the case of newly developed drugs.
Premise: since in other industries new-products development continues despite high development costs, a fact that indicates that the extension is unnecessary.
Prephrase: the other industries’ development costs can be covered by the revenue in sales.
A: it does not attack the challenge.
B: it emphasizes the necessity of the extent of patent
C: it supports the challenge
D: irrelevant
E: it supports the challenge
4/Background: the market cannot absorb the cotton produced, the cotton prices fell.
Premise: the government tried to boost cotton prices by offering farmers who took 25 percent of their cotton acreage out of production direct support payments up to a specified maximum per farm.
Prephrase: if the cotton prices are stable, the government’s revenue is stable.
A: consistent with my prephrase
B: Q is irrelevant
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant
E: irrelevant
5/Background: robot satellites are very important. They can only be repaired by astronauts in orbit. Without repairs, the satellites would eventually malfunction.
Premise: space flights carrying astronauts must continue.
Prephrase: the cost of sending astronauts to repair robot satellites is much higher than the total cost of manufacturing a new satellite and sending it in to orbit.
A: irrelevant
B: irrelevant
C: weak attack
D: irrelevant
E: right, consistent with the prephrase
发表于 2012-1-8 22:03:42 | 只看该作者
P: no official guidelines determining what an expert must know
C:Anybody who manages to convince some people of his or her qualifications in an area—whatever those may be—is an expert.

Prephrase: no guide of what expert should know---??----People who can convince sb. Could be expert


答案 C

发表于 2012-5-2 21:15:25 | 只看该作者
背景:Almost anyone can be an expert
条件:There are no official guidelines determining what an expert must know
结论:Anyone who can convince other of his or her qualification is an expert
推测:If one is an expert, that means someone believe him or her

背景:The wholesale price of raw cotton has fallen considerably in the last year.
条件:The retail price of cotton clothing at retail clothing stores has not yet fallen
结论:It will inevitably fall.

背景:The pharmaceutical industry argues that because new drugs will not be developed unless heavy development costs can be recouped in later, the 20 years of protection provided by patents should be extended.
条件:Other industries new-product development continues despite high development costs.
结论:The extension is unnecessary.
推测:There is something unique in development of drugs.

The cotton farms of Country Q became so productive that the market could not absorb all that they produced.  Consequently, cotton prices fell.  The government tried to boost cotton prices by offering farmers who took 25 percent of their cotton acreage out of production direct support payments up to a specified maximum per farm.
The government's program, if successful, will not be a net burden on the budget.  Which of the following, if true, is the best basis for an explanation of how this could be so?
(A) Depressed cotton prices meant operating losses for cotton farms, and the government lost revenue from taxes on farm profits.
(B) Cotton production in several countries other than Q declined slightly the year that the support-payment program went into effect in Q.
(C) The first year that the support-payment program was in effect, cotton acreage in Q was 5% below its level in the base year for the program.
(D) The specified maximum per farm meant that for very large cotton farms the support payments were less per acre for those acres that were withdrawn from production than they were for smaller farms.
(E) Farmers who wished to qualify for support payments could not use the cotton acreage that was withdrawn from production to grow any other crop.
背景:The cotton farms of Country Q became so productive that the market could not absorb all that they produced.
条件:Cotton price fell so that the government tried to boost cotton prices by offering farmers who took 25% of their cotton acreage out of production.
结论:It will not be a burden on the budget.
推测:25% of the acreage 用来种其他作物可以令到政府赚钱的

背景:Robot satellites repay important communications and identify weather patterns.
条件:Only can be repaired in orbit
结论:The space flights carrying astronauts must continue.
发表于 2012-7-2 20:56:17 | 只看该作者
1 28" premise:  no standard----> anyone can be an expert
                        people who can convince other people of his/her qualification is an expert
         assumption?there is no standard about one's qualification
2 18" premise: the wholesale price of cotton  declines
        conclusion: the sale price of cotton clothes will fall
        weaken? the material price is not the only key factors of sale price of clothes
3 26"  premise1: pha industry need long time to recoup huge investment in new drug----> need prolong the 20 years protection
         premise2: other industries which also need huge investement in research contine invest---> the extension for pha is unnecessary
        support pha extension?
       answer B
4  36" background: farm productive----> cotton price fell
          in order to prevent cotton price fall, goverment ask farmer who takes 25% acrage out of production and gave them direct fee  
           this plan will not a borden on goverment budgit?
5 26" background: wihtout spacecraft------> no astronauts can get there to repaire R satellite----> R satellite will be malfunction
       conclusion: spaceflight must continue
       weaken? E
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