PREMISE:Compared to last year, local law enforcement agencies have responded to 17 percent more calls involving violent crimes, showing that the average citizen of this town is more likely than ever to become a victim of a violent crime. CONCLUSION: Violent crime in this town is a becoming a serious problem.
PREPHRASE: (WEAKEN) there are more people are willing to report the crimes. answer:C
(A) The town’s overall crime rate appears to have risen slightly this year compared to the same period last year.--------support (B) In general, persons under the age of 65 are less likely to be victims of violent crimes than persons over the age of 65.------------irrelevant (C) As a result of the town’s community outreach programs, more people than ever are willing to report violent crimes to the proper authorities.------------correct (D) In response to worries about violent crime, the town has recently opened a community center providing supervised activities for teenagers.------------irrelevant (E) Community officials have shown that a relatively small number of repeat offenders commit the majority of violent crimes in the town.------------“percent” is a different concept from “number”.
【逻辑链】 61. (34849-!-item-!-188;#058&007585)29s background information: At a recent conference on environmental threats to the North Sea, most participating countries favored uniform controls on the quality of effluents, whether or not specific environmental damage could be attributed to a particular source of effluent.
Conclusion: in order to avoid excessively restrictive controls.
Answer:E--------B (A) any uniform controls that are adopted are likely to be implemented without delay (B) any substance to be made subject to controls can actually cause environmental damage (C) the countries favoring uniform controls are those generating the largest quantities of effluents (D) all of any given pollutant that is to be controlled actually reaches the North Sea at present (E) environmental damage already inflicted on the North Sea is reversible 62. (34897-!-item-!-188;#058&007589)25s Premise: because, with it, job applicants who have personalities that are unsuited to the requirements of the job will be eliminated from consideration. CONCLUSION:The interview is an essential part of a successful hiring program
Answer:C 63. (34945-!-item-!-188;#058&007591)41s premise:Companies O and P each have the same number of employees who work the same number of hours per week. According to records maintained by each company, the employees of Company O had fewer job-related accidents last year than did the employees of Company P.
Conclusion: employees of Company O are less likely to have job-related accidents than are employees of Company P.
Prephrase: ( weaken )B 64. (34993-!-item-!-188;#058&007593)27S background information: Adult female rats who have never before encountered rat pups will start to show maternal behaviors after being confined with a pup for about seven days.
Premise : disable the female's sense of smell or remove the scent-producing glands of the pup.
Conclusion:This period can be considerably shortened