精练: weaken 60s
Lobsters will contract gill disease under contaminated water by sewage. The sewage was rerouted to sea. Lobsters probably are not affect gill disease before are eaten。
The action was pointless.
Pre: Lobsters are not affected but contained.
(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage 和推理无关
are equally harmful to lobsters.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in 和推理无关
the open ocean than in industrial harbors.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewage contaminated 和推理无关
water as in unpolluted water.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining 貌似和推理有关,只说表面没有检测不到
the surface of the lobster. Gill 影响不到结论。
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating 答案
lobsters with gill diseases.
逻辑链 2: resolve the paradox 35s
P: Car owners and travel distance has increased by 40% in the two years, yet the number of people who were killed by accident is increased by 300%.
Pre: 一些特殊的原因使得事故率死亡率大大增加
A和D 犹豫了很久,最后选A,但是这题有疑问
3. weaken 46s
Regulations of manufacture’s emission are more restrict and the manufactures have to buy new facilities. The cost will be higher.
The export market will diminish to low levels.
Pre: Some reason to explain the regulation wouldn’t influent the market.
A : 自己这结论改写的不对。
4. resolve the paradox
Two kinds of airplane painting plan, the old one and the new one, have the same weight and thickness but the new one is more expensive.
Pre: The new plan will last long and has low maintain costs.
E 我怎么看那个都不太合适
精练: flaw in reasoning 30s
People with high blood pressure are more likely to be nervous and anxious.
These traits caused people to have high blood pressure.
Pre: The cause that the statement said indeed is the effect.
(A) fails to define the term “hypertensive 文中有定义解释
(B) presupposes that people have permanent 文中没有提
personality traits
(C) simply restates the claim that there is a 原文的论述第一句为第二句的论据
“hypertensive personality” without
providing evidence to support that claim.
(D) takes a correlation between personality traits 正确
and high blood pressure as proof that the
traits cause high blood pressure.
(E) focuses on nervousness and anxiety only, 这个就是无关选项了
ignoring other personality traits that people
with high blood pressure might have
2. weaken 50s
Producers of electric vehicles want to wide acceptance of their products. A producer provide three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles.
Pre: The disadvantage is reveal through doing so.
B 预测错误
3. support 40s
Archaeologists found an ancient camp dated between 1605 and 1755. Because the European traders began active since 1620s,
The camp was no later than 1630s.
Pre: 1. Some other good taken by European traders were also found.
2. No evidence suggested that good from Europe were dated before 1620s.
B, 1 推测
4. weaken both
Automobiles emit significant pollutant after used of five years. City X has established a new automobile manufacture plant. To incentive the economy and reduce contamination, local government plan to crab old cars that are five years old.
Pre: 预测不出,先看答案
E 感觉只是weaken了一点就是 reduce pollution,但是没有weaken economy,但是别的都不合适
Wraps lay eggs to the eggs of other insect. If they lay too much, fresh wraps will die for nutrient and space; if they lay too few, fresh wraps will be killed by the other insects.
D; 排除的,这个需要看看解释
-- by 会员 zz42050524 (2011/12/1 10:20:13)